*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 45h 16m 35s | ||||||
Time Working: | 40h 40m 4s | ||||||
Planned: | 30h 29m 6s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 22h 35m 5s | ||||||
Meetings: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 3h 16m 38s | ||||||
Communication: | 2h 16m 29s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 2h 20m 54s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 8h 33m 14s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Interruption: | 3h 1m 58s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 5h 31m 16s | ||||||
Other Work: | 1h 37m 44s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 1h 37m 44s | ||||||
Community Life: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 4h 36m 31s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 9h 3m 19s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 8h 8m 0s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 89.82% | ||||||
Planned: | 74.96% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 74.08% | ||||||
Meetings: | 0.00% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 10.75% | ||||||
Communication: | 7.46% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 7.70% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 21.03% | ||||||
Distraction: | 0.00% | ||||||
Interruption: | 35.45% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 64.55% | ||||||
Other Work: | 4.01% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 100.00% | ||||||
Community Life: | 0.00% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0.00% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 10.18% |
*** Raw Data *** |
6/15/2009 7:54:33 AM,ar,"",0 6/15/2009 8:05:43 AM,em,"",670 6/15/2009 8:09:56 AM,em,"",253 6/15/2009 12:35:00 PM,tk,"recycling",15904 6/15/2009 1:20:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2700 6/15/2009 3:54:27 PM,tk,"recycling",9267 6/15/2009 3:55:37 PM,em,"",70 6/15/2009 4:17:16 PM,em,"",1299 6/15/2009 4:51:54 PM,bk,"walk",2078 6/15/2009 4:59:40 PM,re,"rss",466 6/15/2009 5:20:34 PM,tk,"cleanup post recycling",1254 6/15/2009 5:22:47 PM,hc,"backup change",133 6/16/2009 7:46:00 AM,ar,"",0 6/16/2009 8:00:03 AM,em,"",843 6/16/2009 8:04:38 AM,em,"",275 6/16/2009 8:23:30 AM,re,"rss",1132 6/16/2009 9:43:16 AM,tk,"recycling cleanup and some interruptions",4786 6/16/2009 9:50:20 AM,ps,"banking",424 6/16/2009 10:00:29 AM,re,"rss",609 6/16/2009 10:26:29 AM,up,"audit",1560 6/16/2009 10:39:58 AM,hc,"b-board material",809 6/16/2009 10:52:02 AM,tk,"audit",724 6/16/2009 11:33:02 AM,tk,"auditing",2460 6/16/2009 1:00:06 PM,nw,"vendor lunch",5224 6/16/2009 1:11:16 PM,up,"audit stuff",670 6/16/2009 1:52:13 PM,up,"audit prep",2457 6/16/2009 2:10:13 PM,hc,"misc",1080 6/16/2009 2:58:23 PM,hr,"various",2890 6/16/2009 3:11:22 PM,iv,"dvd stuff",779 6/16/2009 3:15:15 PM,ps,"insurance",233 6/16/2009 3:18:05 PM,em,"",170 6/16/2009 3:43:19 PM,ip,"recycling ended",1514 6/16/2009 3:48:42 PM,em,"",323 6/16/2009 4:24:15 PM,hc,"fix cd carrier",2133 6/16/2009 4:59:01 PM,re,"educause",2086 6/16/2009 5:03:45 PM,up,"reinstall xp (virt)",284 6/17/2009 7:55:00 AM,ar,"",0 6/17/2009 8:19:28 AM,up,"loungekiosk updating",1468 6/17/2009 9:09:42 AM,re,"rss and some email",3014 6/17/2009 9:13:55 AM,tk,"moodle stuff",253 6/17/2009 9:36:01 AM,iv,"precision audio",1326 6/17/2009 10:27:55 AM,tk,"moodle stuff",3114 6/17/2009 10:44:26 AM,tk,"moodle and some accounting stuff thrown in",991 6/17/2009 10:48:35 AM,tk,"still more moodle and audit business",249 6/17/2009 11:16:50 AM,up,"chapel prep",1695 6/17/2009 11:26:29 AM,up,"audit",579 6/17/2009 11:42:59 AM,up,"chapel",990 6/17/2009 11:53:39 AM,nw,"lunch prep",640 6/17/2009 11:55:12 AM,em,"",93 6/17/2009 1:17:55 PM,bk,"lunch",4963 6/17/2009 1:22:32 PM,em,"",277 6/17/2009 1:36:03 PM,hc,"return key and some troubleshooting",811 6/17/2009 1:59:56 PM,hc,"cd fixing",1433 6/17/2009 2:18:19 PM,hc,"bulletin board",1103 6/17/2009 2:33:13 PM,tk,"moodle",894 6/17/2009 3:11:58 PM,iv,"ethics discussion",2325 6/17/2009 3:40:59 PM,tk,"AMBS central migration",1741 6/17/2009 4:30:28 PM,tk,"docs organization",2969 6/18/2009 7:53:59 AM,ar,"",0 6/18/2009 8:01:46 AM,em,"",467 6/18/2009 8:22:26 AM,re,"rss",1240 6/18/2009 8:51:12 AM,tk,"check form status",1726 6/18/2009 9:11:33 AM,tk,"call wall stuff",1221 6/18/2009 9:12:43 AM,up,"call wall ordering stuff",70 6/18/2009 9:22:41 AM,tk,"forms",598 6/18/2009 10:55:08 AM,tk,"forms stuff",5547 6/18/2009 11:16:41 AM,ip,"sales call",1293 6/18/2009 11:52:45 AM,tk,"forms stuff",2164 6/18/2009 11:53:58 AM,ip,"sales calls",73 6/18/2009 12:02:29 PM,up,"moodle down",511 6/18/2009 12:42:18 PM,bk,"lunch",2389 6/18/2009 12:53:41 PM,hr,"phone setup",683 6/18/2009 1:02:47 PM,tk,"policy revision",546 6/18/2009 2:07:42 PM,tk,"policies",3895 6/18/2009 2:19:59 PM,re,"rss",737 6/18/2009 2:30:03 PM,ps,"rss",604 6/18/2009 2:32:54 PM,tk,"moodle",171 6/18/2009 2:56:58 PM,iv,"netclassroom questions",1444 6/18/2009 3:18:16 PM,hr,"policies",1278 6/18/2009 3:23:47 PM,iv,"recording questions",331 6/18/2009 3:42:12 PM,hr,"policy and procedure stuff",1105 6/18/2009 3:44:53 PM,ip,"zip disk",161 6/18/2009 4:11:15 PM,tk,"moodle",1582 6/18/2009 4:20:52 PM,iv,"floppies and zips",577 6/18/2009 4:43:42 PM,re,"rss",1370 6/19/2009 8:02:51 AM,ar,"",0 6/19/2009 8:34:39 AM,em,"and rss",1908 6/19/2009 8:46:40 AM,re,"trade rag",721 6/19/2009 8:57:22 AM,hr,"computer screen/hinge",642 6/19/2009 9:17:29 AM,hr,"computer hinges",1207 6/19/2009 9:20:21 AM,ps,"reparations",172 6/19/2009 9:36:13 AM,hc,"mail call and some visiting",952 6/19/2009 9:40:50 AM,tk,"moodle",277 6/19/2009 9:53:10 AM,tk,"moodle stuff",740 6/19/2009 10:03:38 AM,hr,"laptop hinges",628 6/19/2009 10:11:10 AM,iv,"recipe inquirey",452 6/19/2009 11:01:13 AM,tk,"moodle videos",3003 6/19/2009 11:04:47 AM,ip,"add course to evals",214 6/19/2009 11:24:06 AM,hr,"decipher videos",1159 6/19/2009 12:02:32 PM,tk,"AMBS Central",2306 6/19/2009 12:48:20 PM,bk,"lunch",2748 6/19/2009 12:53:10 PM,ph,"msgs",290 6/19/2009 12:55:50 PM,tk,"prep for video demo",160 6/19/2009 1:16:41 PM,ph,"xfr vhs to youtube",1251 6/19/2009 1:57:57 PM,tk,"av assistant stuff for summer classes",2476 6/19/2009 2:00:58 PM,tk,"ordering",181 6/19/2009 2:02:10 PM,iv,"printer mapping",72 6/19/2009 2:56:44 PM,tk,"ambs central",3274 6/19/2009 3:02:41 PM,ip,"address list troubles",357 6/19/2009 3:35:26 PM,tk,"AMBS Central",1965 6/19/2009 3:40:06 PM,bk,"wandering",280 6/19/2009 3:49:34 PM,tk,"ambs central",568 6/19/2009 3:56:37 PM,re,"rss",423 6/19/2009 5:08:16 PM,tk,"moodle",4299 |