The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Weekly Work Summary for the week ending Friday, 2007 December 24

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.



*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:45h 48m 46s
  Time Working:38h 13m 12s
   Communication: 3h 40m 34s
   Meetings: 1h 25m 10s
   Research: 3h 49m 16s
   Interruptions: 4h 24m 57s
    Phone: 2h 6m 57s
    Visit: 2h 18m 0s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 24h 53m 15s
    Tasks/Projects: 22h 41m 39s
    House cleaning: 2h 11m 36s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:5h 44m 50s
  Personal:1h 50m 44s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 9m 45s
  Averagy Daily Working Time:7h 38m 38s
*** Raw Data ***
12/17/2007 8:22:35 AM,ar,"",0
12/17/2007 8:28:11 AM,tk,"check server stati",336
12/17/2007 8:39:52 AM,vi,"check server migration effects",701
12/17/2007 9:12:01 AM,hc,"email",1929
12/17/2007 9:15:29 AM,vi,"check moving status",208
12/17/2007 9:23:13 AM,vi,"check desk dimensions",464
12/17/2007 9:50:23 AM,em,"facstaffstudents server migration stuff",1630
12/17/2007 9:54:09 AM,iv,"asst",226
12/17/2007 9:59:15 AM,ip,"auto work",306
12/17/2007 10:00:15 AM,iv,"asst",60
12/17/2007 10:20:00 AM,bk,"monday",1185
12/17/2007 10:24:05 AM,iv,"consultation",245
12/17/2007 10:27:58 AM,em,"server migration report",233
12/17/2007 12:03:08 PM,tk,"moving stuff",5710
12/17/2007 12:12:39 PM,tk,"moving",571
12/17/2007 12:13:03 PM,hc,"email",24
12/17/2007 12:54:07 PM,bk,"lunch",2464
12/17/2007 1:04:05 PM,tk,"moving CLC",598
12/17/2007 1:10:09 PM,hc,"email",364
12/17/2007 1:38:15 PM,re,"rss",1686
12/17/2007 1:39:29 PM,iv,"printer question",74
12/17/2007 1:46:55 PM,re,"rss",446
12/17/2007 1:58:29 PM,tk,"burn s",694
12/17/2007 2:13:28 PM,vi,"various",899
12/17/2007 2:18:14 PM,ph,"spouse",286
12/17/2007 4:26:32 PM,tk,"thought I'd work on self-study ... didn't",7698
12/17/2007 4:29:34 PM,hc,"email",182
12/17/2007 4:39:55 PM,hc,"email",621
12/17/2007 4:48:24 PM,tk,"check stats",509

12/18/2007 7:50:39 AM,ar,"",0
12/18/2007 7:52:06 AM,hc,"phone",87
12/18/2007 10:03:07 AM,tk,"vmware",7861
12/18/2007 10:17:14 AM,tk,"printer fixing",847
12/18/2007 10:57:43 AM,em,"job description",2429
12/18/2007 11:22:19 AM,tk,"vmware",1476
12/18/2007 11:33:15 AM,iv,"backup procedures",656
12/18/2007 12:00:29 PM,tk,"vmware",1634
12/18/2007 12:07:00 PM,tk,"wireless not working",391
12/18/2007 1:06:15 PM,bk,"lunch",3555
12/18/2007 1:08:15 PM,hc,"email",120
12/18/2007 1:09:25 PM,hc,"phone",70
12/18/2007 1:22:12 PM,em,"student report",767
12/18/2007 1:43:26 PM,ip,"airport",1274
12/18/2007 1:55:53 PM,vi,"various things that turn into interruptions. That's it! I'm never leaving the office again.",747
12/18/2007 2:16:16 PM,ph,"vmware stats",1223
12/18/2007 2:20:02 PM,ps,"espn",226
12/18/2007 2:36:22 PM,vi,"phones and such",980
12/18/2007 2:48:12 PM,ps,"tmq",710
12/18/2007 3:47:35 PM,tk,"phone setup",3563
12/18/2007 3:54:18 PM,ps,"tmq",403
12/18/2007 4:09:36 PM,em,"fmr asst",918
12/18/2007 4:46:55 PM,tk,"order",2239
12/18/2007 5:24:35 PM,re,"rss",2260
12/18/2007 5:27:54 PM,ip,"cdwg",199
12/18/2007 5:36:44 PM,tk,"make sure backup runs",530
12/18/2007 5:47:45 PM,ps,"fantasyfb",661

12/19/2007 7:41:35 AM,ar,"",0
12/19/2007 7:48:08 AM,tk,"check backup",393
12/19/2007 7:56:50 AM,hc,"bootup tasks",522
12/19/2007 8:10:21 AM,tk,"replace toner",811
12/19/2007 8:22:42 AM,tk,"educause investigation",741
12/19/2007 8:52:01 AM,re,"rss",1759
12/19/2007 8:59:21 AM,re,"online storage and zotero",440
12/19/2007 9:15:55 AM,ip,"shot notebook",994
12/19/2007 9:17:46 AM,re,"xdrive",111
12/19/2007 9:31:00 AM,iv,"asst",794
12/19/2007 9:53:29 AM,re,"online storage",1349
12/19/2007 9:58:12 AM,bk,"d",283
12/19/2007 9:59:49 AM,tk,"check ups status",97
12/19/2007 10:21:50 AM,re,"laserfiche",1321
12/19/2007 10:32:29 AM,re,"doc mgmt",639
12/19/2007 10:37:23 AM,tk,"restore r60 hd",294
12/19/2007 10:42:03 AM,tk,"restore r60",280
12/19/2007 10:47:09 AM,re,"untangle",306
12/19/2007 10:51:30 AM,ip,"carshing computer",261
12/19/2007 11:05:34 AM,re,"untangle",844
12/19/2007 11:46:24 AM,tk,"notebook recovery",2450
12/19/2007 12:18:17 PM,tk,"notebook repair",1913
12/19/2007 1:09:26 PM,bk,"lunch",3069
12/19/2007 1:18:46 PM,tk,"notebook",560
12/19/2007 1:19:45 PM,iv,"dean",59
12/19/2007 1:32:02 PM,tk,"new accts",737
12/19/2007 1:36:48 PM,iv,"more notebooks that don't work",286
12/19/2007 1:40:36 PM,tk,"complete student import",228
12/19/2007 2:00:05 PM,tk,"notebook stuff",1169
12/19/2007 2:09:01 PM,tk,"ee inquiry",536
12/19/2007 2:20:35 PM,tk,"student account printing and such",694
12/19/2007 2:25:52 PM,ip,"satisfaction permissions",317
12/19/2007 2:32:02 PM,tk,"still more notebooks",370
12/19/2007 2:35:36 PM,tk,"test satisfaction",214
12/19/2007 2:52:40 PM,iv,"cd to tape transfer services",1024
12/19/2007 3:37:15 PM,tk,"notebook repair",2675
12/19/2007 5:10:56 PM,tk,"notebook repair (vista ... argh)",5621

12/20/2007 7:43:00 AM,ar,"",0
12/20/2007 7:47:01 AM,hc,"boot up",241
12/20/2007 8:03:52 AM,hc,"email",1011
12/20/2007 8:20:41 AM,re,"rss",1009
12/20/2007 8:35:13 AM,tk,"backup tweaking",872
12/20/2007 8:39:36 AM,vi,"deliver acct info",263
12/20/2007 9:52:49 AM,tk,"account creation script",4393
12/20/2007 10:01:20 AM,ip,"e-mail troubles",511
12/20/2007 11:40:28 AM,tk,"archive e-mail and files",5948
12/20/2007 11:50:52 AM,ps,"wikipedia",624
12/20/2007 12:04:30 PM,ps,"wittgenstein",818
12/20/2007 12:06:52 PM,hc,"email",142
12/20/2007 12:10:38 PM,hc,"email",226
12/20/2007 12:47:39 PM,bk,"lunch",2221
12/20/2007 12:57:15 PM,tk,"new acct script",576
12/20/2007 1:02:15 PM,iv,"colleague",300
12/20/2007 2:27:25 PM,mt,"ped comm",5110
12/20/2007 2:28:13 PM,hc,"email",48
12/20/2007 2:34:45 PM,hc,"phone",392
12/20/2007 2:38:09 PM,ip,"telemarketer",204
12/20/2007 2:45:31 PM,ph,"apple",442
12/20/2007 2:57:58 PM,ph,"itunesu",747
12/20/2007 3:01:12 PM,re,"rss",194
12/20/2007 3:21:42 PM,tk,"account script",1230
12/20/2007 3:29:16 PM,hc,"email",454
12/20/2007 3:49:01 PM,ip,"lost doc",1185
12/20/2007 4:21:33 PM,tk,"deliver s",1952
12/20/2007 4:47:50 PM,iv,"bbsis crashing",1577
12/20/2007 4:57:56 PM,tk,"acct creation script",606
12/20/2007 5:01:34 PM,tk,"new computer",218
12/20/2007 5:18:39 PM,tk,"net computer",1025

12/21/2007 8:34:29 AM,iv,"asst",0
12/21/2007 8:47:35 AM,hc,"email",786
12/21/2007 8:49:11 AM,ip,"evals",96
12/21/2007 8:54:08 AM,em,"kiosk location problem",297
12/21/2007 9:47:30 AM,ps,"cares",3202
12/21/2007 9:51:23 AM,hc,"email",233
12/21/2007 10:21:51 AM,tk,"net computer setup",1828
12/21/2007 10:31:38 AM,ip,"re backup",587
12/21/2007 10:47:58 AM,ip,"e-mail archiving",980
12/21/2007 10:50:58 AM,tk,"computer installation",180
12/21/2007 11:02:57 AM,tk,"computer installation",719
12/21/2007 11:10:03 AM,ip,"folder migration",426
12/21/2007 11:24:10 AM,iv,"class followup",847
12/21/2007 11:28:32 AM,tk,"computer",262
12/21/2007 11:34:12 AM,bk,"lunch prep",340
12/21/2007 11:38:44 AM,tk,"new computer",272
12/21/2007 1:37:07 PM,bk,"lunch",7103
12/21/2007 1:43:19 PM,hc,"email",372
12/21/2007 1:53:29 PM,tk,"new computer",610
12/21/2007 2:48:23 PM,tk,"new computer",3294
12/21/2007 2:49:35 PM,hc,"phone",72
12/21/2007 2:58:48 PM,re,"rss",553
12/21/2007 3:08:53 PM,re,"rss",605
12/21/2007 3:11:00 PM,re,"rss",127
12/21/2007 3:15:37 PM,ip,"leaving employee",277
12/21/2007 3:41:47 PM,iv,"guest",1570
12/21/2007 3:43:34 PM,re,"spiceworks",107
12/21/2007 3:51:24 PM,bk,"p",470
12/21/2007 4:45:58 PM,tk,"acct creation script",3274
12/21/2007 4:55:20 PM,iv,"backup",562