*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 46h 8m 34s | ||||||
Time Working: | 40h 36m 36s | ||||||
Planned: | 16h 34m 15s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 7h 7m 42s | ||||||
Meetings: | 2h 15m 43s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 3h 18m 53s | ||||||
Communication: | 2h 59m 11s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 0h 52m 46s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 19h 19m 40s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 58m 23s | ||||||
Interruption: | 7h 5m 58s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 11h 15m 19s | ||||||
Other Work: | 4h 42m 41s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 3h 12m 20s | ||||||
Community Life: | 1h 30m 21s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 5h 31m 58s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 9h 13m 42s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 8h 7m 19s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 88.01% | ||||||
Planned: | 40.80% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 43.02% | ||||||
Meetings: | 13.65% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 20.00% | ||||||
Communication: | 18.02% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 5.31% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 47.59% | ||||||
Distraction: | 5.03% | ||||||
Interruption: | 36.73% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 58.23% | ||||||
Other Work: | 11.60% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 68.04% | ||||||
Community Life: | 31.96% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0.00% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 11.99% |
*** Raw Data *** |
01/05/2009 7:50:00 AM,ar,"",0 01/05/2009 8:00:34 AM,ip,"technically this happened before I even left the house, but my logger doesn't allow for anything to be entered prior to an "ar"",634 01/05/2009 8:08:16 AM,hc,"clear phone, start e-mail",462 01/05/2009 8:27:05 AM,em,"",1129 01/05/2009 8:33:19 AM,up,"parser failed",374 01/05/2009 8:42:01 AM,ip,"marketing",522 01/05/2009 8:48:07 AM,up,"parser tweaking",366 01/05/2009 9:29:02 AM,em,"",2455 01/05/2009 9:51:29 AM,tk,"media rescue attempt",1347 01/05/2009 10:22:12 AM,cl,"monday",1843 01/05/2009 10:26:27 AM,iv,"cable hunt",255 01/05/2009 10:37:23 AM,ip,"phone virus printer ... all sorts of problems that seem, for some strange reason, to afflict one particular person but no one else. Odd, that.",656 01/05/2009 10:54:08 AM,tk,"media rescue attempt",1005 01/05/2009 10:58:16 AM,re,"rss",248 01/05/2009 11:01:03 AM,ip,"new accts",167 01/05/2009 11:02:26 AM,ip,"more accts",83 01/05/2009 11:35:10 AM,re,"rss",1964 01/05/2009 12:05:58 PM,hr,"minutetaking notebook update",1848 01/05/2009 12:15:00 PM,hr,"printer install and phone question",542 01/05/2009 1:00:27 PM,bk,"lunch",2727 01/05/2009 1:03:52 PM,em,"",205 01/05/2009 1:07:56 PM,iv,"new acct",244 01/05/2009 1:14:22 PM,em,"and an hr",386 01/05/2009 4:08:30 PM,hr,"dangerous hall-walking",10448 01/05/2009 4:24:11 PM,hr,"various",941 01/05/2009 4:44:15 PM,nw,"spt2009",1204 01/05/2009 5:18:43 PM,re,"rss",2068 01/05/2009 5:42:50 PM,up,"media rescue attempt (continuing saga)",1447 01/06/2009 8:03:10 AM,ar,"",0 01/06/2009 8:06:10 AM,hc,"prep",180 01/06/2009 8:20:34 AM,tk,"check odyssey",864 01/06/2009 8:26:04 AM,hc,"boot up taks",330 01/06/2009 8:43:55 AM,hc,"check whether minute taking notebook is working",1071 01/06/2009 9:16:36 AM,re,"rss",1961 01/06/2009 9:43:25 AM,nw,"facebook and church",1609 01/06/2009 10:41:48 AM,di,"word processing and other little things",3503 01/06/2009 11:12:40 AM,up,"satisfaction db",1852 01/06/2009 11:29:18 AM,iv,"printing",998 01/06/2009 11:48:34 AM,up,"satisfaction stuff",1156 01/06/2009 11:55:50 AM,tk,"moodle and blackboard stuff",436 01/06/2009 12:17:26 PM,ps,"tmq",1296 01/06/2009 1:24:36 PM,bk,"lunch",4030 01/06/2009 1:25:46 PM,em,"",70 01/06/2009 1:32:42 PM,em,"",416 01/06/2009 3:06:00 PM,iv,"conference phone",5598 01/06/2009 3:08:19 PM,iv,"asst",139 01/06/2009 3:23:28 PM,nw,"moneysaving idea",909 01/06/2009 3:33:31 PM,re,"thinking about moodle and blackboard",603 01/06/2009 3:41:30 PM,iv,"fmr asst",479 01/06/2009 3:46:32 PM,re,"moodle blackboard comparison",302 01/06/2009 4:56:23 PM,ip,"lost document -- wish I could watch over everyone's shoulder at all times so I'd know how this happens",4191 01/06/2009 5:20:00 PM,re,"rss",1417 01/07/2009 8:15:26 AM,ar,"",0 01/07/2009 8:45:27 AM,re,"first monday (after some email)",1801 01/07/2009 9:20:26 AM,ip,"computer discussion followed by two more interruptions",2099 01/07/2009 9:54:12 AM,tk,"moodle and blackboard thinking",2026 01/07/2009 10:26:26 AM,hr,"gp report customization - intercompany transaction error",1934 01/07/2009 10:31:05 AM,iv,"student chat",279 01/07/2009 11:16:20 AM,nw,"ref for fmr studasst",2715 01/07/2009 11:32:53 AM,nw,"admin fac prep",993 01/07/2009 11:59:31 AM,iv,"where things go",1598 01/07/2009 12:45:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2729 01/07/2009 1:02:00 PM,hr,"notebook virus scan",1020 01/07/2009 2:35:16 PM,mt,"pres srch brainstorm",5596 01/07/2009 2:52:00 PM,em,"meeting request",1004 01/07/2009 3:20:30 PM,ip,"toner",1710 01/07/2009 3:27:48 PM,hr,"various",438 01/07/2009 3:42:08 PM,em,"schedule meeting",860 01/07/2009 3:52:09 PM,ps,"disc copy",601 01/07/2009 4:09:31 PM,bk,"t",1042 01/07/2009 4:14:42 PM,ps,"cd burn",311 01/07/2009 5:22:26 PM,tk,"blackboard moodle",4064 01/08/2009 8:05:07 AM,ar,"",0 01/08/2009 8:16:27 AM,tk,"various little housekeeping things",680 01/08/2009 8:23:32 AM,em,"",425 01/08/2009 8:26:32 AM,iv,"corrupt normal.dot",180 01/08/2009 10:03:17 AM,tk,"blackboard moodle",5805 01/08/2009 10:12:24 AM,bk,"t",547 01/08/2009 10:21:50 AM,hr,"great plains",566 01/08/2009 10:33:13 AM,tk,"moodle blackboard",683 01/08/2009 10:35:31 AM,ip,"grade submission",138 01/08/2009 11:32:40 AM,ps,"return video",3429 01/08/2009 11:42:03 AM,ip,"spouse",563 01/08/2009 12:38:27 PM,up,"av misery",3384 01/08/2009 12:40:16 PM,ps,"fb",109 01/08/2009 12:50:49 PM,up,"lam av",633 01/08/2009 1:59:19 PM,nw,"self study for 85% of this; break the rest",4110 01/08/2009 2:59:35 PM,tk,"moodle vs blackboard",3616 01/08/2009 3:36:12 PM,ip,"internet down",2197 01/08/2009 3:40:28 PM,up,"internet down",256 01/08/2009 4:28:56 PM,up,"maintenance request updating",2908 01/08/2009 4:47:39 PM,hc,"sgoing home cleanup tasks",1123 01/09/2009 8:13:10 AM,ar,"",0 01/09/2009 8:18:33 AM,up,"update failed",323 01/09/2009 8:21:16 AM,iv,"lost media",163 01/09/2009 8:50:48 AM,em,"",1772 01/09/2009 9:18:00 AM,up,"lecture transfer (media)",1632 01/09/2009 9:40:00 AM,em,"and tasks coming from it",1320 01/09/2009 10:27:06 AM,tk,"mrs updating",2826 01/09/2009 11:00:03 AM,iv,"several tasks ... gracious",1977 01/09/2009 11:38:33 AM,tk,"mrs authentication playing",2310 01/09/2009 12:38:11 PM,cl,"chapel",3578 01/09/2009 1:28:24 PM,bk,"lunch",3013 01/09/2009 1:34:38 PM,em,"",374 01/09/2009 1:46:06 PM,iv,"student visit",688 01/09/2009 2:28:33 PM,mt,"super",2547 01/09/2009 4:49:24 PM,hr,"omilord",8451 01/09/2009 4:54:59 PM,em,"",335 01/09/2009 4:56:23 PM,bk,"t",84 01/09/2009 5:22:32 PM,re,"rss",1569 |