*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 39h 45m 25s | ||||||
Time Working: | 35h 44m 45s | ||||||
Planned: | 19h 58m 9s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 12h 1m 34s | ||||||
Meetings: | 3h 27m 13s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 0h 57m 5s | ||||||
Communication: | 2h 35m 8s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 0h 57m 9s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 14h 13m 22s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 4m 17s | ||||||
Interruption: | 3h 22m 0s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 10h 47m 5s | ||||||
Other Work: | 1h 33m 14s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Community Life: | 1h 33m 14s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 4h 0m 40s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 9h 56m 21s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 8h 56m 11s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 89.91% | ||||||
Planned: | 55.86% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 60.22% | ||||||
Meetings: | 17.29% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 4.76% | ||||||
Communication: | 12.95% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 4.77% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 39.79% | ||||||
Distraction: | 0.50% | ||||||
Interruption: | 23.67% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 75.83% | ||||||
Other Work: | 4.35% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 0.00% | ||||||
Community Life: | 100.00% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0.00% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 10.09% |
*** Raw Data *** |
05/19/2008 7:57:08 AM,ar,"",0 05/19/2008 7:58:24 AM,ph,"",76 05/19/2008 8:11:12 AM,hc,"backup",768 05/19/2008 8:41:48 AM,em,"",1836 05/19/2008 8:58:01 AM,up,"investigate server troubles",973 05/19/2008 9:22:03 AM,up,"rehearsal",1442 05/19/2008 9:23:35 AM,hc,"open box",92 05/19/2008 10:00:53 AM,up,"printing troubles",2238 05/19/2008 10:02:33 AM,hc,"check backup",100 05/19/2008 12:35:38 PM,up,"explorevid",9185 05/19/2008 12:51:43 PM,em,"",965 05/19/2008 1:05:00 PM,bk,"lunch",797 05/19/2008 1:32:37 PM,iv,"processing a previous conversation",1657 05/19/2008 2:55:00 PM,mt,"introduction to millenials",4943 05/19/2008 4:28:14 PM,cl,"retirement celebration",5594 05/19/2008 5:39:55 PM,up,"explore vid (working - mostly)",4301 05/19/2008 5:42:28 PM,ph,"",153 05/19/2008 5:45:03 PM,up,"irritating attempts to contact people",155 05/19/2008 5:50:00 PM,tk,"heb setups",297 05/19/2008 6:30:00 PM,bk,"supper",2400 05/19/2008 8:49:32 PM,tk,"heb vid",8372 05/20/2008 8:04:30 AM,ar,"",0 05/20/2008 8:18:55 AM,hc,"backup and reboot",865 05/20/2008 8:37:03 AM,tk,"hebrew",1088 05/20/2008 10:41:53 AM,mt,"asst tour",7490 05/20/2008 10:57:42 AM,tk,"hebvid",949 05/20/2008 11:07:11 AM,tk,"hebvid",569 05/20/2008 11:11:49 AM,iv,"workstation arrangements",278 05/20/2008 11:15:11 AM,em,"",202 05/20/2008 11:40:39 AM,iv,"asst",1528 05/20/2008 11:52:47 AM,iv,"another asst",728 05/20/2008 12:05:48 PM,re,"rss",781 05/20/2008 1:20:49 PM,bk,"lunch",4501 05/20/2008 1:24:52 PM,up,"invoices",243 05/20/2008 1:44:29 PM,tk,"heb vid posting (last one!)",1177 05/20/2008 1:50:58 PM,ps,"slate",389 05/20/2008 2:06:27 PM,ph,"concrete drilling",929 05/20/2008 2:08:09 PM,iv,"address book question",102 05/20/2008 2:19:30 PM,iv,"real player question",681 05/20/2008 2:45:16 PM,tk,"drilling arrangements",1546 05/20/2008 3:02:23 PM,hr,"lost password (again)",1027 05/20/2008 5:06:10 PM,tk,"policy writing",7427 05/21/2008 8:08:48 AM,ar,"",0 05/21/2008 8:27:02 AM,hc,"backup",1094 05/21/2008 8:34:29 AM,hc,"backup",447 05/21/2008 8:45:31 AM,up,"windows update troubles",662 05/21/2008 8:56:05 AM,ps,"slate",634 05/21/2008 8:56:21 AM,hc,"backup",16 05/21/2008 9:00:39 AM,em,"",258 05/21/2008 9:55:00 AM,up,"aleph install",3261 05/21/2008 10:13:21 AM,bk,"",1101 05/21/2008 10:18:00 AM,ph,"moodle questions",279 05/21/2008 10:22:13 AM,em,"",253 05/21/2008 10:34:49 AM,em,"",756 05/21/2008 10:44:43 AM,vi,"concrete drilling verfication",594 05/21/2008 11:05:16 AM,re,"rss",1233 05/21/2008 11:10:08 AM,tk,"zotero",292 05/21/2008 11:27:35 AM,iv,"asst",1047 05/21/2008 11:49:02 AM,up,"aleph setup",1287 05/21/2008 12:11:05 PM,up,"ntp",1323 05/21/2008 12:12:24 PM,ph,"",79 05/21/2008 12:19:06 PM,up,"troubleshoot failed office 2k7 updates",402 05/21/2008 1:03:33 PM,bk,"lunch",2667 05/21/2008 1:25:39 PM,tk,"bills and billing",1326 05/21/2008 1:34:05 PM,iv,"asst",506 05/21/2008 1:45:34 PM,up,"shopping",689 05/21/2008 1:51:16 PM,tk,"untangle",342 05/21/2008 2:20:33 PM,tk,"billing issues",1757 05/21/2008 2:43:07 PM,iv,"asst (fiber pull)",1354 05/21/2008 3:47:24 PM,tk,"errands",3857 05/21/2008 3:49:37 PM,em,"",133 05/21/2008 3:55:25 PM,em,"",348 05/21/2008 4:35:07 PM,up,"job description to students",2382 05/21/2008 4:49:48 PM,vi,"asst",881 05/21/2008 4:59:32 PM,tk,"zotero",584 05/21/2008 5:01:40 PM,up,"untangle",128 05/22/2008 8:14:15 AM,ar,"",0 05/22/2008 8:21:28 AM,iv,"computer connection at home questions",433 05/22/2008 8:28:08 AM,ps,"blog",400 05/22/2008 8:33:11 AM,em,"",303 05/22/2008 8:46:53 AM,iv,"asst",822 05/22/2008 9:32:33 AM,tk,"pack up broken equipment for return",2740 05/22/2008 9:38:34 AM,tk,"zotero",361 05/22/2008 10:02:05 AM,re,"rss",1411 05/22/2008 10:06:22 AM,di,"ff3rc1 and portable",257 05/22/2008 10:24:39 AM,iv,"computer questions (more little tiny things)",1097 05/22/2008 10:32:19 AM,iv,"asst",460 05/22/2008 10:36:47 AM,ph,"concrete cutting",268 05/22/2008 11:01:15 AM,tk,"check drilling location",1468 05/22/2008 11:05:31 AM,em,"",256 05/22/2008 12:17:03 PM,tk,"payment form",4292 05/22/2008 12:18:29 PM,em,"",86 05/22/2008 12:19:04 PM,tk,"sow",35 05/22/2008 12:28:51 PM,ph,"course eval",587 05/22/2008 12:52:51 PM,bk,"lunch",1440 05/22/2008 1:14:17 PM,up,"fiber order",1286 05/22/2008 1:46:47 PM,up,"ordering",1950 05/22/2008 2:04:01 PM,hr,"printer toner replacement",1034 05/22/2008 2:06:45 PM,tk,"sow",164 05/22/2008 2:15:06 PM,ip,"dead network",501 05/22/2008 2:16:57 PM,ps,"slate",111 05/22/2008 2:54:22 PM,up,"mysql",2245 05/22/2008 3:23:00 PM,up,"contract",1718 05/22/2008 3:28:13 PM,ip,"gsq troubles",313 05/22/2008 3:31:52 PM,ip,"gsq troubles",219 05/22/2008 3:32:58 PM,ph,"spouse",66 05/22/2008 3:39:55 PM,up,"sow",417 05/22/2008 3:46:29 PM,iv,"autotext and signatures",394 05/22/2008 3:54:26 PM,up,"SoW",477 05/22/2008 4:11:54 PM,tk,"sow",1048 05/22/2008 4:33:13 PM,tk,"zotero demo",1279 05/22/2008 5:11:57 PM,tk,"zotero demo prep",2324 05/22/2008 5:12:44 PM,hc,"backup",47 |