*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 83h 11m 4s | ||||||
Time Working: | 68h 49m 36s | ||||||
Planned: | 28h 47m 53s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 25h 37m 34s | ||||||
Meetings: | 1h 25m 45s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 0h 45m 11s | ||||||
Communication: | 0h 59m 23s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 32h 59m 27s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Interruption: | 3h 7m 26s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 29h 52m 1s | ||||||
Other Work: | 7h 2m 16s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 5h 13m 16s | ||||||
Community Life: | 1h 49m 0s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 14h 21m 28s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 11h 53m 0s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 9h 49m 56s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 82.74% | ||||||
Planned: | 41.84% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 88.99% | ||||||
Meetings: | 4.96% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 2.61% | ||||||
Communication: | 3.44% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 0.00% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 47.93% | ||||||
Distraction: | 0.00% | ||||||
Interruption: | 9.47% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 90.53% | ||||||
Other Work: | 10.23% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 74.19% | ||||||
Community Life: | 25.81% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0.00% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 17.26% |
*** Raw Data *** |
10/20/2008 7:58:19 AM,ar,"",0 10/20/2008 8:14:44 AM,em,"",985 10/20/2008 8:44:55 AM,iv,"asst",1811 10/20/2008 9:46:27 AM,up,"ssl cert",3692 10/20/2008 9:46:43 AM,iv,"asst",16 10/20/2008 10:06:21 AM,iv,"asst",1178 10/20/2008 10:21:00 AM,ip,"notebook (remote) aarghiness",879 10/20/2008 10:39:17 AM,cl,"monday",1097 10/20/2008 11:05:02 AM,ip,"more remote support",1545 10/20/2008 11:28:45 AM,re,"rss",1423 10/20/2008 12:19:19 PM,up,"ssl remnants",3034 10/20/2008 12:45:00 PM,bk,"lunch",1541 10/20/2008 1:05:42 PM,iv,"computer purchase consultation",1242 10/20/2008 1:45:21 PM,up,"backup checking",2379 10/20/2008 2:18:16 PM,up,"moodle stats",1975 10/20/2008 2:37:48 PM,tk,"moodle pres",1172 10/20/2008 2:59:25 PM,iv,"online course communication troubles",1297 10/20/2008 3:10:56 PM,iv,"indiana elec",691 10/20/2008 3:38:17 PM,tk,"moodle pres",1641 10/20/2008 5:08:19 PM,tk,"moodle v blackboard",5402 10/21/2008 7:50:42 AM,ar,"",0 10/21/2008 8:05:54 AM,em,"",912 10/21/2008 8:31:07 AM,tk,"morning stuff",1513 10/21/2008 9:56:52 AM,mt,"bibl story",5145 10/21/2008 10:08:15 AM,ip,"theo ctr guest logistics",683 10/21/2008 10:50:07 AM,bk,"",2512 10/21/2008 11:05:42 AM,re,"rss",935 10/21/2008 11:21:04 AM,tk,"post notices re server",922 10/21/2008 11:26:57 AM,re,"rss",353 10/21/2008 12:15:00 PM,bk,"worship",2883 10/21/2008 1:59:47 PM,nw,"bibl story practice",6287 10/21/2008 2:07:27 PM,em,"",460 10/21/2008 2:31:05 PM,iv,"indiana elec",1418 10/21/2008 2:51:11 PM,em,"",1206 10/21/2008 3:35:40 PM,bk,"",2669 10/21/2008 3:38:37 PM,hr,"email permissions check",177 10/21/2008 3:58:53 PM,ps,"tmq",1216 10/21/2008 4:01:57 PM,ip,"spouse",184 10/21/2008 4:19:23 PM,ps,"time wasting",1046 10/21/2008 4:24:25 PM,iv,"collegial visit",302 10/21/2008 4:26:38 PM,tk,"signage",133 10/21/2008 5:40:07 PM,nw,"bibl story stuff",4409 10/21/2008 6:30:00 PM,up,"server work prep",2993 10/21/2008 7:09:00 PM,bk,"supper",2340 10/21/2008 11:59:59 PM,up,"server work (yes, this is correct)",17459 10/22/2008 12:00:00 AM,ar,"",0 10/22/2008 2:06:00 AM,tk,"server rebuild",7560 10/22/2008 6:11:00 AM,ps,"sleep",14700 10/22/2008 8:59:40 AM,up,"server restoration process ... long, tedious, dull, fraught",10120 10/22/2008 10:01:46 AM,ps,"CARES",3726 10/22/2008 12:08:01 PM,tk,"server restoration crapola",7575 10/22/2008 1:20:05 PM,bk,"lunch",4324 10/22/2008 2:18:04 PM,up,"server monitoring etc ... going home. tarred.",3479 10/23/2008 6:31:10 AM,ar,"",0 10/23/2008 10:05:00 AM,up,"wait for server restore, do a bundh of other things",12830 10/23/2008 10:30:00 AM,bk,"special event",1500 10/23/2008 11:41:01 AM,up,"more waiting and doing other things ... cleaning the office is not one",4261 10/23/2008 1:11:44 PM,cl,"forum",5443 10/23/2008 4:24:22 PM,tk,"a variety of things that pale in comparison to wiating for the server ... and waiting and waiting and waiting",11558 10/24/2008 7:40:00 AM,ar,"long weekend ahead I fear",0 10/24/2008 12:15:00 PM,tk,"a bunch of stuff while worrying about the server",16500 10/24/2008 12:30:00 PM,bk,"lunch",900 10/24/2008 2:45:00 PM,nw,"bibl story first tellings",8100 10/24/2008 5:15:00 PM,tk,"again with the server",9000 10/25/2008 9:00:42 AM,ar,"",0 10/25/2008 12:30:36 PM,up,"get that server up ... now to configure samba, qmail, etc (started some of that)",12594 10/25/2008 1:15:44 PM,bk,"lunch",2708 10/25/2008 6:05:01 PM,tk,"new server working",17357 10/25/2008 7:20:45 PM,bk,"supper and a little rr (a very little rr)",4544 10/25/2008 10:39:26 PM,tk,"rebuilding server",11921 10/26/2008 9:19:14 AM,ar,"yup, sunday",0 10/26/2008 12:39:39 PM,up,"server rebuild. E-mail seems to be mostly working. Holding breath.",12025 10/26/2008 1:28:43 PM,bk,"lunch",2944 10/26/2008 4:12:32 PM,up,"server rebuild -- stupid expect script not working like I want with smbpasswd",9829 10/26/2008 4:48:07 PM,bk,"dog walk",2135 10/26/2008 7:46:01 PM,up,"server rebuild (big work done)",10674 |