*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 40h 51m 34s | ||||||
Time Working: | 36h 5m 35s | ||||||
Planned: | 17h 9m 10s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 7h 38m 17s | ||||||
Meetings: | 2h 57m 7s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 2h 53m 25s | ||||||
Communication: | 3h 23m 33s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 0h 16m 48s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 15h 3m 24s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 6m 17s | ||||||
Interruption: | 6h 52m 22s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 8h 4m 45s | ||||||
Other Work: | 3h 53m 1s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 1h 51m 37s | ||||||
Community Life: | 2h 1m 24s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 4h 45m 59s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 8h 10m 18s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 7h 13m 7s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 88.33% | ||||||
Planned: | 47.52% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 44.53% | ||||||
Meetings: | 17.21% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 16.85% | ||||||
Communication: | 19.78% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 1.63% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 41.72% | ||||||
Distraction: | 0.70% | ||||||
Interruption: | 45.65% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 53.66% | ||||||
Other Work: | 10.76% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 47.90% | ||||||
Community Life: | 52.10% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0.00% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 11.67% |
*** Raw Data *** |
03/30/2009 8:17:28 AM,em,"",0 03/30/2009 8:37:23 AM,em,"",1195 03/30/2009 8:38:38 AM,ip,"spouse",75 03/30/2009 8:54:55 AM,nw,"spt2009",977 03/30/2009 9:57:15 AM,em,"conficker",3740 03/30/2009 10:33:01 AM,cl,"monday",2146 03/30/2009 10:50:03 AM,up,"conficker scan",1022 03/30/2009 10:54:19 AM,nw,"spt2009",256 03/30/2009 11:48:50 AM,up,"conficker",3271 03/30/2009 12:00:01 PM,ic,"spt09",671 03/30/2009 12:57:33 PM,bk,"lunch",3452 03/30/2009 12:57:48 PM,em,"",15 03/30/2009 2:30:34 PM,mt,"mld fac stuff",5566 03/30/2009 2:53:40 PM,re,"rss",1386 03/30/2009 2:59:01 PM,em,"",321 03/30/2009 4:16:20 PM,up,"conficker",4639 03/30/2009 4:56:09 PM,hr,"moodle gradebook",2389 03/30/2009 5:10:11 PM,up,"conficker",842 03/31/2009 7:55:00 AM,ar,"",0 03/31/2009 8:06:12 AM,tk,"scan daycare computers",672 03/31/2009 8:11:10 AM,em,"",298 03/31/2009 8:20:19 AM,up,"conficker scanning (almost done ...)",549 03/31/2009 9:11:17 AM,hr,"dvd burning",3058 03/31/2009 9:27:34 AM,hc,"",977 03/31/2009 9:54:28 AM,re,"rss",1614 03/31/2009 10:04:00 AM,iv,"spt",572 03/31/2009 10:11:03 AM,re,"rss",423 03/31/2009 11:04:24 AM,up,"more conficker",3201 03/31/2009 11:12:06 AM,re,"rss",462 03/31/2009 11:55:55 AM,hr,"traveling notebook",2629 03/31/2009 12:13:10 PM,hr,"upload db",1035 03/31/2009 12:18:13 PM,re,"trademag",303 03/31/2009 12:31:42 PM,ps,"espn",809 04/01/2009 8:00:21 AM,ar,"",0 04/01/2009 8:00:52 AM,hc,"boot up stuff",31 04/01/2009 8:08:26 AM,ip,"downed computer",454 04/01/2009 8:21:58 AM,em,"",812 04/01/2009 8:26:55 AM,em,"",297 04/01/2009 8:51:38 AM,re,"rss",1483 04/01/2009 8:57:55 AM,di,"openoffice",377 04/01/2009 10:06:05 AM,ps,"CARES",4090 04/01/2009 10:57:34 AM,tk,"print stat parsing",3089 04/01/2009 11:13:10 AM,hr,"surveymonkey",936 04/01/2009 11:31:47 AM,tk,"meeting prep",1117 04/01/2009 11:33:49 AM,ph,"mccan resource centre",122 04/01/2009 12:07:26 PM,tk,"moodle",2017 04/01/2009 12:35:43 PM,ip,"pdf editing",1697 04/01/2009 12:45:32 PM,tk,"moodle tutorial",589 04/01/2009 1:35:01 PM,bk,"lunch",2969 04/01/2009 1:36:33 PM,em,"",92 04/01/2009 1:55:39 PM,nw,"spt",1146 04/01/2009 3:20:00 PM,mt,"pedcom",5061 04/01/2009 4:20:00 PM,tk,"meeting followup and some unrelated tasks",3600 04/01/2009 4:51:00 PM,iv,"conficker and other things",1860 04/01/2009 4:46:00 PM,tk,"minutes",300 04/01/2009 5:09:00 PM,iv,"student project dvd stuff",1380 04/01/2009 5:17:04 PM,tk,"minutes",484 04/02/2009 8:16:57 AM,ar,"",0 04/02/2009 8:17:53 AM,tk,"disrobe",56 04/02/2009 8:24:19 AM,tk,"check things out",386 04/02/2009 8:45:42 AM,em,"",1283 04/02/2009 8:54:08 AM,em,"",506 04/02/2009 9:03:21 AM,tk,"minutes",553 04/02/2009 9:25:35 AM,tk,"moodle migration",1334 04/02/2009 9:27:27 AM,ip,"moodle blackboard stuff",112 04/02/2009 9:54:46 AM,em,"",1639 04/02/2009 9:57:44 AM,em,"I don't have a better category for the variety of little things I've been doing largely not of my own initiation",178 04/02/2009 10:04:11 AM,tk,"minutes",387 04/02/2009 10:17:03 AM,bk,"",772 04/02/2009 11:15:43 AM,tk,"various meeting cleanup stuff",3520 04/02/2009 11:37:05 AM,up,"more meeting follow up stuff",1282 04/02/2009 11:37:09 AM,iv,"twizzlers",4 04/02/2009 11:47:38 AM,iv,"digital voice editor stuff",629 04/02/2009 11:52:37 AM,re,"rss",299 04/02/2009 1:18:15 PM,cl,"forum",5138 04/02/2009 1:22:38 PM,re,"rss",263 04/02/2009 1:24:58 PM,up,"microphone fixer upper",140 04/02/2009 1:33:05 PM,nw,"office bulletin board",487 04/02/2009 1:44:07 PM,nw,"bull borad",662 04/02/2009 1:48:44 PM,re,"rss",277 04/02/2009 2:02:02 PM,up,"repair av storage",798 04/02/2009 2:14:51 PM,nw,"spt2009",769 04/02/2009 2:28:57 PM,iv,"ds",846 04/02/2009 2:35:21 PM,re,"spt2009",384 04/02/2009 2:52:39 PM,nw,"spt info gathering",1038 04/02/2009 3:47:05 PM,iv,"groeltz",3266 04/02/2009 4:07:01 PM,re,"rss",1196 04/02/2009 5:15:35 PM,tk,"moodle things",4114 04/03/2009 8:09:00 AM,ar,"",0 04/03/2009 8:26:36 AM,iv,"student teaching me things",1056 04/03/2009 8:29:31 AM,em,"",175 04/03/2009 8:38:17 AM,nw,"ana prayerbook reading eval",526 04/03/2009 8:48:38 AM,iv,"disproportionate",621 04/03/2009 8:54:34 AM,nw,"ana pryr bk",356 04/03/2009 9:02:34 AM,nw,"ana pb",480 04/03/2009 9:45:54 AM,tk,"moodle",2600 04/03/2009 9:50:17 AM,tk,"moodle",263 04/03/2009 10:18:30 AM,bk,"",1693 04/03/2009 10:36:39 AM,tk,"old scanner",1089 04/03/2009 10:43:23 AM,em,"",404 04/03/2009 10:55:44 AM,hr,"new computer equipment",741 04/03/2009 11:17:51 AM,tk,"moodle",1327 04/03/2009 11:34:20 AM,ph,"mccan resource centre",989 04/03/2009 12:11:46 PM,hr,"students",2246 04/03/2009 12:16:53 PM,hr,"lost files",307 04/03/2009 1:04:41 PM,bk,"lunch",2868 04/03/2009 1:07:48 PM,re,"ocr",187 04/03/2009 1:34:47 PM,re,"rss",1619 04/03/2009 1:40:38 PM,iv,"various",351 04/03/2009 2:40:46 PM,iv,"various av and other things",3608 04/03/2009 3:03:21 PM,iv,"maint issues",1355 04/03/2009 3:11:47 PM,ps,"news",506 04/03/2009 4:54:52 PM,iv,"",6185 04/03/2009 4:57:19 PM,em,"",147 04/03/2009 5:05:48 PM,re,"rss",509 |