The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 15 May, 2009

3 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:26h 20m 6s
  Time Working:22h 26m 39s
   Planned: 6h 54m 47s
    Projects/Tasks: 1h 46m 46s
    Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
    Reading/Research: 1h 39m 57s
    Communication: 3h 26m 35s
    House cleaning: 0h 1m 29s
   Unplanned: 12h 39m 3s
    Distraction: 0h 0m 0s
    Interruption: 1h 6m 0s
    Projects/Tasks: 11h 33m 3s
   Other Work: 2h 52m 49s
    Non-work Work: 1h 55m 7s
    Community Life: 0h 57m 42s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:3h 53m 27s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:8h 46m 42s
  Average Daily Working Time:7h 28m 53s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:85.23%
   Planned: 30.80%
    Projects/Tasks: 25.74%
    Meetings: 0.00%
    Reading/Research: 24.10%
    Communication: 49.81%
    House cleaning: 0.36%
   Unplanned: 56.37%
    Distraction: 0.00%
    Interruption: 8.70%
    Projects/Tasks: 91.30%
   Other Work: 12.83%
    Non-work Work: 66.61%
    Community Life: 33.39%
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
05/11/2009 7:49:20 AM,ar,"",0
05/11/2009 8:40:50 AM,em,"and some backup cleaning",3090
05/11/2009 8:47:03 AM,iv,"plantys",373
05/11/2009 9:47:20 AM,up,"blog software",3617
05/11/2009 9:56:53 AM,up,"faweb",573
05/11/2009 10:25:00 AM,cl,"monday break",1687
05/11/2009 11:20:00 AM,nw,"prep for emp recog singing",3300
05/11/2009 11:29:07 AM,em,"",547
05/11/2009 11:36:36 AM,ph,"'",449
05/11/2009 11:40:03 AM,ph,"",207
05/11/2009 12:24:29 PM,re,"rss",2666
05/11/2009 1:17:09 PM,bk,"lunch",3160
05/11/2009 1:29:54 PM,re,"rss",765
05/11/2009 1:36:20 PM,bk,"chocolate",386
05/11/2009 2:00:27 PM,up,"blogging",1447
05/11/2009 2:21:55 PM,up,"faweb",1288
05/11/2009 4:09:28 PM,up,"blogging",6453
05/11/2009 4:34:18 PM,iv,"fix keyboard and projection",1490
05/11/2009 5:26:17 PM,em,"",3119
05/11/2009 5:37:04 PM,iv,"spouse",647

05/12/2009 7:59:41 AM,ar,"",0
05/12/2009 8:07:16 AM,up,"ussignal graphs",455
05/12/2009 9:34:24 AM,up,"various updating stuff",5228
05/12/2009 10:13:17 AM,bk,"",2333
05/12/2009 10:43:31 AM,up,"faweb updating",1814
05/12/2009 11:06:41 AM,up,"blogs",1390
05/12/2009 11:06:54 AM,ip,"univ lease",13
05/12/2009 11:18:07 AM,up,"blogging stuff",673
05/12/2009 11:19:26 AM,ip,"spouse",79
05/12/2009 12:22:42 PM,up,"chapel recording",3796
05/12/2009 12:28:07 PM,up,"delete e-mail address",325
05/12/2009 1:23:55 PM,bk,"lunch",3348
05/12/2009 2:58:38 PM,up,"blogging",5683
05/12/2009 3:00:33 PM,iv,"emeritus questions",115
05/12/2009 4:00:40 PM,nw,"moodle moot work",3607

05/14/2009 7:58:07 AM,ar,"",0
05/14/2009 8:04:28 AM,em,"",381
05/14/2009 8:05:29 AM,ip,"genuine advantage",61
05/14/2009 8:07:00 AM,em,"",91
05/14/2009 8:12:16 AM,iv,"cannot boot",316
05/14/2009 8:14:32 AM,ph,"",136
05/14/2009 8:48:49 AM,vi,"asst chatting",2057
05/14/2009 9:27:27 AM,em,"",2318
05/14/2009 9:48:28 AM,re,"rss",1261
05/14/2009 9:50:59 AM,iv,"dead mic",151
05/14/2009 10:20:34 AM,cl,"special breaks",1775
05/14/2009 10:36:59 AM,re,"tech therapy",985
05/14/2009 10:46:57 AM,up,"sound cabinet",598
05/14/2009 10:52:15 AM,up,"dead notebook",318
05/14/2009 11:14:52 AM,ps,"matilda pres",1357
05/14/2009 11:19:36 AM,ip,"cdwg",284
05/14/2009 11:30:05 AM,ps,"more cd copying for matilda",629
05/14/2009 11:38:19 AM,up,"create accounts",494
05/14/2009 11:56:13 AM,up,"acct stuff",1074
05/14/2009 12:02:23 PM,up,"bbsis",370
05/14/2009 12:13:43 PM,up,"bbsis stuff",680
05/14/2009 12:15:12 PM,hc,"backup",89
05/14/2009 1:01:46 PM,bk,"lunch",2794
05/14/2009 2:25:37 PM,up,"modify acct script",5031
05/14/2009 2:30:13 PM,up,"bbsis acct update stuff",276
05/14/2009 2:35:37 PM,tk,"moodle planning",324
05/14/2009 2:42:48 PM,ip,"spouse",431
05/14/2009 4:24:10 PM,tk,"moodle training vid",6082
05/14/2009 4:29:30 PM,re,"rss",320