The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Weekly Work Summary for the week ending Friday, 2007 December 24

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.



*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:45h 48m 46s
  Time Working:38h 13m 12s
   Communication: 3h 40m 34s
   Meetings: 1h 25m 10s
   Research: 3h 49m 16s
   Interruptions: 4h 24m 57s
    Phone: 2h 6m 57s
    Visit: 2h 18m 0s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 24h 53m 15s
    Tasks/Projects: 22h 41m 39s
    House cleaning: 2h 11m 36s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:5h 44m 50s
  Personal:1h 50m 44s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 9m 45s
  Averagy Daily Working Time:7h 38m 38s
*** Raw Data ***
12/17/2007 8:22:35 AM,ar,"",0
12/17/2007 8:28:11 AM,tk,"check server stati",336
12/17/2007 8:39:52 AM,vi,"check server migration effects",701
12/17/2007 9:12:01 AM,hc,"email",1929
12/17/2007 9:15:29 AM,vi,"check moving status",208
12/17/2007 9:23:13 AM,vi,"check desk dimensions",464
12/17/2007 9:50:23 AM,em,"facstaffstudents server migration stuff",1630
12/17/2007 9:54:09 AM,iv,"asst",226
12/17/2007 9:59:15 AM,ip,"auto work",306
12/17/2007 10:00:15 AM,iv,"asst",60
12/17/2007 10:20:00 AM,bk,"monday",1185
12/17/2007 10:24:05 AM,iv,"consultation",245
12/17/2007 10:27:58 AM,em,"server migration report",233
12/17/2007 12:03:08 PM,tk,"moving stuff",5710
12/17/2007 12:12:39 PM,tk,"moving",571
12/17/2007 12:13:03 PM,hc,"email",24
12/17/2007 12:54:07 PM,bk,"lunch",2464
12/17/2007 1:04:05 PM,tk,"moving CLC",598
12/17/2007 1:10:09 PM,hc,"email",364
12/17/2007 1:38:15 PM,re,"rss",1686
12/17/2007 1:39:29 PM,iv,"printer question",74
12/17/2007 1:46:55 PM,re,"rss",446
12/17/2007 1:58:29 PM,tk,"burn s",694
12/17/2007 2:13:28 PM,vi,"various",899
12/17/2007 2:18:14 PM,ph,"spouse",286
12/17/2007 4:26:32 PM,tk,"thought I'd work on self-study ... didn't",7698
12/17/2007 4:29:34 PM,hc,"email",182
12/17/2007 4:39:55 PM,hc,"email",621
12/17/2007 4:48:24 PM,tk,"check stats",509

12/18/2007 7:50:39 AM,ar,"",0
12/18/2007 7:52:06 AM,hc,"phone",87
12/18/2007 10:03:07 AM,tk,"vmware",7861
12/18/2007 10:17:14 AM,tk,"printer fixing",847
12/18/2007 10:57:43 AM,em,"job description",2429
12/18/2007 11:22:19 AM,tk,"vmware",1476
12/18/2007 11:33:15 AM,iv,"backup procedures",656
12/18/2007 12:00:29 PM,tk,"vmware",1634
12/18/2007 12:07:00 PM,tk,"wireless not working",391
12/18/2007 1:06:15 PM,bk,"lunch",3555
12/18/2007 1:08:15 PM,hc,"email",120
12/18/2007 1:09:25 PM,hc,"phone",70
12/18/2007 1:22:12 PM,em,"student report",767
12/18/2007 1:43:26 PM,ip,"airport",1274
12/18/2007 1:55:53 PM,vi,"various things that turn into interruptions. That's it! I'm never leaving the office again.",747
12/18/2007 2:16:16 PM,ph,"vmware stats",1223
12/18/2007 2:20:02 PM,ps,"espn",226
12/18/2007 2:36:22 PM,vi,"phones and such",980
12/18/2007 2:48:12 PM,ps,"tmq",710
12/18/2007 3:47:35 PM,tk,"phone setup",3563
12/18/2007 3:54:18 PM,ps,"tmq",403
12/18/2007 4:09:36 PM,em,"fmr asst",918
12/18/2007 4:46:55 PM,tk,"order",2239
12/18/2007 5:24:35 PM,re,"rss",2260
12/18/2007 5:27:54 PM,ip,"cdwg",199
12/18/2007 5:36:44 PM,tk,"make sure backup runs",530
12/18/2007 5:47:45 PM,ps,"fantasyfb",661

12/19/2007 7:41:35 AM,ar,"",0
12/19/2007 7:48:08 AM,tk,"check backup",393
12/19/2007 7:56:50 AM,hc,"bootup tasks",522
12/19/2007 8:10:21 AM,tk,"replace toner",811
12/19/2007 8:22:42 AM,tk,"educause investigation",741
12/19/2007 8:52:01 AM,re,"rss",1759
12/19/2007 8:59:21 AM,re,"online storage and zotero",440
12/19/2007 9:15:55 AM,ip,"shot notebook",994
12/19/2007 9:17:46 AM,re,"xdrive",111
12/19/2007 9:31:00 AM,iv,"asst",794
12/19/2007 9:53:29 AM,re,"online storage",1349
12/19/2007 9:58:12 AM,bk,"d",283
12/19/2007 9:59:49 AM,tk,"check ups status",97
12/19/2007 10:21:50 AM,re,"laserfiche",1321
12/19/2007 10:32:29 AM,re,"doc mgmt",639
12/19/2007 10:37:23 AM,tk,"restore r60 hd",294
12/19/2007 10:42:03 AM,tk,"restore r60",280
12/19/2007 10:47:09 AM,re,"untangle",306
12/19/2007 10:51:30 AM,ip,"carshing computer",261
12/19/2007 11:05:34 AM,re,"untangle",844
12/19/2007 11:46:24 AM,tk,"notebook recovery",2450
12/19/2007 12:18:17 PM,tk,"notebook repair",1913
12/19/2007 1:09:26 PM,bk,"lunch",3069
12/19/2007 1:18:46 PM,tk,"notebook",560
12/19/2007 1:19:45 PM,iv,"dean",59
12/19/2007 1:32:02 PM,tk,"new accts",737
12/19/2007 1:36:48 PM,iv,"more notebooks that don't work",286
12/19/2007 1:40:36 PM,tk,"complete student import",228
12/19/2007 2:00:05 PM,tk,"notebook stuff",1169
12/19/2007 2:09:01 PM,tk,"ee inquiry",536
12/19/2007 2:20:35 PM,tk,"student account printing and such",694
12/19/2007 2:25:52 PM,ip,"satisfaction permissions",317
12/19/2007 2:32:02 PM,tk,"still more notebooks",370
12/19/2007 2:35:36 PM,tk,"test satisfaction",214
12/19/2007 2:52:40 PM,iv,"cd to tape transfer services",1024
12/19/2007 3:37:15 PM,tk,"notebook repair",2675
12/19/2007 5:10:56 PM,tk,"notebook repair (vista ... argh)",5621

12/20/2007 7:43:00 AM,ar,"",0
12/20/2007 7:47:01 AM,hc,"boot up",241
12/20/2007 8:03:52 AM,hc,"email",1011
12/20/2007 8:20:41 AM,re,"rss",1009
12/20/2007 8:35:13 AM,tk,"backup tweaking",872
12/20/2007 8:39:36 AM,vi,"deliver acct info",263
12/20/2007 9:52:49 AM,tk,"account creation script",4393
12/20/2007 10:01:20 AM,ip,"e-mail troubles",511
12/20/2007 11:40:28 AM,tk,"archive e-mail and files",5948
12/20/2007 11:50:52 AM,ps,"wikipedia",624
12/20/2007 12:04:30 PM,ps,"wittgenstein",818
12/20/2007 12:06:52 PM,hc,"email",142
12/20/2007 12:10:38 PM,hc,"email",226
12/20/2007 12:47:39 PM,bk,"lunch",2221
12/20/2007 12:57:15 PM,tk,"new acct script",576
12/20/2007 1:02:15 PM,iv,"colleague",300
12/20/2007 2:27:25 PM,mt,"ped comm",5110
12/20/2007 2:28:13 PM,hc,"email",48
12/20/2007 2:34:45 PM,hc,"phone",392
12/20/2007 2:38:09 PM,ip,"telemarketer",204
12/20/2007 2:45:31 PM,ph,"apple",442
12/20/2007 2:57:58 PM,ph,"itunesu",747
12/20/2007 3:01:12 PM,re,"rss",194
12/20/2007 3:21:42 PM,tk,"account script",1230
12/20/2007 3:29:16 PM,hc,"email",454
12/20/2007 3:49:01 PM,ip,"lost doc",1185
12/20/2007 4:21:33 PM,tk,"deliver s",1952
12/20/2007 4:47:50 PM,iv,"bbsis crashing",1577
12/20/2007 4:57:56 PM,tk,"acct creation script",606
12/20/2007 5:01:34 PM,tk,"new computer",218
12/20/2007 5:18:39 PM,tk,"net computer",1025

12/21/2007 8:34:29 AM,iv,"asst",0
12/21/2007 8:47:35 AM,hc,"email",786
12/21/2007 8:49:11 AM,ip,"evals",96
12/21/2007 8:54:08 AM,em,"kiosk location problem",297
12/21/2007 9:47:30 AM,ps,"cares",3202
12/21/2007 9:51:23 AM,hc,"email",233
12/21/2007 10:21:51 AM,tk,"net computer setup",1828
12/21/2007 10:31:38 AM,ip,"re backup",587
12/21/2007 10:47:58 AM,ip,"e-mail archiving",980
12/21/2007 10:50:58 AM,tk,"computer installation",180
12/21/2007 11:02:57 AM,tk,"computer installation",719
12/21/2007 11:10:03 AM,ip,"folder migration",426
12/21/2007 11:24:10 AM,iv,"class followup",847
12/21/2007 11:28:32 AM,tk,"computer",262
12/21/2007 11:34:12 AM,bk,"lunch prep",340
12/21/2007 11:38:44 AM,tk,"new computer",272
12/21/2007 1:37:07 PM,bk,"lunch",7103
12/21/2007 1:43:19 PM,hc,"email",372
12/21/2007 1:53:29 PM,tk,"new computer",610
12/21/2007 2:48:23 PM,tk,"new computer",3294
12/21/2007 2:49:35 PM,hc,"phone",72
12/21/2007 2:58:48 PM,re,"rss",553
12/21/2007 3:08:53 PM,re,"rss",605
12/21/2007 3:11:00 PM,re,"rss",127
12/21/2007 3:15:37 PM,ip,"leaving employee",277
12/21/2007 3:41:47 PM,iv,"guest",1570
12/21/2007 3:43:34 PM,re,"spiceworks",107
12/21/2007 3:51:24 PM,bk,"p",470
12/21/2007 4:45:58 PM,tk,"acct creation script",3274
12/21/2007 4:55:20 PM,iv,"backup",562

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 21

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:8h 20m 51s
  Time Working:5h 15m 36s
   Communication: 0h 4m 57s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 23m 12s
   Interruptions: 1h 29m 5s
    Phone: 0h 39m 26s
    Visit: 0h 49m 39s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 3h 18m 22s
    Tasks/Projects: 2h 53m 59s
    House cleaning: 0h 24m 23s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:2h 11m 53s
  Personal:0h 53m 22s



*** Raw Data ***
12/21/2007 8:34:29 AM,iv,"asst",0
12/21/2007 8:47:35 AM,hc,"email",786
12/21/2007 8:49:11 AM,ip,"evals",96
12/21/2007 8:54:08 AM,em,"kiosk location problem",297
12/21/2007 9:47:30 AM,ps,"cares",3202
12/21/2007 9:51:23 AM,hc,"email",233
12/21/2007 10:21:51 AM,tk,"net computer setup",1828
12/21/2007 10:31:38 AM,ip,"re backup",587
12/21/2007 10:47:58 AM,ip,"e-mail archiving",980
12/21/2007 10:50:58 AM,tk,"computer installation",180
12/21/2007 11:02:57 AM,tk,"computer installation",719
12/21/2007 11:10:03 AM,ip,"folder migration",426
12/21/2007 11:24:10 AM,iv,"class followup",847
12/21/2007 11:28:32 AM,tk,"computer",262
12/21/2007 11:34:12 AM,bk,"lunch prep",340
12/21/2007 11:38:44 AM,tk,"new computer",272
12/21/2007 1:37:07 PM,bk,"lunch",7103
12/21/2007 1:43:19 PM,hc,"email",372
12/21/2007 1:53:29 PM,tk,"new computer",610
12/21/2007 2:48:23 PM,tk,"new computer",3294
12/21/2007 2:49:35 PM,hc,"phone",72
12/21/2007 2:58:48 PM,re,"rss",553
12/21/2007 3:08:53 PM,re,"rss",605
12/21/2007 3:11:00 PM,re,"rss",127
12/21/2007 3:15:37 PM,ip,"leaving employee",277
12/21/2007 3:41:47 PM,iv,"guest",1570
12/21/2007 3:43:34 PM,re,"spiceworks",107
12/21/2007 3:51:24 PM,bk,"p",470
12/21/2007 4:45:58 PM,tk,"acct creation script",3274
12/21/2007 4:55:20 PM,iv,"backup",562

Friday, December 21, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 20

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 35m 39s
  Time Working:8h 34m 36s
   Communication: 0h 24m 12s
   Meetings: 1h 25m 10s
   Research: 0h 20m 3s
   Interruptions: 1h 2m 57s
    Phone: 0h 31m 40s
    Visit: 0h 31m 17s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 5h 22m 14s
    Tasks/Projects: 4h 40m 20s
    House cleaning: 0h 41m 54s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 37m 1s
  Personal:0h 24m 2s



*** Raw Data ***
12/20/2007 7:43:00 AM,ar,"",0
12/20/2007 7:47:01 AM,hc,"boot up",241
12/20/2007 8:03:52 AM,hc,"email",1011
12/20/2007 8:20:41 AM,re,"rss",1009
12/20/2007 8:35:13 AM,tk,"backup tweaking",872
12/20/2007 8:39:36 AM,vi,"deliver acct info",263
12/20/2007 9:52:49 AM,tk,"account creation script",4393
12/20/2007 10:01:20 AM,ip,"e-mail troubles",511
12/20/2007 11:40:28 AM,tk,"archive e-mail and files",5948
12/20/2007 11:50:52 AM,ps,"wikipedia",624
12/20/2007 12:04:30 PM,ps,"wittgenstein",818
12/20/2007 12:06:52 PM,hc,"email",142
12/20/2007 12:10:38 PM,hc,"email",226
12/20/2007 12:47:39 PM,bk,"lunch",2221
12/20/2007 12:57:15 PM,tk,"new acct script",576
12/20/2007 1:02:15 PM,iv,"colleague",300
12/20/2007 2:27:25 PM,mt,"ped comm",5110
12/20/2007 2:28:13 PM,hc,"email",48
12/20/2007 2:34:45 PM,hc,"phone",392
12/20/2007 2:38:09 PM,ip,"telemarketer",204
12/20/2007 2:45:31 PM,ph,"apple",442
12/20/2007 2:57:58 PM,ph,"itunesu",747
12/20/2007 3:01:12 PM,re,"rss",194
12/20/2007 3:21:42 PM,tk,"account script",1230
12/20/2007 3:29:16 PM,hc,"email",454
12/20/2007 3:49:01 PM,ip,"lost doc",1185
12/20/2007 4:21:33 PM,tk,"deliver s",1952
12/20/2007 4:47:50 PM,iv,"bbsis crashing",1577
12/20/2007 4:57:56 PM,tk,"acct creation script",606
12/20/2007 5:01:34 PM,tk,"new computer",218
12/20/2007 5:18:39 PM,tk,"net computer",1025

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 19

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 29m 21s
  Time Working:8h 33m 29s
   Communication: 0h 0m 0s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 1h 52m 49s
   Interruptions: 1h 2m 15s
    Phone: 0h 26m 12s
    Visit: 0h 36m 3s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 5h 38m 25s
    Tasks/Projects: 5h 29m 43s
    House cleaning: 0h 8m 42s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 55m 52s
  Personal:0h 0m 0s



*** Raw Data ***
12/19/2007 7:41:35 AM,ar,"",0
12/19/2007 7:48:08 AM,tk,"check backup",393
12/19/2007 7:56:50 AM,hc,"bootup tasks",522
12/19/2007 8:10:21 AM,tk,"replace toner",811
12/19/2007 8:22:42 AM,tk,"educause investigation",741
12/19/2007 8:52:01 AM,re,"rss",1759
12/19/2007 8:59:21 AM,re,"online storage and zotero",440
12/19/2007 9:15:55 AM,ip,"shot notebook",994
12/19/2007 9:17:46 AM,re,"xdrive",111
12/19/2007 9:31:00 AM,iv,"asst",794
12/19/2007 9:53:29 AM,re,"online storage",1349
12/19/2007 9:58:12 AM,bk,"d",283
12/19/2007 9:59:49 AM,tk,"check ups status",97
12/19/2007 10:21:50 AM,re,"laserfiche",1321
12/19/2007 10:32:29 AM,re,"doc mgmt",639
12/19/2007 10:37:23 AM,tk,"restore r60 hd",294
12/19/2007 10:42:03 AM,tk,"restore r60",280
12/19/2007 10:47:09 AM,re,"untangle",306
12/19/2007 10:51:30 AM,ip,"carshing computer",261
12/19/2007 11:05:34 AM,re,"untangle",844
12/19/2007 11:46:24 AM,tk,"notebook recovery",2450
12/19/2007 12:18:17 PM,tk,"notebook repair",1913
12/19/2007 1:09:26 PM,bk,"lunch",3069
12/19/2007 1:18:46 PM,tk,"notebook",560
12/19/2007 1:19:45 PM,iv,"dean",59
12/19/2007 1:32:02 PM,tk,"new accts",737
12/19/2007 1:36:48 PM,iv,"more notebooks that don't work",286
12/19/2007 1:40:36 PM,tk,"complete student import",228
12/19/2007 2:00:05 PM,tk,"notebook stuff",1169
12/19/2007 2:09:01 PM,tk,"ee inquiry",536
12/19/2007 2:20:35 PM,tk,"student account printing and such",694
12/19/2007 2:25:52 PM,ip,"satisfaction permissions",317
12/19/2007 2:32:02 PM,tk,"still more notebooks",370
12/19/2007 2:35:36 PM,tk,"test satisfaction",214
12/19/2007 2:52:40 PM,iv,"cd to tape transfer services",1024
12/19/2007 3:37:15 PM,tk,"notebook repair",2675
12/19/2007 5:10:56 PM,tk,"notebook repair (vista ... argh)",5621

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 18

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 57m 6s
  Time Working:8h 24m 31s
   Communication: 1h 57m 44s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 37m 40s
   Interruptions: 0h 35m 29s
    Phone: 0h 24m 33s
    Visit: 0h 10m 56s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 5h 13m 38s
    Tasks/Projects: 5h 9m 1s
    House cleaning: 0h 4m 37s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 59m 15s
  Personal:0h 33m 20s



*** Raw Data ***
12/18/2007 7:50:39 AM,ar,"",0
12/18/2007 7:52:06 AM,hc,"phone",87
12/18/2007 10:03:07 AM,tk,"vmware",7861
12/18/2007 10:17:14 AM,tk,"printer fixing",847
12/18/2007 10:57:43 AM,em,"job description",2429
12/18/2007 11:22:19 AM,tk,"vmware",1476
12/18/2007 11:33:15 AM,iv,"backup procedures",656
12/18/2007 12:00:29 PM,tk,"vmware",1634
12/18/2007 12:07:00 PM,tk,"wireless not working",391
12/18/2007 1:06:15 PM,bk,"lunch",3555
12/18/2007 1:08:15 PM,hc,"email",120
12/18/2007 1:09:25 PM,hc,"phone",70
12/18/2007 1:22:12 PM,em,"student report",767
12/18/2007 1:43:26 PM,ip,"airport",1274
12/18/2007 1:55:53 PM,vi,"various things that turn into interruptions. That's it! I'm never leaving the office again.",747
12/18/2007 2:16:16 PM,ph,"vmware stats",1223
12/18/2007 2:20:02 PM,ps,"espn",226
12/18/2007 2:36:22 PM,vi,"phones and such",980
12/18/2007 2:48:12 PM,ps,"tmq",710
12/18/2007 3:47:35 PM,tk,"phone setup",3563
12/18/2007 3:54:18 PM,ps,"tmq",403
12/18/2007 4:09:36 PM,em,"fmr asst",918
12/18/2007 4:46:55 PM,tk,"order",2239
12/18/2007 5:24:35 PM,re,"rss",2260
12/18/2007 5:27:54 PM,ip,"cdwg",199
12/18/2007 5:36:44 PM,tk,"make sure backup runs",530
12/18/2007 5:47:45 PM,ps,"fantasyfb",661

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 17

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:8h 25m 49s
  Time Working:7h 25m 0s
   Communication: 1h 13m 41s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 35m 32s
   Interruptions: 0h 15m 11s
    Phone: 0h 5m 6s
    Visit: 0h 10m 5s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 5h 20m 36s
    Tasks/Projects: 4h 28m 36s
    House cleaning: 0h 52m 0s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:1h 0m 49s
  Personal:0h 0m 0s



*** Raw Data ***
12/17/2007 8:22:35 AM,ar,"",0
12/17/2007 8:28:11 AM,tk,"check server stati",336
12/17/2007 8:39:52 AM,vi,"check server migration effects",701
12/17/2007 9:12:01 AM,hc,"email",1929
12/17/2007 9:15:29 AM,vi,"check moving status",208
12/17/2007 9:23:13 AM,vi,"check desk dimensions",464
12/17/2007 9:50:23 AM,em,"facstaffstudents server migration stuff",1630
12/17/2007 9:54:09 AM,iv,"asst",226
12/17/2007 9:59:15 AM,ip,"auto work",306
12/17/2007 10:00:15 AM,iv,"asst",60
12/17/2007 10:20:00 AM,bk,"monday",1185
12/17/2007 10:24:05 AM,iv,"consultation",245
12/17/2007 10:27:58 AM,em,"server migration report",233
12/17/2007 12:03:08 PM,tk,"moving stuff",5710
12/17/2007 12:12:39 PM,tk,"moving",571
12/17/2007 12:13:03 PM,hc,"email",24
12/17/2007 12:54:07 PM,bk,"lunch",2464
12/17/2007 1:04:05 PM,tk,"moving CLC",598
12/17/2007 1:10:09 PM,hc,"email",364
12/17/2007 1:38:15 PM,re,"rss",1686
12/17/2007 1:39:29 PM,iv,"printer question",74
12/17/2007 1:46:55 PM,re,"rss",446
12/17/2007 1:58:29 PM,tk,"burn s",694
12/17/2007 2:13:28 PM,vi,"various",899
12/17/2007 2:18:14 PM,ph,"spouse",286
12/17/2007 4:26:32 PM,tk,"thought I'd work on self-study ... didn't",7698
12/17/2007 4:29:34 PM,hc,"email",182
12/17/2007 4:39:55 PM,hc,"email",621
12/17/2007 4:48:24 PM,tk,"check stats",509

Monday, December 17, 2007

Weekly Work Summary for the week ending Friday, 2007 December 17

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.



*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:132h 40m 9s
  Time Working:119h 23m 54s
   Communication: 7h 18m 55s
   Meetings: 736h 15m 6s
   Research: 3h 9m 42s
   Interruptions: 12h 38m 33s
    Phone: 2h 18m 10s
    Visit: 10h 20m 23s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 32h 1m 38s
    Tasks/Projects: 22h 32m 12s
    House cleaning: 9h 29m 26s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:9h 25m 6s
  Personal:3h 51m 9s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:10h 52m 0s
  Averagy Daily Working Time:9h 32m 23s
*** Raw Data ***
12/03/2007 7:59:58 AM,ar,"",0
12/03/2007 8:10:05 AM,hc,"email",607
12/03/2007 8:21:50 AM,iv,"asst",705
12/03/2007 8:38:03 AM,hc,"email",973
12/03/2007 8:42:58 AM,iv,"asst",295
12/03/2007 9:06:09 AM,tk,"various",1391
12/03/2007 9:14:05 AM,iv,"asst",476
12/03/2007 9:15:19 AM,tk,"check computers",74
12/03/2007 9:19:17 AM,ip,"mac trouble",238
12/03/2007 9:26:28 AM,iv,"asst",431
12/03/2007 9:37:13 AM,iv,"different asst",645
12/03/2007 9:42:28 AM,iv,"broken stuff",315
12/03/2007 9:52:39 AM,hc,"phone",611
12/03/2007 9:58:18 AM,iv,"asst",339
12/03/2007 10:15:00 AM,bk,"monday",1002
12/03/2007 11:10:05 AM,vi," and iv for explore and development and student needs",3305
12/03/2007 11:53:11 AM,iv,"various notebook troubles",2586
12/03/2007 11:56:58 AM,iv,"notebook troubles",227
12/03/2007 12:19:37 PM,iv,"re crashing",1359
12/03/2007 12:56:26 PM,bk,"lunch",2209
12/03/2007 2:49:25 PM,mt,"adfac",6779
12/03/2007 3:05:45 PM,hc,"phone (chase down a few people)",980
12/03/2007 3:27:50 PM,tk,"notebook and hc other tasks",1325
12/03/2007 3:50:37 PM,tk,"some vmware stuff",1367
12/03/2007 4:22:20 PM,tk,"palni problem",1903

12/04/2007 7:49:33 AM,ar,"",0
12/04/2007 7:59:41 AM,tk,"parser",608
12/04/2007 11:56:20 AM,hc,"email (oh, my, what a bunch of things happened while I was attempting this)",14199
12/04/2007 11:58:31 AM,tk,"notebook fixing",131
12/04/2007 12:07:05 PM,tk,"sophos update",514
12/04/2007 1:00:00 PM,bk,"lunch",3175
12/04/2007 1:25:01 PM,tk,"various",1501
12/04/2007 1:26:34 PM,hc,"email",93
12/04/2007 1:29:14 PM,tk,"shopping",160
12/04/2007 1:55:39 PM,tk,"notebook",1585
12/04/2007 2:06:10 PM,tk,"notebook",631
12/04/2007 2:53:59 PM,tk,"moodlerooms video conference",2869
12/04/2007 3:16:25 PM,ps,"tmq",1346
12/04/2007 3:26:04 PM,hc,"mail",579
12/04/2007 3:52:12 PM,tk,"notebook and library login stuff",1568
12/04/2007 4:27:25 PM,re,"rss",2113
12/04/2007 4:33:00 PM,tk,"vmware stuff",335
12/04/2007 4:34:53 PM,tk,"vmware stuff",113
12/04/2007 5:02:16 PM,tk,"notebook prep",1643
12/04/2007 5:07:52 PM,tk,"print manager",336
12/04/2007 5:09:39 PM,tk,"vmware",107
12/04/2007 5:33:56 PM,tk,"final library readiness",1457
12/04/2007 5:42:20 PM,tk,"tape ordering",504

12/05/2007 8:27:47 AM,ar,"some nice man offered me a ride.",0
12/05/2007 9:04:21 AM,hc,"email",2194
12/05/2007 9:49:12 AM,vi,"computer questions",2691
12/05/2007 9:52:35 AM,hc,"phone",203
12/05/2007 9:54:33 AM,tk,"vmware",118
12/05/2007 10:21:44 AM,tk,"shoppiung",1631
12/05/2007 10:55:19 AM,re,"rss",2015
12/05/2007 11:02:04 AM,ps,"funnies",405
12/05/2007 11:10:24 AM,re,"trademag",500
12/05/2007 11:11:24 AM,ip,"cd question",60
12/05/2007 11:16:55 AM,re,"trademag",331
12/05/2007 11:29:15 AM,tk,"reference",740
12/05/2007 11:39:46 AM,ip,"floor thigns to cover cords",631
12/05/2007 12:09:45 PM,tk,"vmware stuff",1799
12/05/2007 12:55:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2715
12/05/2007 1:18:21 PM,iv,"re troubles",1401
12/05/2007 1:55:11 PM,tk,"vmware",2210
12/05/2007 2:01:00 PM,iv,"satisfaction survey results",349
12/05/2007 2:37:07 PM,tk,"spiceworks test",2167
12/05/2007 2:42:12 PM,bk,"water",305
12/05/2007 2:54:09 PM,ph,"vmware license info",717
12/05/2007 3:00:29 PM,tk,"vmware",380
12/05/2007 3:22:23 PM,tk,"possible reschedule of migration ... argh",1314
12/05/2007 4:19:25 PM,tk,"stupid dell website",3422
12/05/2007 4:27:08 PM,tk,"spiceworks",463
12/05/2007 4:37:23 PM,ps,"blog",615
12/05/2007 4:38:36 PM,ph,"ride",73

12/06/2007 7:50:31 AM,ar,"chilly ride",0
12/06/2007 8:12:36 AM,ph,"vmware",1325
12/06/2007 8:15:13 AM,iv,"asst",157
12/06/2007 8:23:41 AM,iv,"network cable unplugged",508
12/06/2007 9:20:48 AM,vi,"library printing",3427
12/06/2007 9:39:53 AM,tk,"test",1145
12/06/2007 9:42:25 AM,tk,"help asst with computer setting",152
12/06/2007 9:55:00 AM,tk,"vmware stuff",755
12/06/2007 10:02:05 AM,iv,"piddly workstation problems",425
12/06/2007 10:07:22 AM,tk,"more virt center stuff",317
12/06/2007 10:20:00 AM,bk,"follicly full face festival",758
12/06/2007 10:35:21 AM,iv,"printer install",921
12/06/2007 10:54:47 AM,tk,"vmware infrastructure installation",1166
12/06/2007 11:11:57 AM,ph,"vmware",1030
12/06/2007 11:17:56 AM,tk,"vmware",359
12/06/2007 11:33:32 AM,ip,"workstation piddly things",936
12/06/2007 12:00:00 PM,vi,"re questions",1588
12/06/2007 1:15:00 PM,bk,"lunch (forum)",4500
12/06/2007 2:03:24 PM,mt,"supervisor",2904
12/06/2007 2:15:52 PM,hc,"phone",748
12/06/2007 2:43:33 PM,mt,"new lounge stuff",1661
12/06/2007 2:47:06 PM,ph,"xmas brunch discussion",213
12/06/2007 3:12:20 PM,mt,"student asst",1514
12/06/2007 3:28:24 PM,tk,"platespin eval",964
12/06/2007 3:54:20 PM,iv,"printer and mouse and something else",1556
12/06/2007 4:16:31 PM,iv,"print scan etc",1331
12/06/2007 4:28:50 PM,tk,"vmware",739
12/06/2007 4:30:24 PM,iv,"printing pictures",94
12/06/2007 4:53:29 PM,tk,"vmware",1385
12/06/2007 5:11:48 PM,re,"rss",1099
12/06/2007 5:24:47 PM,tk,"platespin",779
12/06/2007 5:30:04 PM,hc,"office",317
12/06/2007 5:43:38 PM,tk,"destroy evidence (ok, remove policies from website)",814
12/06/2007 5:51:53 PM,ps,"espn",495
12/06/2007 6:14:50 PM,tk,"platespin installation",1377
12/06/2007 6:18:22 PM,bk,"p",212
12/06/2007 7:12:37 PM,tk,"platespin and 2k3 restore",3255
12/06/2007 7:20:44 PM,re,"some print station stuff while waiting on vmware, platespin. and a 2k3 restore",487

12/07/2007 7:51:23 AM,ar,"",0
12/07/2007 8:12:53 AM,tk,"check out p2v results",1290
12/07/2007 8:14:36 AM,iv,"missing bit",103
12/07/2007 8:23:45 AM,iv,"network question",549
12/07/2007 8:49:50 AM,iv,"asst",1565
12/07/2007 9:48:42 AM,ps,"cares",3532
12/07/2007 9:54:31 AM,hc,"email",349
12/07/2007 10:01:08 AM,ip,"landscaped screen",397
12/07/2007 10:05:11 AM,hc,"email",243
12/07/2007 10:23:47 AM,re,"rss",1116
12/07/2007 11:55:03 AM,vi,"scheduling",5476
12/07/2007 12:19:00 PM,tk,"migration issues",1437
12/07/2007 12:35:05 PM,iv,"cd burning issue",965
12/07/2007 1:30:00 PM,bk,"deutsch",3295
12/07/2007 1:41:49 PM,iv,"reference",709
12/07/2007 1:54:39 PM,tk,"server migration memo",770
12/07/2007 3:06:15 PM,tk,"send some migration upate stuff",4296

12/10/2007 7:15:00 AM,ar,"",0
12/10/2007 9:43:44 AM,tk,"dhcp fixing",8924
12/10/2007 10:06:20 AM,ip,"more dhcp recovery stuff",1356
12/10/2007 10:10:00 AM,bk,"monday",220
12/10/2005 10:25:00 AM,tk,"dhcp fixing",2625825
12/10/2007 11:38:25 AM,mt,"self-study",2628073
12/10/2007 12:07:03 PM,hc,"email",1718
12/10/2007 12:14:10 PM,hc,"phone",427
12/10/2007 1:00:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2750
12/10/2007 1:11:00 PM,tk,"computer keyboard and mouse troubles",660
12/10/2007 1:42:04 PM,tk,"wireless reset",1864
12/10/2007 1:58:18 PM,tk,"freezing computer (processor fan not attached properly)",974
12/10/2007 2:19:08 PM,hc,"email",1250
12/10/2007 2:26:46 PM,iv,"climate control issues",458
12/10/2007 2:38:50 PM,em,"update on migration",724
12/10/2007 3:03:46 PM,tk,"filepro",1496
12/10/2007 3:17:22 PM,tk,"filepro stuff",816
12/10/2007 3:36:35 PM,iv,"printer in library stuff",1153
12/10/2007 3:57:33 PM,tk,"various things last minute scrambling type",1258

12/11/2007 8:13:45 AM,ar," (and, in truth, already interrupted)",0
12/11/2007 9:29:06 AM,tk,"email fixing",4521
12/11/2007 10:21:21 AM,tk,"clean up e-mail troubles",3135
12/11/2007 10:37:03 AM,hc,"email",942
12/11/2007 10:42:11 AM,em,"self-study",308
12/11/2007 11:16:31 AM,vi,"various",2060
12/11/2007 11:22:56 AM,em,"ped comm planning",385
12/11/2007 11:27:53 AM,tk,"notebook setup",297
12/11/2007 11:48:25 AM,tk,"exchange mgmt tools",1232
12/11/2007 12:01:01 PM,tk,"notebook setup and dhcp fixing",756
12/11/2007 12:05:26 PM,tk,"exchange tweaking",265
12/11/2007 12:09:26 PM,ps,"espn",240
12/11/2007 12:57:27 PM,bk,"lunch",2881
12/11/2007 1:08:30 PM,ps,"tmq",663
12/11/2007 1:13:38 PM,ip,"network conx",308
12/11/2007 1:24:16 PM,ps,"tmq",638
12/11/2007 1:26:06 PM,hc,"email",110
12/11/2007 1:46:56 PM,tk,"notebook",1250
12/11/2007 2:16:28 PM,tk,"fix wireless",1772
12/11/2007 2:18:48 PM,iv,"finding stuff",140
12/11/2007 2:35:46 PM,hc,"mail call",1018
12/11/2007 3:32:55 PM,tk,"openmange stuff",3429
12/11/2007 3:37:24 PM,tk,"notebook setup",269
12/11/2007 3:41:07 PM,tk,"open manage",223
12/11/2007 3:43:57 PM,iv,"webcam",170
12/11/2007 3:51:37 PM,tk,"hard drive shopping",460
12/11/2007 4:05:48 PM,tk,"shopping",851
12/11/2007 4:09:36 PM,iv,"various",228
12/11/2007 4:16:01 PM,hc,"email",385
12/11/2007 4:18:25 PM,tk,"hard drive shopping",144
12/11/2007 4:19:49 PM,ip,"lan/wan",84
12/11/2007 4:22:01 PM,hc,"email",132
12/11/2007 4:28:37 PM,bk,"retrieve shoes",396
12/11/2007 4:47:28 PM,em,"address book",1131
12/11/2007 4:51:47 PM,re,"rss",259
12/11/2007 5:00:06 PM,tk,"update notbook",499
12/11/2007 5:06:08 PM,tk,"unpack",362
12/11/2007 5:10:09 PM,tk,"reservation",241

12/12/2007 7:55:08 AM,ar,"",0
12/12/2007 7:55:57 AM,hc,"phone",49
12/12/2007 7:57:39 AM,hc,"steeling myself",102
12/12/2007 8:19:12 AM,hc,"phone",1293
12/12/2007 8:22:31 AM,hc,"phone",199
12/12/2007 8:31:01 AM,ip,"computer consultation",510
12/12/2007 8:33:40 AM,hc,"email",159
12/12/2007 8:42:20 AM,vi,"reg office",520
12/12/2007 9:08:01 AM,ip,"home computer",1541
12/12/2007 9:28:23 AM,tk,"new notebook computer setup",1222
12/12/2007 9:38:42 AM,tk,"notebook setup",619
12/12/2007 9:49:30 AM,tk,"notebook setup",648
12/12/2007 10:01:01 AM,re,"rss",691
12/12/2007 10:05:15 AM,tk,"notebook",254
12/12/2007 11:05:30 AM,iv,"classroom crisis",3615
12/12/2007 11:09:22 AM,tk,"notebook setup",232
12/12/2007 11:14:41 AM,hc,"email",319
12/12/2007 11:20:43 AM,tk,"notebook setup",362
12/12/2007 11:27:39 AM,ps,"get book",416
12/12/2007 11:54:31 AM,tk,"clean up after class",1612
12/12/2007 12:10:40 PM,iv,"notebook troubles",969
12/12/2007 12:25:35 PM,tk,"dhcp and e-mail",895
12/12/2007 1:06:15 PM,bk,"lunch",2440
12/12/2007 1:28:58 PM,tk,"get on network",1363
12/12/2007 1:32:15 PM,tk,"crestron",197
12/12/2007 1:35:08 PM,tk,"get notebook working",173
12/12/2007 1:39:24 PM,ip,"trouble from home",256
12/12/2007 1:48:58 PM,tk,"asst doc",574
12/12/2007 2:07:36 PM,tk,"memory, notebook, ip addressing stuff",1118
12/12/2007 2:16:01 PM,tk,"gpw",505
12/12/2007 3:10:16 PM,tk,"notebook delivery",3255
12/12/2007 3:11:03 PM,hc,"email",47
12/12/2007 3:20:38 PM,tk,"wireless",575
12/12/2007 3:51:17 PM,iv,"phone troubles",1839
12/12/2007 3:55:14 PM,ph,"phone outage reporting",237
12/12/2007 4:20:00 PM,tk,"dhcp and touch panel stuff",1486
12/12/2007 4:32:54 PM,ip,"phone troubles",774
12/12/2007 4:45:22 PM,tk,"dhcp and other addressing problems (cow)",748
12/12/2007 5:00:01 PM,re,"rss",879
12/12/2007 5:08:43 PM,tk,"new dhcp configuring",522

12/13/2007 7:57:46 AM,ar,"",0
12/13/2007 8:01:55 AM,hc,"boot up",249
12/13/2007 8:46:51 AM,iv,"asst",2696
12/13/2007 9:01:20 AM,ip,"contacts and address book finding",869
12/13/2007 9:46:14 AM,iv,"usbusiness systems copy/print vendor",2694
12/13/2007 9:51:24 AM,iv,"asst",310
12/13/2007 9:58:29 AM,hc,"email",425
12/13/2007 10:46:58 AM,mt,"avasst",2909
12/13/2007 10:48:19 AM,hc,"just sat down",81
12/13/2007 10:56:47 AM,hc,"email",508
12/13/2007 10:59:34 AM,iv,"exiting student",167
12/13/2007 11:00:05 AM,hc,"email",31
12/13/2007 11:11:32 AM,tk,"order bulb",687
12/13/2007 11:24:09 AM,ph,"techproductsinc",757
12/13/2007 12:01:47 PM,iv,"german, greek, nota bene, endnote, zotero, mellel, lumber, and some other topics",2258
12/13/2007 12:07:43 PM,tk,"shopping",356
12/13/2007 12:16:00 PM,iv,"phone hookup",497
12/13/2007 1:47:56 PM,mt,"moodle",5516
12/13/2007 1:51:44 PM,hc,"email",228
12/13/2007 2:09:26 PM,re,"rss",1062
12/13/2007 2:45:29 PM,tk,"youtube and itunes",2163
12/13/2007 3:02:41 PM,tk,"moodle",1032
12/13/2007 3:04:48 PM,ip,"email sending",127
12/13/2007 3:05:33 PM,tk,"moodle",45
12/13/2007 3:07:00 PM,ip,"email sending",87
12/13/2007 3:18:50 PM,tk,"moodle",710
12/13/2007 3:38:00 PM,mt,"moodle and ee",1150
12/13/2007 3:57:54 PM,tk,"moodle",1194
12/13/2007 4:16:14 PM,tk,"moodle work",1100
12/13/2007 4:37:53 PM,tk,"ee",1299
12/13/2007 4:44:55 PM,tk,"faweb",422
12/13/2007 4:57:42 PM,ps,"espn",767
12/13/2007 5:09:51 PM,iv,"asst",729

12/14/2007 7:51:03 AM,ar,"",0
12/14/2007 7:55:42 AM,vi,"seek gaylor",279
12/14/2007 8:10:27 AM,iv,"asst",885
12/14/2007 8:25:44 AM,tk,"backup stuff",917
12/14/2007 8:27:43 AM,tk,"more backup stuff",119
12/14/2007 8:34:27 AM,tk,"asst",404
12/14/2007 8:40:44 AM,bk,"d",377
12/14/2007 8:42:40 AM,ip,"font question",116
12/14/2007 8:45:52 AM,re,"rss (briefly)",192
12/14/2007 9:52:06 AM,ps,"CARES",3974
12/14/2007 9:53:58 AM,re,"rss",112
12/14/2007 9:55:42 AM,iv,"outlook at home issues",104
12/14/2007 9:56:23 AM,hc,"email",41
12/14/2007 10:00:02 AM,iv,"computer news",219
12/14/2007 10:02:58 AM,hc,"email",176
12/14/2007 10:11:44 AM,re,"rss",526
12/14/2007 10:14:04 AM,tk,"check backup",140
12/14/2007 10:27:02 AM,ps,"deutsch",778
12/14/2007 11:41:48 AM,tk,"wiring",4486
12/14/2007 11:43:49 AM,hc,"phone",121
12/14/2007 1:35:00 PM,bk,"chapel/deutsch",6671
12/14/2007 1:47:03 PM,tk,"email",723
12/14/2007 1:50:17 PM,hc,"email",194
12/14/2007 2:48:41 PM,tk,"notebook fixin",3504
12/14/2007 2:50:07 PM,hc,"email",86
12/14/2007 2:57:43 PM,tk,"evals",456
12/14/2007 3:00:14 PM,hc,"email",151
12/14/2007 3:41:52 PM,tk,"wiring",2498
12/14/2007 3:48:46 PM,tk,"platespin",414
12/14/2007 3:50:07 PM,iv,"lost folder",81
12/14/2007 3:53:39 PM,hc,"phone",212
12/14/2007 4:17:16 PM,hc,"e-mail led to checking status of printer led to ordering cartridges took longer than expected",1417
12/14/2007 4:18:45 PM,em,"cartridge status",89
12/14/2007 4:29:05 PM,tk,"clean filter",620
12/14/2007 4:54:54 PM,tk,"replace bulb and deliver projector",1549
12/14/2007 5:01:25 PM,tk,"phone repair",391
12/14/2007 5:18:59 PM,tk,"backup watching",1054

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 14

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 27m 56s
  Time Working:6h 11m 16s
   Communication: 0h 6m 8s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 13m 50s
   Interruptions: 0h 23m 25s
    Phone: 0h 1m 56s
    Visit: 0h 21m 29s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 5h 27m 53s
    Tasks/Projects: 4h 47m 55s
    House cleaning: 0h 39m 58s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:1h 57m 28s
  Personal:1h 19m 12s



*** Raw Data ***
12/14/2007 7:51:03 AM,ar,"",0
12/14/2007 7:55:42 AM,vi,"seek gaylor",279
12/14/2007 8:10:27 AM,iv,"asst",885
12/14/2007 8:25:44 AM,tk,"backup stuff",917
12/14/2007 8:27:43 AM,tk,"more backup stuff",119
12/14/2007 8:34:27 AM,tk,"asst",404
12/14/2007 8:40:44 AM,bk,"d",377
12/14/2007 8:42:40 AM,ip,"font question",116
12/14/2007 8:45:52 AM,re,"rss (briefly)",192
12/14/2007 9:52:06 AM,ps,"CARES",3974
12/14/2007 9:53:58 AM,re,"rss",112
12/14/2007 9:55:42 AM,iv,"outlook at home issues",104
12/14/2007 9:56:23 AM,hc,"email",41
12/14/2007 10:00:02 AM,iv,"computer news",219
12/14/2007 10:02:58 AM,hc,"email",176
12/14/2007 10:11:44 AM,re,"rss",526
12/14/2007 10:14:04 AM,tk,"check backup",140
12/14/2007 10:27:02 AM,ps,"deutsch",778
12/14/2007 11:41:48 AM,tk,"wiring",4486
12/14/2007 11:43:49 AM,hc,"phone",121
12/14/2007 1:35:00 PM,bk,"chapel/deutsch",6671
12/14/2007 1:47:03 PM,tk,"email",723
12/14/2007 1:50:17 PM,hc,"email",194
12/14/2007 2:48:41 PM,tk,"notebook fixin",3504
12/14/2007 2:50:07 PM,hc,"email",86
12/14/2007 2:57:43 PM,tk,"evals",456
12/14/2007 3:00:14 PM,hc,"email",151
12/14/2007 3:41:52 PM,tk,"wiring",2498
12/14/2007 3:48:46 PM,tk,"platespin",414
12/14/2007 3:50:07 PM,iv,"lost folder",81
12/14/2007 3:53:39 PM,hc,"phone",212
12/14/2007 4:17:16 PM,hc,"e-mail led to checking status of printer led to ordering cartridges took longer than expected",1417
12/14/2007 4:18:45 PM,em,"cartridge status",89
12/14/2007 4:29:05 PM,tk,"clean filter",620
12/14/2007 4:54:54 PM,tk,"replace bulb and deliver projector",1549
12/14/2007 5:01:25 PM,tk,"phone repair",391
12/14/2007 5:18:59 PM,tk,"backup watching",1054

Friday, December 14, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 13

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 12m 5s
  Time Working:8h 59m 18s
   Communication: 0h 12m 37s
   Meetings: 2h 39m 35s
   Research: 0h 17m 42s
   Interruptions: 2h 53m 54s
    Phone: 0h 18m 3s
    Visit: 2h 35m 51s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 2h 55m 30s
    Tasks/Projects: 2h 30m 8s
    House cleaning: 0h 25m 22s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 0m 0s
  Personal:0h 12m 47s



*** Raw Data ***
12/13/2007 7:57:46 AM,ar,"",0
12/13/2007 8:01:55 AM,hc,"boot up",249
12/13/2007 8:46:51 AM,iv,"asst",2696
12/13/2007 9:01:20 AM,ip,"contacts and address book finding",869
12/13/2007 9:46:14 AM,iv,"usbusiness systems copy/print vendor",2694
12/13/2007 9:51:24 AM,iv,"asst",310
12/13/2007 9:58:29 AM,hc,"email",425
12/13/2007 10:46:58 AM,mt,"avasst",2909
12/13/2007 10:48:19 AM,hc,"just sat down",81
12/13/2007 10:56:47 AM,hc,"email",508
12/13/2007 10:59:34 AM,iv,"exiting student",167
12/13/2007 11:00:05 AM,hc,"email",31
12/13/2007 11:11:32 AM,tk,"order bulb",687
12/13/2007 11:24:09 AM,ph,"techproductsinc",757
12/13/2007 12:01:47 PM,iv,"german, greek, nota bene, endnote, zotero, mellel, lumber, and some other topics",2258
12/13/2007 12:07:43 PM,tk,"shopping",356
12/13/2007 12:16:00 PM,iv,"phone hookup",497
12/13/2007 1:47:56 PM,mt,"moodle",5516
12/13/2007 1:51:44 PM,hc,"email",228
12/13/2007 2:09:26 PM,re,"rss",1062
12/13/2007 2:45:29 PM,tk,"youtube and itunes",2163
12/13/2007 3:02:41 PM,tk,"moodle",1032
12/13/2007 3:04:48 PM,ip,"email sending",127
12/13/2007 3:05:33 PM,tk,"moodle",45
12/13/2007 3:07:00 PM,ip,"email sending",87
12/13/2007 3:18:50 PM,tk,"moodle",710
12/13/2007 3:38:00 PM,mt,"moodle and ee",1150
12/13/2007 3:57:54 PM,tk,"moodle",1194
12/13/2007 4:16:14 PM,tk,"moodle work",1100
12/13/2007 4:37:53 PM,tk,"ee",1299
12/13/2007 4:44:55 PM,tk,"faweb",422
12/13/2007 4:57:42 PM,ps,"espn",767
12/13/2007 5:09:51 PM,iv,"asst",729

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 12

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 13m 35s
  Time Working:8h 25m 59s
   Communication: 0h 12m 37s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 26m 10s
   Interruptions: 2h 38m 24s
    Phone: 0h 51m 21s
    Visit: 1h 47m 3s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 5h 8m 48s
    Tasks/Projects: 4h 32m 40s
    House cleaning: 0h 36m 8s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 40m 40s
  Personal:0h 6m 56s



*** Raw Data ***
12/12/2007 7:55:08 AM,ar,"",0
12/12/2007 7:55:57 AM,hc,"phone",49
12/12/2007 7:57:39 AM,hc,"steeling myself",102
12/12/2007 8:19:12 AM,hc,"phone",1293
12/12/2007 8:22:31 AM,hc,"phone",199
12/12/2007 8:31:01 AM,ip,"computer consultation",510
12/12/2007 8:33:40 AM,hc,"email",159
12/12/2007 8:42:20 AM,vi,"reg office",520
12/12/2007 9:08:01 AM,ip,"home computer",1541
12/12/2007 9:28:23 AM,tk,"new notebook computer setup",1222
12/12/2007 9:38:42 AM,tk,"notebook setup",619
12/12/2007 9:49:30 AM,tk,"notebook setup",648
12/12/2007 10:01:01 AM,re,"rss",691
12/12/2007 10:05:15 AM,tk,"notebook",254
12/12/2007 11:05:30 AM,iv,"classroom crisis",3615
12/12/2007 11:09:22 AM,tk,"notebook setup",232
12/12/2007 11:14:41 AM,hc,"email",319
12/12/2007 11:20:43 AM,tk,"notebook setup",362
12/12/2007 11:27:39 AM,ps,"get book",416
12/12/2007 11:54:31 AM,tk,"clean up after class",1612
12/12/2007 12:10:40 PM,iv,"notebook troubles",969
12/12/2007 12:25:35 PM,tk,"dhcp and e-mail",895
12/12/2007 1:06:15 PM,bk,"lunch",2440
12/12/2007 1:28:58 PM,tk,"get on network",1363
12/12/2007 1:32:15 PM,tk,"crestron",197
12/12/2007 1:35:08 PM,tk,"get notebook working",173
12/12/2007 1:39:24 PM,ip,"trouble from home",256
12/12/2007 1:48:58 PM,tk,"asst doc",574
12/12/2007 2:07:36 PM,tk,"memory, notebook, ip addressing stuff",1118
12/12/2007 2:16:01 PM,tk,"gpw",505
12/12/2007 3:10:16 PM,tk,"notebook delivery",3255
12/12/2007 3:11:03 PM,hc,"email",47
12/12/2007 3:20:38 PM,tk,"wireless",575
12/12/2007 3:51:17 PM,iv,"phone troubles",1839
12/12/2007 3:55:14 PM,ph,"phone outage reporting",237
12/12/2007 4:20:00 PM,tk,"dhcp and touch panel stuff",1486
12/12/2007 4:32:54 PM,ip,"phone troubles",774
12/12/2007 4:45:22 PM,tk,"dhcp and other addressing problems (cow)",748
12/12/2007 5:00:01 PM,re,"rss",879
12/12/2007 5:08:43 PM,tk,"new dhcp configuring",522

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 11

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:8h 56m 24s
  Time Working:7h 36m 6s
   Communication: 1h 4m 44s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 4m 19s
   Interruptions: 0h 15m 30s
    Phone: 0h 6m 32s
    Visit: 0h 8m 58s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 6h 11m 33s
    Tasks/Projects: 5h 28m 26s
    House cleaning: 0h 43m 7s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 54m 37s
  Personal:0h 25m 41s



*** Raw Data ***
12/11/2007 8:13:45 AM,ar," (and, in truth, already interrupted)",0
12/11/2007 9:29:06 AM,tk,"email fixing",4521
12/11/2007 10:21:21 AM,tk,"clean up e-mail troubles",3135
12/11/2007 10:37:03 AM,hc,"email",942
12/11/2007 10:42:11 AM,em,"self-study",308
12/11/2007 11:16:31 AM,vi,"various",2060
12/11/2007 11:22:56 AM,em,"ped comm planning",385
12/11/2007 11:27:53 AM,tk,"notebook setup",297
12/11/2007 11:48:25 AM,tk,"exchange mgmt tools",1232
12/11/2007 12:01:01 PM,tk,"notebook setup and dhcp fixing",756
12/11/2007 12:05:26 PM,tk,"exchange tweaking",265
12/11/2007 12:09:26 PM,ps,"espn",240
12/11/2007 12:57:27 PM,bk,"lunch",2881
12/11/2007 1:08:30 PM,ps,"tmq",663
12/11/2007 1:13:38 PM,ip,"network conx",308
12/11/2007 1:24:16 PM,ps,"tmq",638
12/11/2007 1:26:06 PM,hc,"email",110
12/11/2007 1:46:56 PM,tk,"notebook",1250
12/11/2007 2:16:28 PM,tk,"fix wireless",1772
12/11/2007 2:18:48 PM,iv,"finding stuff",140
12/11/2007 2:35:46 PM,hc,"mail call",1018
12/11/2007 3:32:55 PM,tk,"openmange stuff",3429
12/11/2007 3:37:24 PM,tk,"notebook setup",269
12/11/2007 3:41:07 PM,tk,"open manage",223
12/11/2007 3:43:57 PM,iv,"webcam",170
12/11/2007 3:51:37 PM,tk,"hard drive shopping",460
12/11/2007 4:05:48 PM,tk,"shopping",851
12/11/2007 4:09:36 PM,iv,"various",228
12/11/2007 4:16:01 PM,hc,"email",385
12/11/2007 4:18:25 PM,tk,"hard drive shopping",144
12/11/2007 4:19:49 PM,ip,"lan/wan",84
12/11/2007 4:22:01 PM,hc,"email",132
12/11/2007 4:28:37 PM,bk,"retrieve shoes",396
12/11/2007 4:47:28 PM,em,"address book",1131
12/11/2007 4:51:47 PM,re,"rss",259
12/11/2007 5:00:06 PM,tk,"update notbook",499
12/11/2007 5:06:08 PM,tk,"unpack",362
12/11/2007 5:10:09 PM,tk,"reservation",241

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 10

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:0h 10m 22s
  Time Working:23h 20m 52s
   Communication: 0h 12m 4s
   Meetings: 10h 1m 13s
   Research: 0h 0m 0s
   Interruptions: 0h 49m 27s
    Phone: 0h 22m 36s
    Visit: 0h 26m 51s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 12h 18m 8s
    Tasks/Projects: 11h 21m 33s
    House cleaning: 0h 56m 35s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 49m 30s
  Personal:0h 0m 0s



*** Raw Data ***
12/10/2007 9:43:44 AM,tk,"dhcp fixing",0
12/10/2007 10:06:20 AM,ip,"more dhcp recovery stuff",1356
12/10/2007 10:10:00 AM,bk,"monday",220
12/10/2005 10:25:00 AM,tk,"dhcp fixing",2625825
12/10/2007 11:38:25 AM,mt,"self-study",2628073
12/10/2007 12:07:03 PM,hc,"email",1718
12/10/2007 12:14:10 PM,hc,"phone",427
12/10/2007 1:00:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2750
12/10/2007 1:11:00 PM,tk,"computer keyboard and mouse troubles",660
12/10/2007 1:42:04 PM,tk,"wireless reset",1864
12/10/2007 1:58:18 PM,tk,"freezing computer (processor fan not attached properly)",974
12/10/2007 2:19:08 PM,hc,"email",1250
12/10/2007 2:26:46 PM,iv,"climate control issues",458
12/10/2007 2:38:50 PM,em,"update on migration",724
12/10/2007 3:03:46 PM,tk,"filepro",1496
12/10/2007 3:17:22 PM,tk,"filepro stuff",816
12/10/2007 3:36:35 PM,iv,"printer in library stuff",1153
12/10/2007 3:57:33 PM,tk,"various things last minute scrambling type",1258

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 7

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:7h 14m 52s
  Time Working:5h 21m 5s
   Communication: 1h 31m 16s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 18m 36s
   Interruptions: 1h 11m 28s
    Phone: 0h 6m 37s
    Visit: 1h 4m 51s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 2h 19m 45s
    Tasks/Projects: 2h 9m 53s
    House cleaning: 0h 9m 52s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 54m 55s
  Personal:0h 58m 52s



*** Raw Data ***
12/07/2007 7:51:23 AM,ar,"",0
12/07/2007 8:12:53 AM,tk,"check out p2v results",1290
12/07/2007 8:14:36 AM,iv,"missing bit",103
12/07/2007 8:23:45 AM,iv,"network question",549
12/07/2007 8:49:50 AM,iv,"asst",1565
12/07/2007 9:48:42 AM,ps,"cares",3532
12/07/2007 9:54:31 AM,hc,"email",349
12/07/2007 10:01:08 AM,ip,"landscaped screen",397
12/07/2007 10:05:11 AM,hc,"email",243
12/07/2007 10:23:47 AM,re,"rss",1116
12/07/2007 11:55:03 AM,vi,"scheduling",5476
12/07/2007 12:19:00 PM,tk,"migration issues",1437
12/07/2007 12:35:05 PM,iv,"cd burning issue",965
12/07/2007 1:30:00 PM,bk,"deutsch",3295
12/07/2007 1:41:49 PM,iv,"reference",709
12/07/2007 1:54:39 PM,tk,"server migration memo",770
12/07/2007 3:06:15 PM,tk,"send some migration upate stuff",4296

Friday, December 7, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 6

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:11h 30m 13s
  Time Working:9h 50m 48s
   Communication: 2h 6m 23s
   Meetings: 1h 41m 19s
   Research: 0h 26m 26s
   Interruptions: 1h 38m 48s
    Phone: 0h 15m 36s
    Visit: 1h 23m 12s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 3h 57m 52s
    Tasks/Projects: 3h 40m 7s
    House cleaning: 0h 17m 45s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:1h 31m 10s
  Personal:0h 8m 15s



*** Raw Data ***
12/06/2007 7:50:31 AM,ar,"chilly ride",0
12/06/2007 8:12:36 AM,ph,"vmware",1325
12/06/2007 8:15:13 AM,iv,"asst",157
12/06/2007 8:23:41 AM,iv,"network cable unplugged",508
12/06/2007 9:20:48 AM,vi,"library printing",3427
12/06/2007 9:39:53 AM,tk,"test",1145
12/06/2007 9:42:25 AM,tk,"help asst with computer setting",152
12/06/2007 9:55:00 AM,tk,"vmware stuff",755
12/06/2007 10:02:05 AM,iv,"piddly workstation problems",425
12/06/2007 10:07:22 AM,tk,"more virt center stuff",317
12/06/2007 10:20:00 AM,bk,"follicly full face festival",758
12/06/2007 10:35:21 AM,iv,"printer install",921
12/06/2007 10:54:47 AM,tk,"vmware infrastructure installation",1166
12/06/2007 11:11:57 AM,ph,"vmware",1030
12/06/2007 11:17:56 AM,tk,"vmware",359
12/06/2007 11:33:32 AM,ip,"workstation piddly things",936
12/06/2007 12:00:00 PM,vi,"re questions",1588
12/06/2007 1:15:00 PM,bk,"lunch (forum)",4500
12/06/2007 2:03:24 PM,mt,"supervisor",2904
12/06/2007 2:15:52 PM,hc,"phone",748
12/06/2007 2:43:33 PM,mt,"new lounge stuff",1661
12/06/2007 2:47:06 PM,ph,"xmas brunch discussion",213
12/06/2007 3:12:20 PM,mt,"student asst",1514
12/06/2007 3:28:24 PM,tk,"platespin eval",964
12/06/2007 3:54:20 PM,iv,"printer and mouse and something else",1556
12/06/2007 4:16:31 PM,iv,"print scan etc",1331
12/06/2007 4:28:50 PM,tk,"vmware",739
12/06/2007 4:30:24 PM,iv,"printing pictures",94
12/06/2007 4:53:29 PM,tk,"vmware",1385
12/06/2007 5:11:48 PM,re,"rss",1099
12/06/2007 5:24:47 PM,tk,"platespin",779
12/06/2007 5:30:04 PM,hc,"office",317
12/06/2007 5:43:38 PM,tk,"destroy evidence (ok, remove policies from website)",814
12/06/2007 5:51:53 PM,ps,"espn",495
12/06/2007 6:14:50 PM,tk,"platespin installation",1377
12/06/2007 6:18:22 PM,bk,"p",212
12/06/2007 7:12:37 PM,tk,"platespin and 2k3 restore",3255
12/06/2007 7:20:44 PM,re,"some print station stuff while waiting on vmware, platespin. and a 2k3 restore",487

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 5

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:8h 10m 49s
  Time Working:7h 3m 29s
   Communication: 0h 58m 1s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 47m 26s
   Interruptions: 0h 40m 41s
    Phone: 0h 11m 31s
    Visit: 0h 29m 10s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 4h 37m 21s
    Tasks/Projects: 3h 57m 24s
    House cleaning: 0h 39m 57s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 50m 20s
  Personal:0h 17m 0s



*** Raw Data ***
12/05/2007 8:27:47 AM,ar,"some nice man offered me a ride.",0
12/05/2007 9:04:21 AM,hc,"email",2194
12/05/2007 9:49:12 AM,vi,"computer questions",2691
12/05/2007 9:52:35 AM,hc,"phone",203
12/05/2007 9:54:33 AM,tk,"vmware",118
12/05/2007 10:21:44 AM,tk,"shoppiung",1631
12/05/2007 10:55:19 AM,re,"rss",2015
12/05/2007 11:02:04 AM,ps,"funnies",405
12/05/2007 11:10:24 AM,re,"trademag",500
12/05/2007 11:11:24 AM,ip,"cd question",60
12/05/2007 11:16:55 AM,re,"trademag",331
12/05/2007 11:29:15 AM,tk,"reference",740
12/05/2007 11:39:46 AM,ip,"floor thigns to cover cords",631
12/05/2007 12:09:45 PM,tk,"vmware stuff",1799
12/05/2007 12:55:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2715
12/05/2007 1:18:21 PM,iv,"re troubles",1401
12/05/2007 1:55:11 PM,tk,"vmware",2210
12/05/2007 2:01:00 PM,iv,"satisfaction survey results",349
12/05/2007 2:37:07 PM,tk,"spiceworks test",2167
12/05/2007 2:42:12 PM,bk,"water",305
12/05/2007 2:54:09 PM,ph,"vmware license info",717
12/05/2007 3:00:29 PM,tk,"vmware",380
12/05/2007 3:22:23 PM,tk,"possible reschedule of migration ... argh",1314
12/05/2007 4:19:25 PM,tk,"stupid dell website",3422
12/05/2007 4:27:08 PM,tk,"spiceworks",463
12/05/2007 4:37:23 PM,ps,"blog",615
12/05/2007 4:38:36 PM,ph,"ride",73

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 4

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 52m 47s
  Time Working:8h 37m 26s
   Communication: 0h 0m 0s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 35m 13s
   Interruptions: 0h 0m 0s
    Phone: 0h 0m 0s
    Visit: 0h 0m 0s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 8h 2m 13s
    Tasks/Projects: 3h 54m 22s
    House cleaning: 4h 7m 51s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 52m 55s
  Personal:0h 22m 26s



*** Raw Data ***
12/04/2007 7:49:33 AM,ar,"",0
12/04/2007 7:59:41 AM,tk,"parser",608
12/04/2007 11:56:20 AM,hc,"email (oh, my, what a bunch of things happened while I was attempting this)",14199
12/04/2007 11:58:31 AM,tk,"notebook fixing",131
12/04/2007 12:07:05 PM,tk,"sophos update",514
12/04/2007 1:00:00 PM,bk,"lunch",3175
12/04/2007 1:25:01 PM,tk,"various",1501
12/04/2007 1:26:34 PM,hc,"email",93
12/04/2007 1:29:14 PM,tk,"shopping",160
12/04/2007 1:55:39 PM,tk,"notebook",1585
12/04/2007 2:06:10 PM,tk,"notebook",631
12/04/2007 2:53:59 PM,tk,"moodlerooms video conference",2869
12/04/2007 3:16:25 PM,ps,"tmq",1346
12/04/2007 3:26:04 PM,hc,"mail",579
12/04/2007 3:52:12 PM,tk,"notebook and library login stuff",1568
12/04/2007 4:27:25 PM,re,"rss",2113
12/04/2007 4:33:00 PM,tk,"vmware stuff",335
12/04/2007 4:34:53 PM,tk,"vmware stuff",113
12/04/2007 5:02:16 PM,tk,"notebook prep",1643
12/04/2007 5:07:52 PM,tk,"print manager",336
12/04/2007 5:09:39 PM,tk,"vmware",107
12/04/2007 5:33:56 PM,tk,"final library readiness",1457
12/04/2007 5:42:20 PM,tk,"tape ordering",504

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 December 3

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:8h 22m 22s
  Time Working:7h 28m 51s
   Communication: 0h 55m 5s
   Meetings: 1h 52m 59s
   Research: 0h 0m 0s
   Interruptions: 2h 6m 56s
    Phone: 0h 3m 58s
    Visit: 2h 2m 58s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 2h 33m 51s
    Tasks/Projects: 1h 41m 0s
    House cleaning: 0h 52m 51s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:0h 53m 31s
  Personal:0h 0m 0s



*** Raw Data ***
12/03/2007 7:59:58 AM,ar,"",0
12/03/2007 8:10:05 AM,hc,"email",607
12/03/2007 8:21:50 AM,iv,"asst",705
12/03/2007 8:38:03 AM,hc,"email",973
12/03/2007 8:42:58 AM,iv,"asst",295
12/03/2007 9:06:09 AM,tk,"various",1391
12/03/2007 9:14:05 AM,iv,"asst",476
12/03/2007 9:15:19 AM,tk,"check computers",74
12/03/2007 9:19:17 AM,ip,"mac trouble",238
12/03/2007 9:26:28 AM,iv,"asst",431
12/03/2007 9:37:13 AM,iv,"different asst",645
12/03/2007 9:42:28 AM,iv,"broken stuff",315
12/03/2007 9:52:39 AM,hc,"phone",611
12/03/2007 9:58:18 AM,iv,"asst",339
12/03/2007 10:15:00 AM,bk,"monday",1002
12/03/2007 11:10:05 AM,vi," and iv for explore and development and student needs",3305
12/03/2007 11:53:11 AM,iv,"various notebook troubles",2586
12/03/2007 11:56:58 AM,iv,"notebook troubles",227
12/03/2007 12:19:37 PM,iv,"re crashing",1359
12/03/2007 12:56:26 PM,bk,"lunch",2209
12/03/2007 2:49:25 PM,mt,"adfac",6779
12/03/2007 3:05:45 PM,hc,"phone (chase down a few people)",980
12/03/2007 3:27:50 PM,tk,"notebook and hc other tasks",1325
12/03/2007 3:50:37 PM,tk,"some vmware stuff",1367
12/03/2007 4:22:20 PM,tk,"palni problem",1903

Monday, December 3, 2007

Weekly Work Summary for the week ending Friday, 2007 December 3

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.



*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:44h 28m 24s
  Time Working:35h 1m 51s
   Communication: 2h 9m 5s
   Meetings: 3h 33m 30s
   Research: 2h 33m 43s
   Interruptions: 7h 45m 31s
    Phone: 4h 31m 6s
    Visit: 3h 14m 25s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 19h 0m 2s
    Tasks/Projects: 15h 38m 45s
    House cleaning: 3h 21m 17s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:7h 25m 44s
  Personal:2h 0m 49s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:8h 53m 40s
  Averagy Daily Working Time:7h 0m 22s
*** Raw Data ***
11/26/2007 7:38:44 AM,ar,"",0
11/26/2007 8:00:00 AM,iv,"e-mail trouble and other things",1276
11/26/2007 8:12:38 AM,hc,"email",758
11/26/2007 8:17:12 AM,iv,"asst",274
11/26/2007 8:21:39 AM,iv,"asst",267
11/26/2007 8:22:22 AM,hc,"email",43
11/26/2007 8:40:27 AM,ip,"notebook synchronization",1085
11/26/2007 8:43:41 AM,iv,"asst",194
11/26/2007 8:46:40 AM,hc,"email",179
11/26/2007 8:48:07 AM,iv,"asst",87
11/26/2007 9:01:06 AM,hc,"email and some interruptions as well",779
11/26/2007 9:33:55 AM,tk,"self study",1969
11/26/2007 9:47:16 AM,tk,"satisfaction",801
11/26/2007 9:54:34 AM,re,"rss",438
11/26/2007 10:15:00 AM,bk,"monday",1226
11/26/2007 11:47:48 AM,mt,"selfstudy",5568
11/26/2007 12:01:06 PM,re,"rss",798
11/26/2007 12:04:48 PM,ip,"printer trouble reporrt",222
11/26/2007 12:08:37 PM,hc,"email",229
11/26/2007 12:50:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2483
11/26/2007 1:22:53 PM,iv,"various",1973
11/26/2007 1:31:21 PM,hc,"email",508
11/26/2007 1:36:08 PM,hc,"phone",287
11/26/2007 2:03:00 PM,ip,"conference followup",1612
11/26/2007 2:11:40 PM,ph,"conference prep\",520
11/26/2007 2:27:37 PM,tk,"virt server setup",957
11/26/2007 3:09:38 PM,mt,"faweb",2521
11/26/2007 3:19:47 PM,re,"haiku",609

11/27/2007 7:51:35 AM,ar,"",0
11/27/2007 8:05:43 AM,hc,"phoen",848
11/27/2007 8:11:21 AM,hc,"email",338
11/27/2007 8:23:58 AM,tk,"haikulms",757
11/27/2007 8:27:40 AM,hc,"phone",222
11/27/2007 9:02:18 AM,re,"rss",2078
11/27/2007 9:10:55 AM,ip,"haiku",517
11/27/2007 9:42:28 AM,tk,"domain controlling and dns setup",1893
11/27/2007 9:56:37 AM,bk,"pandora",849
11/27/2007 10:08:56 AM,ip,"blackbaud",739
11/27/2007 10:09:30 AM,hc,"phone",34
11/27/2007 10:22:37 AM,bk,"d",787
11/27/2007 10:28:14 AM,tk,"dc setup",337
11/27/2007 10:30:23 AM,ip,"projector question",129
11/27/2007 10:47:20 AM,tk,"domain controller",1017
11/27/2007 10:50:56 AM,ip,"keyboard tray question",216
11/27/2007 12:07:47 PM,tk,"virtualize dns",4611
11/27/2007 12:52:57 PM,bk,"lunch",2710
11/27/2007 1:00:44 PM,tk,"adjust door post",467
11/27/2007 1:24:49 PM,ps,"tmq",1445
11/27/2007 1:38:30 PM,tk,"self study",821
11/27/2007 1:54:32 PM,tk,"server closet cleanup",962
11/27/2007 2:15:47 PM,vi,"self study stuff",1275
11/27/2007 2:22:41 PM,hc,"email",414
11/27/2007 2:43:38 PM,tk,"more office cleanup",1257
11/27/2007 3:04:00 PM,tk,"dns and dc stuff",1222
11/27/2007 3:16:52 PM,ip,"satisfaction survey",772
11/27/2007 3:37:42 PM,tk,"virt stuff",1250

11/28/2007 7:47:49 AM,ar,"",0
11/28/2007 7:48:42 AM,tk,"disable dns",53
11/28/2007 8:15:20 AM,hc,"email",1598
11/28/2007 8:17:21 AM,ip,"print control thing",121
11/28/2007 8:23:42 AM,iv,"wireless router",381
11/28/2007 8:26:26 AM,hc,"email",164
11/28/2007 8:29:02 AM,tk,"meeting prep",156
11/28/2007 9:47:43 AM,mt,"review mechanism",4721
11/28/2007 10:12:12 AM,re,"rss",1469
11/28/2007 10:22:59 AM,bk,"sos",647
11/28/2007 10:58:41 AM,tk,"self study",2142
11/28/2007 1:02:09 PM,bk,"lunch",7408
11/28/2007 1:11:21 PM,iv,"climate control and a couple of other questions",552
11/28/2007 2:22:22 PM,tk,"notebook work",4261
11/28/2007 3:30:46 PM,tk,"notebook and other configuration",4104
11/28/2007 3:31:31 PM,ip,"spouse",45
11/28/2007 3:45:37 PM,iv,"notebook",846
11/28/2007 4:08:17 PM,tk,"oops ... ad work",1360
11/28/2007 4:26:11 PM,hc,"fix oopsie",1074
11/28/2007 5:13:41 PM,tk,"faweb troubles",2850
11/28/2007 5:43:03 PM,tk,"aborted scan attempt",1762

11/29/2007 8:09:29 AM,ar,"",0
11/29/2007 8:20:47 AM,hc,"email",678
11/29/2007 8:26:33 AM,hc,"email",346
11/29/2007 9:30:48 AM,vi,"various mostly working things",3855
11/29/2007 9:50:26 AM,iv,"asst troubles",1178
11/29/2007 9:52:57 AM,hc,"email",151
11/29/2007 10:23:20 AM,re,"self study docs",1823
11/29/2007 10:26:44 AM,ph,"spouse",204
11/29/2007 10:31:50 AM,iv,"rack looker",306
11/29/2007 10:40:22 AM,vi,"various, including a mini-break",512
11/29/2007 10:58:53 AM,tk,"communicator announcements",1111
11/29/2007 11:18:49 AM,ph,"couple of things",1196
11/29/2007 11:21:43 AM,tk,"self study stuff",174
11/29/2007 11:22:20 AM,ip,"visiting profs",37
11/29/2007 11:32:08 AM,re,"self study",588
11/29/2007 11:42:46 AM,re,"satisfaction survey",638
11/29/2007 1:17:32 PM,bk,"lunch",5686
11/29/2007 1:28:45 PM,hc,"phone",673
11/29/2007 1:46:35 PM,tk,"self study",1070
11/29/2007 1:51:36 PM,tk,"power to power strip",301
11/29/2007 2:18:28 PM,ps,"fo",1612
11/29/2007 2:32:28 PM,tk,"find a computer",840
11/29/2007 2:38:14 PM,tk,"more computer finding",346
11/29/2007 2:43:45 PM,ip,"copier",331
11/29/2007 2:47:50 PM,ps,"xmas gift",245
11/29/2007 2:59:46 PM,tk,"blackbaud",716
11/29/2007 3:48:07 PM,tk,"brunch entertainment",2901
11/29/2007 4:01:09 PM,re,"rss",782
11/29/2007 4:59:14 PM,tk,"powerpoint",3485
11/29/2007 5:32:53 PM,tk,"vmware",2019
11/29/2007 5:43:30 PM,tk,"vmware troubles",637
11/29/2007 5:44:35 PM,tk,"more vmware stuff",65

11/30/2007 7:54:19 AM,ar,"",0
11/30/2007 7:56:34 AM,iv,"file opening",135
11/30/2007 8:21:42 AM,hc,"email",1508
11/30/2007 8:29:27 AM,iv,"asst",465
11/30/2007 8:44:13 AM,tk,"vmware",886
11/30/2007 9:50:00 AM,ps,"CARES",3947
11/30/2007 9:58:34 AM,tk,"vmware",514
11/30/2007 10:00:06 AM,hc,"phone",92
11/30/2007 10:03:20 AM,tk,"vmware",194
11/30/2007 10:25:44 AM,iv,"that's it, no more assumptions about what people do and don't know",1344
11/30/2007 10:31:33 AM,tk,"vmware",349
11/30/2007 10:36:26 AM,iv,"notebook trouble",293
11/30/2007 10:50:02 AM,hc,"email",816
11/30/2007 11:08:37 AM,iv,"spam troubles",1115
11/30/2007 11:18:00 AM,tk,"vmware",563
11/30/2007 11:24:53 AM,tk,"draft of tech plan",413
11/30/2007 11:32:44 AM,ip,"outlook interference w/dragon",471
11/30/2007 11:34:02 AM,hc,"email",78
11/30/2007 11:38:22 AM,hc,"phone",260
11/30/2007 11:54:34 AM,ip,"address book troubles",972
11/30/2007 11:59:22 AM,ip,"blackboard restore",288
11/30/2007 12:13:32 PM,tk,"vmware",850
11/30/2007 1:36:00 PM,bk,"lunch (deutsch)",4948
11/30/2007 1:39:03 PM,vi,"re",183
11/30/2007 1:42:04 PM,tk,"vmware",181
11/30/2007 2:01:24 PM,tk,"vmware",1160
11/30/2007 2:09:59 PM,ip,"re",515
11/30/2007 2:52:20 PM,tk,"donated notebook (man I hate these things)",2541
11/30/2007 3:04:58 PM,iv,"re",758
11/30/2007 3:12:38 PM,ip,"ldap",460
11/30/2007 3:20:01 PM,ip,"ldap",443
11/30/2007 3:25:31 PM,ip,"domain joining",330
11/30/2007 3:26:25 PM,iv,"notebook updates and other troubles",54
11/30/2007 3:29:12 PM,iv,"more notebook stuff",167
11/30/2007 3:51:56 PM,ip,"ldap stuff",1364
11/30/2007 3:56:58 PM,ip,"spouse",302
11/30/2007 5:25:13 PM,ip,"ldap stuff",5295

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 November 30

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:9h 30m 54s
  Time Working:7h 2m 39s
   Communication: 0h 3m 3s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 0h 0m 0s
   Interruptions: 4h 6m 11s
    Phone: 2h 54m 0s
    Visit: 1h 12m 11s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 2h 53m 25s
    Tasks/Projects: 2h 7m 31s
    House cleaning: 0h 45m 54s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:1h 22m 28s
  Personal:1h 5m 47s



*** Raw Data ***
11/30/2007 7:54:19 AM,ar,"",0
11/30/2007 7:56:34 AM,iv,"file opening",135
11/30/2007 8:21:42 AM,hc,"email",1508
11/30/2007 8:29:27 AM,iv,"asst",465
11/30/2007 8:44:13 AM,tk,"vmware",886
11/30/2007 9:50:00 AM,ps,"CARES",3947
11/30/2007 9:58:34 AM,tk,"vmware",514
11/30/2007 10:00:06 AM,hc,"phone",92
11/30/2007 10:03:20 AM,tk,"vmware",194
11/30/2007 10:25:44 AM,iv,"that's it, no more assumptions about what people do and don't know",1344
11/30/2007 10:31:33 AM,tk,"vmware",349
11/30/2007 10:36:26 AM,iv,"notebook trouble",293
11/30/2007 10:50:02 AM,hc,"email",816
11/30/2007 11:08:37 AM,iv,"spam troubles",1115
11/30/2007 11:18:00 AM,tk,"vmware",563
11/30/2007 11:24:53 AM,tk,"draft of tech plan",413
11/30/2007 11:32:44 AM,ip,"outlook interference w/dragon",471
11/30/2007 11:34:02 AM,hc,"email",78
11/30/2007 11:38:22 AM,hc,"phone",260
11/30/2007 11:54:34 AM,ip,"address book troubles",972
11/30/2007 11:59:22 AM,ip,"blackboard restore",288
11/30/2007 12:13:32 PM,tk,"vmware",850
11/30/2007 1:36:00 PM,bk,"lunch (deutsch)",4948
11/30/2007 1:39:03 PM,vi,"re",183
11/30/2007 1:42:04 PM,tk,"vmware",181
11/30/2007 2:01:24 PM,tk,"vmware",1160
11/30/2007 2:09:59 PM,ip,"re",515
11/30/2007 2:52:20 PM,tk,"donated notebook (man I hate these things)",2541
11/30/2007 3:04:58 PM,iv,"re",758
11/30/2007 3:12:38 PM,ip,"ldap",460
11/30/2007 3:20:01 PM,ip,"ldap",443
11/30/2007 3:25:31 PM,ip,"domain joining",330
11/30/2007 3:26:25 PM,iv,"notebook updates and other troubles",54
11/30/2007 3:29:12 PM,iv,"more notebook stuff",167
11/30/2007 3:51:56 PM,ip,"ldap stuff",1364
11/30/2007 3:56:58 PM,ip,"spouse",302
11/30/2007 5:25:13 PM,ip,"ldap stuff",5295