The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 23 September, 2009

5 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:45h 55m 2s
  Time Working:39h 34m 30s
   Planned: 19h 45m 54s
    Projects/Tasks: 11h 26m 8s
    Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
    Reading/Research: 4h 33m 13s
    Communication: 3h 20m 30s
    House cleaning: 0h 26m 3s
   Unplanned: 16h 48m 48s
    Distraction: 0h 10m 13s
    Interruption: 7h 11m 34s
    Projects/Tasks: 9h 27m 1s
   Other Work: 2h 37m 5s
    Non-work Work: 0h 24m 9s
    Community Life: 2h 12m 56s
   Unspecified: 0h 22m 43s
  Personal/Break:6h 20m 32s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 11m 0s
  Average Daily Working Time:7h 54m 54s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:86.19%
   Planned: 49.94%
    Projects/Tasks: 57.86%
    Meetings: 0.00%
    Reading/Research: 23.04%
    Communication: 16.91%
    House cleaning: 2.20%
   Unplanned: 42.48%
    Distraction: 1.01%
    Interruption: 42.78%
    Projects/Tasks: 56.21%
   Other Work: 6.62%
    Non-work Work: 15.37%
    Community Life: 84.63%
   Unspecified: 0.96%


*** Raw Data ***
9/21/2009 7:42:23 AM,ar,"",0
9/21/2009 7:47:32 AM,em,"",309
9/21/2009 7:47:57 AM,ph,"",25
9/21/2009 8:10:08 AM,re,"rss",1331
9/21/2009 8:27:05 AM,ip,"virus trouble on computer",1017
9/21/2009 8:29:30 AM,iv,"",145
9/21/2009 8:39:43 AM,di,"",613
9/21/2009 8:47:06 AM,hr,"rempel",443
9/21/2009 9:19:39 AM,tk,"parts checkin and a little network reconfig",1953
9/21/2009 9:33:37 AM,hr,"trojan",838
9/21/2009 9:38:58 AM,up,"spam check",321
9/21/2009 9:42:46 AM,iv,"",228
9/21/2009 9:44:09 AM,tk,"virus check",83
9/21/2009 9:56:41 AM,iv,"e-mail account troubles",752
9/21/2009 10:28:38 AM,bk,"monday",1917
9/21/2009 10:38:29 AM,hr,"entourage repair",591
9/21/2009 11:08:04 AM,hr,"entourage repair",1775
9/21/2009 11:09:45 AM,hc,"repair note",101
9/21/2009 11:55:32 AM,hr,"admissions account",2747
9/21/2009 12:03:23 PM,re,"rss",471
9/21/2009 12:14:04 PM,hr,"re update",641
9/21/2009 1:05:36 PM,bk,"lunch",3092
9/21/2009 2:00:57 PM,hr,"phone system stupidity",3321
9/21/2009 2:18:23 PM,hr,"printing spambayes and lockouts",1046
9/21/2009 2:24:54 PM,hc,"office rearranging",391
9/21/2009 2:40:28 PM,up,"computer setup",934
9/21/2009 2:47:50 PM,re,"trademad",442
9/21/2009 2:54:28 PM,ip,"computer keyboard issue",398
9/21/2009 3:05:15 PM,re,"mag",647
9/21/2009 3:07:38 PM,iv,"computer troubles (notebook)",143
9/21/2009 3:15:58 PM,re,"rss",500
9/21/2009 3:33:49 PM,hc,"office",1071
9/21/2009 3:36:01 PM,iv,"adobe stuff",132
9/21/2009 4:24:22 PM,re,"rss",2901
9/21/2009 4:56:38 PM,tk,"zotero",1936

9/22/2009 8:02:03 AM,ar,"",0
9/22/2009 8:02:22 AM,em,"",19
9/22/2009 8:21:01 AM,re,"rss",1119
9/22/2009 8:49:09 AM,re,"rss and zotero",1688
9/22/2009 8:53:10 AM,ps,"ffootball",241
9/22/2009 9:05:32 AM,re,"educause",742
9/22/2009 9:15:39 AM,ip,"admiss assistant",607
9/22/2009 9:42:12 AM,tk,"moodle checking",1593
9/22/2009 9:59:08 AM,iv,"play cd",1016
9/22/2009 10:05:53 AM,bk,"d",405
9/22/2009 12:00:34 PM,tk,"tefs prep (zotero)",6881
9/22/2009 12:03:11 PM,ph,"",157
9/22/2009 12:04:36 PM,em,"",85
9/22/2009 12:06:21 PM,bk,"p",105
9/22/2009 12:23:00 PM,em,"",999
9/22/2009 12:27:44 PM,hr,"addr book updating",284
9/22/2009 1:08:50 PM,bk,"lunch",2466
9/22/2009 1:16:02 PM,ps,"tmq",432
9/22/2009 1:31:43 PM,tk,"asst discussion computer setup",941
9/22/2009 2:24:07 PM,hr,"various",3144
9/22/2009 2:36:16 PM,ps,"tmq",729
9/22/2009 3:11:10 PM,em,"",2094
9/22/2009 4:51:27 PM,iv,"audio books question",6017
9/22/2009 4:59:09 PM,tk,"workstation setup",462
9/22/2009 5:02:41 PM,iv,"asst",212

9/23/2009 7:42:34 AM,ar,"",0
9/23/2009 8:05:17 AM,ht,"boot up and respond to e-mail and such",1363
9/23/2009 8:37:08 AM,up,"database backup",1911
9/23/2009 8:40:17 AM,ip,"file conversion",189
9/23/2009 8:56:18 AM,up,"backup fixing",961
9/23/2009 9:03:14 AM,em,"acct creation",416
9/23/2009 9:15:54 AM,up,"toner cartridge",760
9/23/2009 9:17:30 AM,re,"rss",96
9/23/2009 10:25:00 AM,ps,"CARES",4050
9/23/2009 10:45:29 AM,up,"admission inbox changing",1229
9/23/2009 10:53:36 AM,tk,"zotero",487
9/23/2009 11:33:04 AM,tk,"tefs prep",2368
9/23/2009 11:49:03 AM,hr,"new computer and e-mail/moodle access",959
9/23/2009 1:27:42 PM,ps,"phenom",5919
9/23/2009 1:50:55 PM,up,"new computer fixing",1393
9/23/2009 3:26:55 PM,tk,"tefs zotero demo",5760
9/23/2009 4:13:42 PM,tk,"new computer setup",2807
9/23/2009 4:35:34 PM,up,"update itunes",1312
9/23/2009 4:51:20 PM,tk,"itunes u updating",946
9/23/2009 4:56:20 PM,ps,"slate",300
9/23/2009 5:04:10 PM,ps,"rss",470

9/24/2009 7:38:52 AM,ar,"",0
9/24/2009 7:41:54 AM,em,"",182
9/24/2009 7:51:53 AM,em,"and some hc",599
9/24/2009 8:17:37 AM,tk,"phenom moodle site",1544
9/24/2009 8:22:39 AM,iv,"asst",302
9/24/2009 8:30:00 AM,hr,"classroom setup",441
9/24/2009 8:37:46 AM,tk,"moodle setup",466
9/24/2009 8:49:06 AM,re,"rss",680
9/24/2009 8:59:07 AM,re,"rss",601
9/24/2009 9:20:01 AM,re,"rss and some itunes u setting up",1254
9/24/2009 9:25:11 AM,tk,"itunes u stuff",310
9/24/2009 9:45:28 AM,tk,"iTunes U",1217
9/24/2009 9:46:58 AM,iv,"printing issue",90
9/24/2009 10:31:08 AM,iv,"various",2650
9/24/2009 10:34:37 AM,bk,"p",209
9/24/2009 10:36:07 AM,tk,"itunes u",90
9/24/2009 10:58:03 AM,tk,"itunes us",1316
9/24/2009 11:01:15 AM,tk,"itunes u",192
9/24/2009 11:16:40 AM,iv,"email troubles",925
9/24/2009 11:33:21 AM,tk,"itunes u",1001
9/24/2009 11:38:02 AM,iv,"powerpoint",281
9/24/2009 11:47:03 AM,tk,"itunes u",541
9/24/2009 1:09:08 PM,cl,"forum",4925
9/24/2009 1:20:17 PM,em,"",669
9/24/2009 1:27:32 PM,iv,"fmr asst",435
9/24/2009 2:01:24 PM,tk,"itunes u stuff",2032
9/24/2009 2:20:51 PM,re,"trade mag",1167
9/24/2009 2:45:00 PM,nw,"forum prep",1449
9/24/2009 3:15:00 PM,cl,"scholarship break",1800
9/24/2009 3:36:08 PM,tk,"itunes u stuff",1268
9/24/2009 3:47:20 PM,tk,"itunesu",672
9/24/2009 4:16:21 PM,iv,"copyright violations",1741
9/24/2009 4:33:50 PM,re,"rss",1049
9/24/2009 4:34:27 PM,re,"rss",37
9/24/2009 4:40:43 PM,vi,"c-right taskforce questions",376

9/25/2009 7:52:31 AM,ar,"",0
9/25/2009 8:03:52 AM,em,"",681
9/25/2009 8:54:40 AM,up,"short-paid invoice",3048
9/25/2009 9:08:59 AM,re,"rss",859
9/25/2009 9:10:35 AM,iv,"malware",96
9/25/2009 9:24:04 AM,re,"rss",809
9/25/2009 9:37:42 AM,tk,"em",818
9/25/2009 9:49:53 AM,up,"squirrelmail addresses",731
9/25/2009 10:15:33 AM,iv,"dp",1540
9/25/2009 10:35:03 AM,up,"squirrelmail",1170
9/25/2009 10:36:14 AM,iv,"media players",71
9/25/2009 10:47:01 AM,up,"squirrelmail address books ... argh",647
9/25/2009 11:50:57 AM,iv,"various",3836
9/25/2009 11:54:17 AM,tk,"exchange stuff",200
9/25/2009 12:15:08 PM,cl,"chapel",1251
9/25/2009 12:56:45 PM,bk,"lunch",2497
9/25/2009 1:08:04 PM,em,"eitu",679
9/25/2009 1:12:30 PM,up,"squirrelmail",266
9/25/2009 1:22:42 PM,ip,"sales call",612
9/25/2009 1:39:12 PM,up,"itunes reconfiguring",990
9/25/2009 1:54:02 PM,iv,"new instructor",890
9/25/2009 2:12:32 PM,em,"eitu",1110
9/25/2009 2:45:40 PM,hr,"computer at home",1988
9/25/2009 2:52:43 PM,em,"eitu",423
9/25/2009 3:17:25 PM,iv,"network and tech issues",1482
9/25/2009 3:21:01 PM,em,"",216
9/25/2009 3:22:28 PM,ip,"owa",87
9/25/2009 3:32:48 PM,em,"",620
9/25/2009 4:12:19 PM,em,"eitu",2371
9/25/2009 5:07:03 PM,tk,"iTunes U",3284
9/25/2009 5:09:13 PM,hr,"helpdesk",130

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 16 September, 2009

5 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:47h 45m 4s
  Time Working:41h 40m 27s
   Planned: 16h 58m 41s
    Projects/Tasks: 10h 45m 47s
    Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
    Reading/Research: 2h 59m 38s
    Communication: 2h 48m 27s
    House cleaning: 0h 24m 49s
   Unplanned: 24h 41m 46s
    Distraction: 0h 0m 0s
    Interruption: 7h 0m 10s
    Projects/Tasks: 17h 41m 36s
   Other Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Non-work Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Community Life: 0h 0m 0s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:6h 4m 37s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 33m 0s
  Average Daily Working Time:8h 20m 5s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:87.27%
   Planned: 40.74%
    Projects/Tasks: 63.39%
    Meetings: 0.00%
    Reading/Research: 17.63%
    Communication: 16.54%
    House cleaning: 2.44%
   Unplanned: 59.26%
    Distraction: 0.00%
    Interruption: 28.36%
    Projects/Tasks: 71.64%
   Other Work: 0.00%
    Non-work Work: %
    Community Life: %
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
9/14/2009 7:47:24 AM,ar,"",0
9/14/2009 7:54:09 AM,em,"",405
9/14/2009 8:15:24 AM,iv,"asst",1275
9/14/2009 8:48:27 AM,hr,"new comp",1983
9/14/2009 8:51:45 AM,re,"rss",198
9/14/2009 9:28:08 AM,iv,"",2183
9/14/2009 9:50:51 AM,re,"rss",1363
9/14/2009 10:20:00 AM,bk,"monday",1749
9/14/2009 11:26:19 AM,hr,"phones printers and other",3979
9/14/2009 11:29:24 AM,em,"",185
9/14/2009 11:48:29 AM,hr,"computer",1145
9/14/2009 12:07:22 PM,hr,"accts and phones and notebooks",1133
9/14/2009 12:42:50 PM,bk,"lunch",2128
9/14/2009 12:50:54 PM,em,"",484
9/14/2009 12:52:08 PM,hr,"computer fixing",74
9/14/2009 12:58:57 PM,hc,"mail call",409
9/14/2009 1:14:25 PM,ps,"slate",928
9/14/2009 1:42:42 PM,tk,"networwk swittches",1697
9/14/2009 1:48:44 PM,hr,"student computer check",362
9/14/2009 1:58:35 PM,hr,"student computer",591
9/14/2009 3:11:28 PM,hr,"moodle training",4373
9/14/2009 3:41:09 PM,em,"",1781
9/14/2009 3:57:26 PM,iv,"student help",977
9/14/2009 4:30:55 PM,hr,"moodle",2009
9/14/2009 4:36:24 PM,tk,"groups",329
9/14/2009 4:55:36 PM,re,"rss",1152
9/14/2009 4:59:51 PM,tk,"upload moodle users",255

9/15/2009 7:41:59 AM,ar,"",0
9/15/2009 7:57:03 AM,em,"",904
9/15/2009 7:57:35 AM,em,"",32
9/15/2009 8:22:46 AM,hr,"volunteer coordinator",1511
9/15/2009 8:27:16 AM,iv,"check phone messages instructions",270
9/15/2009 9:00:40 AM,re,"rss",2004
9/15/2009 9:26:59 AM,tk,"enrollment scripting",1579
9/15/2009 9:27:48 AM,ph,"check messages",49
9/15/2009 9:46:05 AM,tk,"rosters work",1097
9/15/2009 9:59:51 AM,hr,"ppt template",826
9/15/2009 10:20:15 AM,tk,"enroll moodle",1224
9/15/2009 11:08:43 AM,ip,"vision email issues",2908
9/15/2009 11:22:24 AM,ip,"re anywhere",821
9/15/2009 11:25:14 AM,ip,"moodle",170
9/15/2009 11:28:30 AM,bk,"p",196
9/15/2009 11:41:50 AM,iv,"snow leopard discussion",800
9/15/2009 12:00:05 PM,iv,"student computer",1095
9/15/2009 12:19:43 PM,up,"new computer setup",1178
9/15/2009 12:25:08 PM,up,"student computer cleanup",325
9/15/2009 1:06:51 PM,bk,"lunch",2503
9/15/2009 1:09:28 PM,em,"",157
9/15/2009 1:20:00 PM,ps,"tmq",632
9/15/2009 1:33:03 PM,iv,"online distribution of materials",783
9/15/2009 1:46:18 PM,ps,"tmq",795
9/15/2009 3:11:51 PM,hr,"printer setup (why must kyocera be so difficult?)",5133
9/15/2009 3:17:28 PM,up,"new comp setup",337
9/15/2009 3:54:08 PM,hr,"couple of things",2200
9/15/2009 4:12:50 PM,em,"",1122
9/15/2009 4:32:10 PM,hr,"various",1160
9/15/2009 4:54:58 PM,iv,"bibwork font troubles",1368
9/15/2009 5:06:35 PM,iv,"various",697

9/16/2009 7:30:24 AM,ar,"",0
9/16/2009 7:45:46 AM,re,"rss",922
9/16/2009 7:53:45 AM,em,"",479
9/16/2009 7:56:37 AM,hc,"helpdesk stuff",172
9/16/2009 8:07:36 AM,hc,"printer cartridge",659
9/16/2009 8:24:41 AM,tk,"moodle enroll stuff",1025
9/16/2009 8:27:33 AM,ip,"",172
9/16/2009 8:29:32 AM,up,"experts exchange awarded solution",119
9/16/2009 8:56:42 AM,ip,"moodle",1630
9/16/2009 9:01:26 AM,tk,"course enrollments",284
9/16/2009 9:10:30 AM,tk,"moodle enrollments",544
9/16/2009 9:10:59 AM,hc,"email",29
9/16/2009 10:15:00 AM,ps,"CARES",3841
9/16/2009 10:20:44 AM,hr,"new asst setup",344
9/16/2009 10:26:03 AM,em,"",319
9/16/2009 11:43:07 AM,hr,"computer issues",4624
9/16/2009 11:49:53 AM,em,"",406
9/16/2009 11:58:26 AM,tk,"rosters import",513
9/16/2009 12:48:10 PM,bk,"lunch",2984
9/16/2009 12:53:58 PM,tk,"moodle courses",348
9/16/2009 2:07:54 PM,hr,"various",4436
9/16/2009 2:57:10 PM,up,"notebook delivery",2956
9/16/2009 3:13:50 PM,tk,"class rosters enroll program",1000
9/16/2009 3:26:39 PM,ip,"dead network",769
9/16/2009 4:00:27 PM,tk,"rosters work",2028
9/16/2009 5:50:56 PM,tk,"install fest (with only one taker)",6629

9/17/2009 7:39:19 AM,ar,"",0
9/17/2009 7:48:00 AM,em,"",521
9/17/2009 7:54:44 AM,tk,"network switch",404
9/17/2009 7:55:46 AM,em,"",62
9/17/2009 8:15:46 AM,re,"rss",1200
9/17/2009 8:27:33 AM,hr,"net conx",707
9/17/2009 9:05:15 AM,hr,"sophos",2262
9/17/2009 9:27:47 AM,hr,"moodle question",1352
9/17/2009 9:31:39 AM,em,"",232
9/17/2009 10:19:01 AM,hr,"break",2842
9/17/2009 11:25:17 AM,hr,"various",3976
9/17/2009 11:29:21 AM,hr,"computer setup",244
9/17/2009 12:18:24 PM,hr,"various littlish things",2943
9/17/2009 1:02:16 PM,bk,"lunch",2632
9/17/2009 1:39:25 PM,up,"notebook setup",2229
9/17/2009 1:51:18 PM,hr,"computer fixing",713
9/17/2009 2:24:07 PM,hr,"dry run",1969
9/17/2009 2:30:16 PM,em,"",369
9/17/2009 2:36:44 PM,bk,"d",388
9/17/2009 3:24:26 PM,up,"acct creation",2862
9/17/2009 3:26:22 PM,tk,"exports",116
9/17/2009 3:55:51 PM,tk,"student course enrollments stuff",1769
9/17/2009 3:57:53 PM,ip,"owa",122
9/17/2009 3:58:57 PM,em,"",64
9/17/2009 4:34:24 PM,tk,"rosters import script updating",2127
9/17/2009 4:37:59 PM,bk,"p",215
9/17/2009 4:48:31 PM,ip,"computer crash",632
9/17/2009 5:10:53 PM,tk,"rosters upload perl hash issues",1342

9/18/2009 7:44:00 AM,ar,"d",0
9/18/2009 7:47:40 AM,hc,"computer start up stuff",220
9/18/2009 7:55:01 AM,iv,"wknd plans",441
9/18/2009 8:13:37 AM,re,"rss",1116
9/18/2009 8:36:59 AM,iv,"printer install on mac",1402
9/18/2009 8:57:06 AM,tk,"battery order",1207
9/18/2009 10:05:30 AM,iv,"moodle training",4104
9/18/2009 10:13:06 AM,em,"",456
9/18/2009 10:39:12 AM,tk,"various things",1566
9/18/2009 10:43:56 AM,hr,"password issues (keyboard to blame)",284
9/18/2009 10:48:24 AM,ip,"taskbar not autohiding properly",268
9/18/2009 11:11:25 AM,tk,"course enrollment script tweaking",1381
9/18/2009 11:54:30 AM,tk,"courses enroll scripting (closer ...)",2585
9/18/2009 12:07:15 PM,iv,"printing issue",765
9/18/2009 12:22:07 PM,tk,"course enrollment script (not quite all courses are getting captured properly)",892
9/18/2009 1:05:12 PM,bk,"lunch",2585
9/18/2009 1:13:47 PM,up,"mac drivers for library printer",515
9/18/2009 1:18:42 PM,tk,"course enrollment",295
9/18/2009 1:22:05 PM,ip,"norton software that should have been removed earlier except that I forgot to do it",203
9/18/2009 2:23:32 PM,tk,"course roster upload",3687
9/18/2009 2:35:42 PM,iv,"stop auto numbering",730
9/18/2009 2:37:09 PM,em,"",87
9/18/2009 3:04:52 PM,tk,"course enrollment script complete",1663
9/18/2009 3:38:05 PM,em,"",1993
9/18/2009 3:40:22 PM,tk,"accts",137
9/18/2009 3:57:26 PM,tk,"desktops",1024
9/18/2009 4:07:51 PM,ip,"adobe saving",625
9/18/2009 4:38:36 PM,re,"rss",1845
9/18/2009 4:54:54 PM,re,"rss",978
9/18/2009 4:59:55 PM,ps,"espn",301

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 9 September, 2009

4 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:37h 19m 38s
  Time Working:34h 11m 32s
   Planned: 21h 52m 8s
    Projects/Tasks: 17h 41m 56s
    Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
    Reading/Research: 1h 50m 56s
    Communication: 1h 11m 19s
    House cleaning: 1h 7m 57s
   Unplanned: 11h 5m 16s
    Distraction: 0h 6m 46s
    Interruption: 4h 55m 48s
    Projects/Tasks: 6h 2m 42s
   Other Work: 1h 12m 8s
    Non-work Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Community Life: 1h 12m 8s
   Unspecified: 0h 2m 0s
  Personal/Break:3h 8m 6s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 19m 54s
  Average Daily Working Time:8h 32m 53s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:91.60%
   Planned: 63.96%
    Projects/Tasks: 80.93%
    Meetings: 0.00%
    Reading/Research: 8.45%
    Communication: 5.44%
    House cleaning: 5.18%
   Unplanned: 32.43%
    Distraction: 1.02%
    Interruption: 44.46%
    Projects/Tasks: 54.52%
   Other Work: 3.52%
    Non-work Work: 0.00%
    Community Life: 100.00%
   Unspecified: 0.10%


*** Raw Data ***
9/8/2009 7:43:42 AM,ar,"",0
9/8/2009 7:54:53 AM,em,"",671
9/8/2009 12:10:00 PM,tk,"opening days",15307
9/8/2009 12:47:39 PM,bk,"lunch",2259
9/8/2009 12:54:03 PM,ip,"notebook issues",384
9/8/2009 5:13:11 PM,tk,"orientation stuff",15548

9/9/2009 7:50:00 AM,ar,"",0
9/9/2009 7:57:31 AM,em,"",451
9/9/2009 8:03:35 AM,hr,"",364
9/9/2009 8:10:12 AM,ps,"library book",397
9/9/2009 9:25:10 AM,re,"and some hr",4498
9/9/2009 9:46:11 AM,hr,"install re",1261
9/9/2009 9:55:57 AM,iv,"asst",586
9/9/2009 9:58:35 AM,em,"",158
9/9/2009 10:26:46 AM,em,"",1691
9/9/2009 10:51:45 AM,hr,"sync",1499
9/9/2009 10:52:04 AM,ph,"",19
9/9/2009 11:01:08 AM,em,"and set up new accts",544
9/9/2009 11:38:27 AM,hc,"mail call",2239
9/9/2009 11:46:55 AM,tk,"shopping",508
9/9/2009 11:52:52 AM,up,"shopping",357
9/9/2009 1:05:00 PM,cl,"forum",4328
9/9/2009 1:14:17 PM,hr,"stud asst",557
9/9/2009 1:24:07 PM,iv,"asst orient",590
9/9/2009 1:48:58 PM,tk,"shopping",1491
9/9/2009 2:19:50 PM,hr,"outlook",1852
9/9/2009 3:10:23 PM,tk,"shopping",3033
9/9/2009 3:41:53 PM,tk,"shopping",1890
9/9/2009 5:02:25 PM,tk,"orienation stuff",4832
9/9/2009 5:14:43 PM,up,"wireless issues",738

9/10/2009 8:02:29 AM,ar,"",0
9/10/2009 8:02:36 AM,hc,"reboot",7
9/10/2009 8:10:02 AM,em,"",446
9/10/2009 8:17:41 AM,iv,"asst",459
9/10/2009 8:33:38 AM,re,"rss",957
9/10/2009 8:45:16 AM,hc,"mail call",698
9/10/2009 8:50:28 AM,re,"rss",312
9/10/2009 9:06:08 AM,iv,"asst",940
9/10/2009 9:13:53 AM,bk,"d",465
9/10/2009 10:15:23 AM,iv,"various",3690
9/10/2009 10:18:09 AM,iv,"dvd playback",166
9/10/2009 11:18:56 AM,tk,"aptnet agmt",3647
9/10/2009 11:26:48 AM,ps,"slate",472
9/10/2009 11:28:10 AM,iv,"spam",82
9/10/2009 11:32:39 AM,ps,"slate",269
9/10/2009 11:42:49 AM,tk,"classes for moodle",610
9/10/2009 12:43:49 PM,tk,"wireless notebook",3660
9/10/2009 1:13:52 PM,bk,"lunch",1803
9/10/2009 1:36:45 PM,up,"more memory",1373
9/10/2009 1:47:13 PM,hr,"various",628
9/10/2009 1:57:27 PM,tk,"notebook setup",614
9/10/2009 2:51:27 PM,hr,"setup wireless",3240
9/10/2009 3:11:41 PM,bk,"d",1214
9/10/2009 3:18:43 PM,hr,"lost cable",422
9/10/2009 4:52:47 PM,tk,"moodle enrollments",5644
9/10/2009 5:09:22 PM,tk,"accts",995
9/10/2009 5:18:59 PM,ip,"home user",577

9/11/2009 7:52:51 AM,ar,"",0
9/11/2009 7:54:51 AM,ar,"",120
9/11/2009 8:01:28 AM,ps,"espn",397
9/11/2009 8:02:08 AM,em,"",40
9/11/2009 8:16:57 AM,re,"rss",889
9/11/2009 8:43:53 AM,iv,"asst (network switch setup issues)",1616
9/11/2009 8:48:12 AM,em,"",259
9/11/2009 9:09:41 AM,iv,"asst",1289
9/11/2009 9:33:40 AM,iv,"moodle questions",1439
9/11/2009 10:04:52 AM,tk,"computer setup",1872
9/11/2009 10:23:45 AM,hc,"office",1133
9/11/2009 10:26:48 AM,tk,"computer reinstall",183
9/11/2009 10:35:41 AM,hr,"computer setup",533
9/11/2009 10:37:28 AM,ip,"computer consultation",107
9/11/2009 10:40:56 AM,ip,"moodle images",208
9/11/2009 10:48:34 AM,ps,"538",458
9/11/2009 10:51:24 AM,hr,"computer setup",170
9/11/2009 10:59:00 AM,ip,"moodle",456
9/11/2009 11:14:17 AM,tk,"zimbra stuff",917
9/11/2009 11:16:57 AM,ip,"webex",160
9/11/2009 11:27:48 AM,hr,"student computer",651
9/11/2009 11:32:40 AM,ip,"something or other",292
9/11/2009 11:39:26 AM,di,"misc",406
9/11/2009 11:48:11 AM,iv,"",525
9/11/2009 11:56:57 AM,ps,"espn",526
9/11/2009 12:20:14 PM,up,"setup new computer",1397
9/11/2009 12:24:32 PM,up,"student computer",258
9/11/2009 1:01:46 PM,bk,"lunch",2234
9/11/2009 1:48:13 PM,hr,"comps",2787
9/11/2009 2:32:51 PM,tk,"network setup",2678
9/11/2009 2:46:03 PM,ps,"tea",792
9/11/2009 2:50:50 PM,tk,"network things",287
9/11/2009 4:00:32 PM,iv,"software installation",4182
9/11/2009 5:01:47 PM,hr,"student computer",3675

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 2 September, 2009

9 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:87h 50m 28s
  Time Working:77h 32m 42s
   Planned: 40h 39m 30s
    Projects/Tasks: 23h 58m 0s
    Meetings: 4h 37m 47s
    Reading/Research: 5h 35m 56s
    Communication: 5h 51m 29s
    House cleaning: 0h 36m 18s
   Unplanned: 34h 40m 45s
    Distraction: 0h 0m 0s
    Interruption: 6h 53m 26s
    Projects/Tasks: 27h 47m 19s
   Other Work: 2h 12m 27s
    Non-work Work: 0h 16m 45s
    Community Life: 1h 55m 42s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:10h 17m 46s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 45m 36s
  Average Daily Working Time:8h 36m 58s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:88.28%
   Planned: 52.43%
    Projects/Tasks: 58.95%
    Meetings: 11.39%
    Reading/Research: 13.77%
    Communication: 14.41%
    House cleaning: 1.49%
   Unplanned: 44.72%
    Distraction: 0.00%
    Interruption: 19.87%
    Projects/Tasks: 80.13%
   Other Work: 2.85%
    Non-work Work: 12.65%
    Community Life: 87.35%
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
8/24/2009 7:29:51 AM,ar,"",0
8/24/2009 7:51:09 AM,hc,"boot up",1278
8/24/2009 8:05:00 AM,hr,"",831
8/24/2009 8:13:27 AM,re,"rss",507
8/24/2009 8:28:25 AM,iv,"sync disabling",898
8/24/2009 8:36:09 AM,re,"rss",464
8/24/2009 8:56:31 AM,em,"",1222
8/24/2009 9:30:14 AM,tk,"subnetting exercises",2023
8/24/2009 9:43:46 AM,iv,"student domain subnetting strangeness",812
8/24/2009 9:48:16 AM,iv,"new computer",270
8/24/2009 9:56:09 AM,tk,"network changes",473
8/24/2009 10:08:26 AM,tk,"subnet stuff",737
8/24/2009 10:28:34 AM,cl,"monday",1208
8/24/2009 10:37:51 AM,iv,"moodle",557
8/24/2009 10:54:36 AM,tk,"subnet changing",1005
8/24/2009 11:03:11 AM,tk,"shopping",515
8/24/2009 11:07:35 AM,re,"rss",264
8/24/2009 11:23:22 AM,ip,"printing in library",947
8/24/2009 11:26:20 AM,em,"",178
8/24/2009 11:31:28 AM,tk,"dhcp reconfiguring",308
8/24/2009 11:43:34 AM,re,"rss",726
8/24/2009 11:46:09 AM,hc,"mail",155
8/24/2009 11:56:43 AM,bk,"d",634
8/24/2009 12:45:03 PM,ps,"ss",2900
8/24/2009 1:33:19 PM,bk,"lunch",2896
8/24/2009 1:51:37 PM,em,"",1098
8/24/2009 2:11:45 PM,re,"rss",1208
8/24/2009 3:21:04 PM,em,"",4159
8/24/2009 3:48:08 PM,vi,"new student",1624
8/24/2009 4:20:50 PM,tk,"network subnetting",1962
8/24/2009 4:23:44 PM,ip,"who's responsible for what?",174
8/24/2009 4:37:31 PM,iv,"itunes u stuff",827

8/25/2009 7:26:08 AM,ar,"",0
8/25/2009 7:43:19 AM,tk,"trusts",1031
8/25/2009 7:57:03 AM,ip,"home user",824
8/25/2009 8:12:41 AM,em,"",938
8/25/2009 8:38:11 AM,up,"various requests troubles etc",1530
8/25/2009 8:51:28 AM,up,"variuos",797
8/25/2009 9:18:04 AM,ip,"vendor",1596
8/25/2009 9:26:42 AM,ip,"vendor stuff",518
8/25/2009 9:58:55 AM,hr,"update computer",1933
8/25/2009 10:07:19 AM,tk,"grep windows",504
8/25/2009 10:27:55 AM,tk,"update evals db",1236
8/25/2009 10:35:02 AM,hr,"copy registration code",427
8/25/2009 10:43:06 AM,iv,"cal sync question",484
8/25/2009 11:13:42 AM,tk,"more evals moving",1836
8/25/2009 11:39:31 AM,tk,"evals",1549
8/25/2009 12:17:26 PM,tk,"move evals",2275
8/25/2009 12:34:10 PM,ps,"espn",1004
8/25/2009 1:22:37 PM,bk,"lunch",2907
8/25/2009 1:28:21 PM,re,"rss",344
8/25/2009 1:33:55 PM,up,"computer setup",334
8/25/2009 1:51:13 PM,up,"computer shopping",1038
8/25/2009 1:53:39 PM,up,"computer shopping",146
8/25/2009 1:54:14 PM,up,"set up computer",35
8/25/2009 2:25:00 PM,hr,"phone trouble",1846
8/25/2009 3:31:27 PM,ps,"fam tour",3987
8/25/2009 4:08:27 PM,tk,"prep for network update",2220
8/25/2009 4:30:00 PM,ps,"travel home",1293
8/25/2009 5:00:00 PM,hr,"email remotely",1800
8/25/2009 5:55:59 PM,ps,"supper and break",3359
8/25/2009 8:41:44 PM,tk,"network reconfiguration",9945

8/26/2009 7:25:00 AM,ar,"",0
8/26/2009 7:33:50 AM,tk,"network stuff",530
8/26/2009 8:29:33 AM,tk,"network reconfig checkup",3343
8/26/2009 8:33:13 AM,re,"rss",220
8/26/2009 8:36:03 AM,re,"rss",170
8/26/2009 8:45:04 AM,ip,"projection h",541
8/26/2009 8:50:00 AM,re,"rss",296
8/26/2009 9:16:30 AM,iv,"computer booting",1590
8/26/2009 9:21:19 AM,em,"",289
8/26/2009 9:39:18 AM,re,"rss",1079
8/26/2009 9:41:09 AM,ip,"library laptop issue",111
8/26/2009 9:43:51 AM,up,"notebook installation",162
8/26/2009 10:16:46 AM,tk,"network reconfigure (dhcp to printers)",1975
8/26/2009 10:20:38 AM,tk,"network reconfiguring (little cleanup bits)",232
8/26/2009 10:55:56 AM,up,"setup notebook",2118
8/26/2009 11:49:10 AM,up,"notebook setup",3194
8/26/2009 12:04:45 PM,hr,"check availability of phones",935
8/26/2009 12:44:43 PM,bk,"lunch",2398
8/26/2009 12:45:40 PM,em,"",57
8/26/2009 1:55:05 PM,up,"notebook installation and tweaking",4165
8/26/2009 2:26:04 PM,up,"notebook config (finished for now)",1859
8/26/2009 2:45:52 PM,re,"rss",1188
8/26/2009 3:04:43 PM,tk,"printer adjustment post network reconfiguratin",1131
8/26/2009 4:23:49 PM,hr,"library print release troubles",4746
8/26/2009 4:52:44 PM,tk,"still cleaning up from network reorganization",1735
8/26/2009 4:58:44 PM,tk,"more printer inventory cleanup post network reorg",360
8/26/2009 5:05:49 PM,re,"rss",425

8/28/2009 7:25:09 AM,ar,"",0
8/28/2009 8:48:17 AM,em,"",4988
8/28/2009 9:13:49 AM,re,"rss",1532
8/28/2009 9:24:02 AM,iv,"old computer stuff",613
8/28/2009 9:43:20 AM,re,"rss",1158
8/28/2009 9:46:39 AM,em,"",199
8/28/2009 9:59:17 AM,nw,"IS",758
8/28/2009 10:04:02 AM,iv,"recycling",285
8/28/2009 10:11:42 AM,re,"xobni and spiceworks stuff",460
8/28/2009 10:16:05 AM,bk,"d",263
8/28/2009 11:06:18 AM,tk,"various (accounts, media server, tuition waiver)",3013
8/28/2009 11:33:52 AM,up,"email troubles",1654
8/28/2009 11:40:05 AM,tk,"printer w/mac",373
8/28/2009 11:53:22 AM,up,"mail server issues",797
8/28/2009 11:54:00 AM,em,"",38
8/28/2009 3:58:17 PM,mt,"beginning of year all staff mtg",14657
8/28/2009 4:09:35 PM,em,"",678
8/28/2009 5:02:14 PM,up,"spf issues",3159
8/28/2009 5:06:27 PM,up,"named stuff",253

8/31/2009 7:35:19 AM,ar,"",0
8/31/2009 8:11:15 AM,re,"rss and em",2156
8/31/2009 8:13:45 AM,em,"",150
8/31/2009 9:22:54 AM,up,"check backup things",4149
8/31/2009 9:25:00 AM,iv,"colleague",126
8/31/2009 9:39:30 AM,up,"backpu issues",870
8/31/2009 10:00:00 AM,iv,"inet down, phones down, cut cable somewhere",1230
8/31/2009 10:16:33 AM,cl,"monday",993
8/31/2009 10:24:40 AM,bk,"d",487
8/31/2009 10:42:25 AM,up,"new backup device",1065
8/31/2009 10:46:07 AM,iv,"internet query",222
8/31/2009 11:46:26 AM,up,"backup change",3619
8/31/2009 11:54:52 AM,hc,"mailcall",506
8/31/2009 11:57:16 AM,iv,"various",144
8/31/2009 12:04:10 PM,up,"more backup stuff (sudden switch due to DNS issues)",414
8/31/2009 12:16:35 PM,up,"more backup stuff",745
8/31/2009 12:54:55 PM,bk,"lunch",2300
8/31/2009 1:40:41 PM,up,"new backup device",2746
8/31/2009 1:57:40 PM,iv,"power supply",1019
8/31/2009 2:41:22 PM,hr,"printing and zotero",2622
8/31/2009 2:42:11 PM,em,"",49
8/31/2009 4:01:12 PM,cl,"retirement break",4741
8/31/2009 4:03:07 PM,up,"new backup dealie",115
8/31/2009 4:29:31 PM,ph,"more phone stuff",1584
8/31/2009 5:08:10 PM,up,"backup server stuff",2319
8/31/2009 5:09:31 PM,up,"backup stuff",81

9/1/2009 7:50:00 AM,ar,"",0
9/1/2009 8:09:55 AM,up,"printer and inet and phone status check",1195
9/1/2009 8:37:54 AM,re,"rss",1679
9/1/2009 8:52:08 AM,re,"rss",854
9/1/2009 8:56:36 AM,iv,"network connection issue",268
9/1/2009 9:25:33 AM,tk,"network subnet switch fixing checking etc",1737
9/1/2009 9:39:23 AM,up,"mail sending (relaying issue ... resolved)",830
9/1/2009 9:43:35 AM,re,"rss",252
9/1/2009 10:03:41 AM,tk,"check phone status",1206
9/1/2009 10:07:48 AM,nw,"prep for mtg",247
9/1/2009 10:41:18 AM,mt,"dist ed stuff",2010
9/1/2009 11:25:00 AM,ps,"hively",2622
9/1/2009 11:32:40 AM,iv,"notebook issues",460
9/1/2009 11:36:22 AM,em,"",222
9/1/2009 11:48:33 AM,iv,"conference calling",731
9/1/2009 12:14:43 PM,up,"shopping",1570
9/1/2009 12:42:24 PM,bk,"lunch",1661
9/1/2009 1:02:41 PM,up,"computer setup",1217
9/1/2009 1:18:42 PM,em,"",961
9/1/2009 1:29:51 PM,up,"more phone stuff",669
9/1/2009 2:15:17 PM,tk,"errands",2726
9/1/2009 2:20:41 PM,ps,"hively",324
9/1/2009 3:02:39 PM,up,"computer setup",2518
9/1/2009 3:07:11 PM,up,"notebook trouble",272
9/1/2009 3:11:41 PM,tk,"backup stuff",270
9/1/2009 3:33:07 PM,up,"set up new media storage server",1286
9/1/2009 3:36:42 PM,up,"trust relationships",215
9/1/2009 3:43:41 PM,tk,"permissions stuff",419
9/1/2009 4:10:58 PM,up,"trust relationship stuff",1637

9/2/2009 7:51:13 AM,ar,"",0
9/2/2009 8:23:52 AM,em,"",1959
9/2/2009 8:57:45 AM,re,"rss and some boot up tasks",2033
9/2/2009 9:25:52 AM,re,"rss",1687
9/2/2009 9:26:20 AM,up,"domain membership troubleshooting",28
9/2/2009 9:43:05 AM,up,"interdomain trust repair",1005
9/2/2009 9:51:56 AM,re,"monitor mount shopping",531
9/2/2009 9:55:49 AM,up,"interdomain trust",233
9/2/2009 10:11:28 AM,tk,"backup stuff",939
9/2/2009 11:38:22 AM,hr,"moodle orienation",5214
9/2/2009 11:43:24 AM,em,"",302
9/2/2009 11:45:23 AM,bk,"p",119
9/2/2009 12:04:28 PM,up,"mount new bkp equip",1145
9/2/2009 12:06:55 PM,re,"rss",147
9/2/2009 12:12:19 PM,ip,"new student",324
9/2/2009 12:15:29 PM,ps,"ph",190
9/2/2009 12:32:33 PM,hr,"sync issues",1024
9/2/2009 1:05:24 PM,bk,"lunch",1971
9/2/2009 1:16:55 PM,up,"user tasks",691
9/2/2009 1:32:39 PM,tk,"printer setup",944
9/2/2009 1:38:06 PM,up,"backup stuff",327
9/2/2009 1:41:21 PM,ip,"acct lockout",195
9/2/2009 2:02:13 PM,tk,"new backup thing",1252
9/2/2009 2:04:02 PM,tk,"backup stuff",109
9/2/2009 2:06:20 PM,tk,"more backup hanging ... done, i think",138
9/2/2009 2:21:37 PM,ip,"lost files",917
9/2/2009 2:32:09 PM,tk,"backup and media",632
9/2/2009 3:15:03 PM,tk,"silly backup stuff ... lacie is a real pain",2574
9/2/2009 3:56:08 PM,tk,"stupid backup stuff",2465
9/2/2009 4:32:46 PM,hr,"new workstation",2198
9/2/2009 4:45:33 PM,tk,"more backup crap and some rss",767
9/2/2009 4:48:50 PM,tk,"trust relship status",197
9/2/2009 4:55:29 PM,ps,"espn",399

9/3/2009 7:49:51 AM,ar,"",0
9/3/2009 9:12:28 AM,tk,"update re db (still going ...)",4957
9/3/2009 9:37:24 AM,tk,"more db updating",1496
9/3/2009 9:56:11 AM,tk,"still more sql stuff",1127
9/3/2009 9:58:23 AM,bk,"p",132
9/3/2009 12:12:29 PM,tk,"re migration work (long time a-coming)",8046
9/3/2009 12:54:45 PM,bk,"lunch",2536
9/3/2009 1:26:00 PM,tk,"more re stuff",1875
9/3/2009 1:35:43 PM,ip,"",583
9/3/2009 1:53:13 PM,up,"fax and re and a bunch of other quickly becoming irritating things",1050
9/3/2009 3:02:05 PM,tk,"bb updating",4132
9/3/2009 3:03:43 PM,em,"",98
9/3/2009 3:24:03 PM,iv,"holy cow\",1220
9/3/2009 5:18:53 PM,tk,"various cleanup type things and some email and who knows what all else --- crazy day",6890

9/4/2009 7:35:59 AM,ar,"",0
9/4/2009 7:48:14 AM,re,"rss and em",735
9/4/2009 8:06:05 AM,tk,"re update",1071
9/4/2009 8:50:29 AM,up,"phone setup",2664
9/4/2009 9:03:10 AM,ip,"bbsis troubles",761
9/4/2009 9:24:51 AM,up,"re update and telephone stuff",1301
9/4/2009 9:28:59 AM,ip,"moodle",248
9/4/2009 9:47:09 AM,hr,"moodle stuff",1090
9/4/2009 9:51:33 AM,hr,"moodle",264
9/4/2009 10:05:00 AM,hr,"bbsis troubles",807
9/4/2009 10:15:00 AM,bk,"",600
9/4/2009 10:21:41 AM,up,"re updating issues",401
9/4/2009 10:40:40 AM,hr,"reset password",1139
9/4/2009 11:06:54 AM,ip,"moodle login",1574
9/4/2009 11:09:10 AM,up,"instructions",136
9/4/2009 11:24:53 AM,ip,"aiyee!",943
9/4/2009 11:37:27 AM,hr,"new user setup",754
9/4/2009 12:14:14 PM,up,"reweb stuff -- holy cow",2207
9/4/2009 12:17:24 PM,em,"",190
9/4/2009 12:19:10 PM,em,"",106
9/4/2009 12:53:54 PM,bk,"lunch",2084
9/4/2009 1:08:37 PM,up,"more re updating stuff",883
9/4/2009 1:33:31 PM,up,"domain stuff",1494
9/4/2009 3:03:25 PM,up,"balckbaud stuff",5394
9/4/2009 3:06:51 PM,up,"various",206
9/4/2009 3:53:25 PM,ip,"holy cow! 40 calls?",2794
9/4/2009 3:54:06 PM,re,"rss",41
9/4/2009 5:06:41 PM,up,"troubleshooting active directory stuff",4355
9/4/2009 5:08:37 PM,up,"archiving things",116
9/4/2009 5:12:36 PM,hc,"cleanup to head home",239

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Work Summary for 2009

17 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:160h 16m 19s
  Time Working:142h 43m 51s
   Planned: 66h 36m 35s
    Projects/Tasks: 33h 9m 8s
    Meetings: 4h 4m 17s
    Reading/Research: 14h 13m 47s
    Communication: 12h 11m 32s
    House cleaning: 2h 57m 51s
   Unplanned: 72h 13m 7s
    Distraction: 0h 9m 6s
    Interruption: 13h 4m 3s
    Projects/Tasks: 58h 59m 58s
   Other Work: 3h 47m 31s
    Non-work Work: 1h 22m 58s
    Community Life: 2h 24m 33s
   Unspecified: 0h 6m 38s
  Personal/Break:17h 32m 28s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 25m 39s
  Average Daily Working Time:8h 23m 45s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:89.06%
   Planned: 46.67%
    Projects/Tasks: 49.77%
    Meetings: 6.11%
    Reading/Research: 21.36%
    Communication: 18.30%
    House cleaning: 4.45%
   Unplanned: 50.60%
    Distraction: 0.21%
    Interruption: 18.09%
    Projects/Tasks: 81.70%
   Other Work: 2.66%
    Non-work Work: 36.47%
    Community Life: 63.53%
   Unspecified: 0.08%

Work Summary for August, 2009

102 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:961h 37m 54s
  Time Working:856h 23m 6s
   Planned: 399h 39m 30s
    Projects/Tasks: 198h 54m 48s
    Meetings: 24h 25m 42s
    Reading/Research: 85h 22m 42s
    Communication: 73h 9m 12s
    House cleaning: 17h 47m 6s
   Unplanned: 433h 18m 42s
    Distraction: 0h 54m 36s
    Interruption: 78h 24m 18s
    Projects/Tasks: 353h 59m 48s
   Other Work: 22h 45m 6s
    Non-work Work: 8h 17m 48s
    Community Life: 14h 27m 18s
   Unspecified: 0h 39m 48s
  Personal/Break:105h 14m 48s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 25m 39s
  Average Daily Working Time:8h 23m 45s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:89.06%
   Planned: 46.67%
    Projects/Tasks: 49.77%
    Meetings: 6.11%
    Reading/Research: 21.36%
    Communication: 18.30%
    House cleaning: 4.45%
   Unplanned: 50.60%
    Distraction: 0.21%
    Interruption: 18.09%
    Projects/Tasks: 81.70%
   Other Work: 2.66%
    Non-work Work: 36.47%
    Community Life: 63.53%
   Unspecified: 0.08%