The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 4 April, 2008

5 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:46h 34m 30s
  Time Working:39h 39m 37s
   Planned: 22h 16m 48s
    Projects/Tasks: 13h 18m 38s
    Meetings: 5h 10m 58s
    Reading/Research: 0h 52m 33s
    Communication: 2h 11m 44s
    House cleaning: 0h 42m 55s
   Unplanned: 17h 16m 30s
    Distraction: 2h 39m 0s
    Interruption: 3h 16m 1s
    Projects/Tasks: 11h 21m 29s
   Other Work: 3h 29m 55s
    Non-work Work: 0h 6m 19s
    Community Life: 3h 23m 36s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:6h 54m 53s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 18m 54s
  Average Daily Working Time:7h 55m 55s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:85.15%
   Planned: 56.18%
    Projects/Tasks: 59.74%
    Meetings: 23.26%
    Reading/Research: 3.93%
    Communication: 9.85%
    House cleaning: 3.21%
   Unplanned: 43.56%
    Distraction: 15.34%
    Interruption: 18.91%
    Projects/Tasks: 65.75%
   Other Work: 8.82%
    Non-work Work: 3.01%
    Community Life: 96.99%
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
03/31/2008 7:58:47 AM,ar,"",0
03/31/2008 8:01:57 AM,tk,"backup check",190
03/31/2008 8:03:10 AM,hc,"post conference cleanup",73
03/31/2008 8:04:50 AM,em,"",100
03/31/2008 8:47:53 AM,up,"kiosk fixing",2583
03/31/2008 9:09:31 AM,em,"post-conference catchup",1298
03/31/2008 9:32:52 AM,iv,"asst",1401
03/31/2008 9:37:12 AM,hc,"mail check",260
03/31/2008 9:55:44 AM,iv,"asst",1112
03/31/2008 10:25:00 AM,cl,"monday",1756
03/31/2008 10:39:07 AM,ps,"epd discuss",847
03/31/2008 10:45:01 AM,ip,"spamhaus",354
03/31/2008 12:10:42 PM,mt,"pedcomm",5141
03/31/2008 1:02:13 PM,bk,"lunch",3091
03/31/2008 1:10:31 PM,em,"",498
03/31/2008 1:18:58 PM,em,"",507
03/31/2008 1:23:14 PM,up,"password check",256
03/31/2008 2:34:38 PM,tk,"polycom testing",4284
03/31/2008 3:07:03 PM,tk,"setup for heb",1945
03/31/2008 9:06:40 PM,tk,"hebrew",21577

04/01/2008 7:42:14 AM,ar,"",0
04/01/2008 8:08:15 AM,tk,"hebrew",1561
04/01/2008 8:18:54 AM,iv,"xubuntu question",639
04/01/2008 8:27:44 AM,tk,"hebrew finalizing",530
04/01/2008 9:04:45 AM,mt,"anniversary",2221
04/01/2008 9:11:04 AM,nw,"parser",379
04/01/2008 9:22:21 AM,tk,"prep for spring break",677
04/01/2008 9:42:43 AM,tk,"backup check",1222
04/01/2008 9:55:46 AM,hc,"payroll stuff",783
04/01/2008 10:16:19 AM,re,"rss",1233
04/01/2008 10:54:12 AM,bk,"some vocab review",2273
04/01/2008 11:03:43 AM,em,"re and bbsis update schedule announcement",571
04/01/2008 11:16:57 AM,up,"download updates",794
04/01/2008 11:56:13 AM,up,"webstats",2356
04/01/2008 12:16:25 PM,up,"anniversary planning av stuff",1212
04/01/2008 1:06:41 PM,bk,"lunch",3016
04/01/2008 1:45:01 PM,mt,"anniv planning",2300
04/01/2008 2:38:00 PM,up,"anniv planning",3179
04/01/2008 2:45:06 PM,up,"more blackbaud update prep",426
04/01/2008 2:55:09 PM,up,"more anniv planning (order equipment)",603
04/01/2008 3:00:09 PM,ps,"slate",300
04/01/2008 3:30:00 PM,up,"fiber quote",1791
04/01/2008 5:59:56 PM,mt,"goodlife",8996

04/02/2008 8:00:26 AM,ar,"",0
04/02/2008 8:06:44 AM,ps,"good-natured ribbing",378
04/02/2008 8:25:49 AM,em,"",1145
04/02/2008 11:15:03 AM,up,"kiosk setup",10154
04/02/2008 11:22:54 AM,em,"",471
04/02/2008 11:50:00 AM,tk,"self-study",1626
04/02/2008 11:58:54 AM,re,"rss",534
04/02/2008 12:10:00 PM,hr,"phone cord",666
04/02/2008 12:50:41 PM,bk,"lunch",2441
04/02/2008 1:53:51 PM,tk,"CoW",3790
04/02/2008 2:13:57 PM,tk,"self-study and some moodle stuff",1206
04/02/2008 2:28:41 PM,up,"CoW stuff",884
04/02/2008 2:35:15 PM,tk,"good life",394
04/02/2008 2:37:32 PM,tk,"self-study",137
04/02/2008 2:40:00 PM,ip,"spam question",148
04/02/2008 2:50:31 PM,iv,"asst",631
04/02/2008 3:02:03 PM,tk,"self-study",692
04/02/2008 4:30:04 PM,cl,"menno demographics",5281
04/02/2008 4:35:29 PM,em,"",325
04/02/2008 4:41:41 PM,ps,"slate",372
04/02/2008 4:45:18 PM,tk,"self-study",217

04/03/2008 8:30:00 AM,ar,"dog at vet",0
04/03/2008 8:42:15 AM,iv,"what kind of computer should I buy?",735
04/03/2008 8:46:44 AM,tk,"backupcheck",269
04/03/2008 8:48:48 AM,em,"",124
04/03/2008 8:50:27 AM,hr,"surge suppressor",99
04/03/2008 8:55:26 AM,ps,"dictionary",299
04/03/2008 9:12:22 AM,up,"scanner discussion",1016
04/03/2008 10:17:52 AM,di,"battery check",3930
04/03/2008 10:20:42 AM,em,"",170
04/03/2008 11:50:06 AM,up,"anniv prep",5364
04/03/2008 1:16:25 PM,cl,"forum",5179
04/03/2008 1:24:51 PM,em,"",506
04/03/2008 1:26:33 PM,iv,"computer wireless",102
04/03/2008 1:31:07 PM,em,"account info request",274
04/03/2008 1:52:12 PM,up,"anniv planning",1265
04/03/2008 2:17:53 PM,up,"ordering",1541
04/03/2008 2:24:44 PM,re,"rss",411
04/03/2008 2:33:01 PM,up,"anniv planning",497
04/03/2008 2:37:10 PM,hc,"",249
04/03/2008 2:46:04 PM,di,"rapidrun",534
04/03/2008 2:47:54 PM,hc,"",110
04/03/2008 2:56:19 PM,em,"",505
04/03/2008 2:59:05 PM,hc,"",166
04/03/2008 3:05:41 PM,di,"projector hunting",396
04/03/2008 3:27:49 PM,up,"printer install",1328
04/03/2008 3:29:34 PM,em,"",105
04/03/2008 3:35:24 PM,di,"moodle survey results",350
04/03/2008 3:55:05 PM,di,"print mgmt",1181
04/03/2008 5:06:31 PM,tk,"self-eval for review",4286
04/03/2008 5:11:25 PM,bk,"p",294
04/03/2008 5:16:04 PM,hc,"desktop",279

04/04/2008 7:59:30 AM,ar,"",0
04/04/2008 8:07:12 AM,tk,"asst task assignment",462
04/04/2008 8:33:51 AM,iv,"asst",1599
04/04/2008 8:42:00 AM,tk,"shopping",489
04/04/2008 8:50:00 AM,ip,"hebrew question",480
04/04/2008 10:20:13 AM,ps,"CARES",5413
04/04/2008 10:37:41 AM,up,"moodle research",1048
04/04/2008 10:40:12 AM,iv,"asst",151
04/04/2008 10:44:57 AM,up,"moodle research",285
04/04/2008 11:07:41 AM,up,"moodle research",1364
04/04/2008 11:13:25 AM,up,"moodle organization",344
04/04/2008 11:13:59 AM,iv,"keyboard batteries",34
04/04/2008 11:25:46 AM,up,"moodle setup",707
04/04/2008 11:33:12 AM,up,"moodle revisions",446
04/04/2008 11:43:18 AM,bk,"water",606
04/04/2008 12:02:54 PM,vi,"queries",1176
04/04/2008 1:34:36 PM,bk,"deutsch",5502
04/04/2008 1:57:41 PM,di,"educause stuff",1385
04/04/2008 2:01:04 PM,iv,"facworkprinter",203
04/04/2008 2:21:04 PM,di,"em",1200
04/04/2008 2:31:59 PM,hc,"mail",655
04/04/2008 2:38:32 PM,re,"google nonprofits",393
04/04/2008 2:47:56 PM,di,"google nonprofits",564
04/04/2008 3:08:19 PM,tk,"self-study",1223
04/04/2008 3:11:04 PM,iv,"thunderbird lightning and exchange",165
04/04/2008 3:18:19 PM,tk,"self-study",435
04/04/2008 3:19:20 PM,ps,"vet",61
04/04/2008 3:27:51 PM,tk,"self-study",511
04/04/2008 4:34:38 PM,iv,"admin mtg scheduling and some interruptions and visits on the way",4007
04/04/2008 4:36:47 PM,em,"",129
04/04/2008 4:48:08 PM,up,"room configuration",681
04/04/2008 4:51:23 PM,tk,"self-study",195
04/04/2008 5:01:05 PM,re,"rss",582