*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 45h 15m 44s | ||||||
Time Working: | 37h 43m 21s | ||||||
Planned: | 11h 42m 35s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 1h 1m 52s | ||||||
Meetings: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 4h 12m 15s | ||||||
Communication: | 4h 48m 38s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 1h 39m 50s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 13h 7m 23s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 21m 35s | ||||||
Interruption: | 4h 46m 43s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 7h 59m 5s | ||||||
Other Work: | 12h 8m 31s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 11h 34m 58s | ||||||
Community Life: | 0h 33m 33s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 44m 52s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 7h 32m 23s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 9h 3m 8s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 7h 32m 40s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 83.34% | ||||||
Planned: | 31.04% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 8.81% | ||||||
Meetings: | 0.00% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 35.90% | ||||||
Communication: | 41.08% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 14.21% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 34.79% | ||||||
Distraction: | 2.74% | ||||||
Interruption: | 36.41% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 60.84% | ||||||
Other Work: | 32.19% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 95.39% | ||||||
Community Life: | 4.61% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 1.98% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 16.66% |
*** Raw Data *** |
10/5/2009 7:40:48 AM,ar,"",0 10/5/2009 7:54:14 AM,em,"",806 10/5/2009 8:30:00 AM,re,"rss",2146 10/5/2009 8:45:00 AM,up,"ordering stuff",900 10/5/2009 8:53:00 AM,hr,"helpdesk stuff",480 10/5/2009 9:28:16 AM,up,"order and return",2116 10/5/2009 9:35:54 AM,re,"trade mag",458 10/5/2009 9:40:25 AM,re,"rss",271 10/5/2009 9:51:27 AM,ps,"espn",662 10/5/2009 10:25:14 AM,bk,"monday",2027 10/5/2009 10:34:51 AM,vi,"fmr asst",577 10/5/2009 10:41:36 AM,em,"",405 10/5/2009 10:55:34 AM,em,"",838 10/5/2009 11:53:29 AM,nw,"forum prep",3475 10/5/2009 12:05:36 PM,hr,"itunes u",727 10/5/2009 12:19:21 PM,hr,"itunes u",825 10/5/2009 1:00:48 PM,bl,"kunch",2487 10/5/2009 1:12:58 PM,hr,"itunes u",730 10/5/2009 1:26:29 PM,ps,"rss",811 10/5/2009 1:42:42 PM,hc,"self-study disposal",973 10/5/2009 1:53:05 PM,nw,"forum",623 10/5/2009 2:03:59 PM,ip,"attachments not getting through",654 10/5/2009 2:12:53 PM,iv,"itunes u",534 10/5/2009 3:08:25 PM,re,"rss",3332 10/5/2009 4:16:44 PM,nw,"forum prep",4099 10/5/2009 5:00:37 PM,nw,"forum prep",2633 10/6/2009 8:08:42 AM,ar,"",0 10/6/2009 8:11:35 AM,em,"",173 10/6/2009 8:23:17 AM,em,"",702 10/6/2009 8:36:00 AM,em,"",763 10/6/2009 8:42:04 AM,hr,"mrs login issues continue",364 10/6/2009 8:52:10 AM,re,"first monday",606 10/6/2009 9:20:29 AM,re,"rss",1699 10/6/2009 9:31:46 AM,vi,"how to fix margins",677 10/6/2009 9:44:43 AM,re,"first monday",777 10/6/2009 9:57:36 AM,up,"moodle pedagogy",773 10/6/2009 10:54:13 AM,em,"moodle",3397 10/6/2009 11:27:45 AM,nw,"forum prep",2012 10/6/2009 11:38:04 AM,di,"ddwrt",619 10/6/2009 12:16:29 PM,hc,"untangle report",2305 10/6/2009 12:20:54 PM,di,"spiceworks",265 10/6/2009 1:03:16 PM,bk,"lunch",2542 10/6/2009 1:10:07 PM,di,"spiceworks",411 10/6/2009 1:14:46 PM,hc,"mail",279 10/6/2009 1:24:54 PM,nw,"forum",608 10/6/2009 2:47:02 PM,nw,"forum presentation",4928 10/6/2009 2:55:19 PM,ip,"course import issues ... resolved",497 10/6/2009 3:06:01 PM,nw,"forum prep",642 10/6/2009 3:10:14 PM,ps,"tmq",253 10/6/2009 3:38:02 PM,ps,"tmq",1668 10/6/2009 4:01:00 PM,hr,"phone directory changes",1378 10/6/2009 4:04:05 PM,ps,"",185 10/6/2009 4:05:45 PM,bk,"p",100 10/6/2009 4:54:55 PM,nw,"forum presentation",2950 10/6/2009 4:56:00 PM,re,"rss",65 10/7/2009 7:48:35 AM,ar,"",0 10/7/2009 7:51:56 AM,em,"",201 10/7/2009 7:58:48 AM,hc,"untangle prepping",412 10/7/2009 8:15:43 AM,re,"rss",1015 10/7/2009 8:35:17 AM,re,"rss",1174 10/7/2009 8:40:50 AM,hc,"spiceworks",333 10/7/2009 9:14:55 AM,ip,"admiss asst stuff",2045 10/7/2009 9:23:53 AM,ip,"listserv removal question",538 10/7/2009 10:22:56 AM,ps,"CARES",3543 10/7/2009 10:28:24 AM,em,"",328 10/7/2009 10:55:44 AM,ip,"admiss asst stuff (and some itunes stuff)",1640 10/7/2009 11:04:19 AM,ip,"drive mapping",515 10/7/2009 11:29:27 AM,iv,"fmr asst",1508 10/7/2009 11:44:41 AM,nw,"forum tweaking ... continually tweaking",914 10/7/2009 11:46:45 AM,ip,"untangle competition ... not a chance",124 10/7/2009 1:37:58 PM,ps,"phenom",6673 10/7/2009 2:02:27 PM,nw,"forum",1469 10/7/2009 2:03:53 PM,iv,"asst",86 10/7/2009 2:13:47 PM,re,"rss",594 10/7/2009 2:17:49 PM,hc,"mail call",242 10/7/2009 3:26:57 PM,iv,"phone troubles",4148 10/7/2009 3:32:47 PM,iv,"various",350 10/7/2009 3:52:20 PM,nw,"forum prep",1173 10/7/2009 4:00:43 PM,ip,"scanning issues",503 10/7/2009 4:51:43 PM,nw,"forum prep",3060 10/7/2009 4:55:17 PM,vi,"",214 10/7/2009 5:18:33 PM,ps,"phenom conversation",1396 10/8/2009 8:02:07 AM,ar,"",0 10/8/2009 8:05:32 AM,ar,"",205 10/8/2009 8:38:00 AM,re,"rss",1948 10/8/2009 8:51:36 AM,em,"",816 10/8/2009 9:11:49 AM,hr,"various",1213 10/8/2009 9:36:24 AM,nw,"forum prep (projector checkout and conversation)",1475 10/8/2009 9:47:20 AM,ip,"cdwg printing",656 10/8/2009 10:04:45 AM,ip,"invoice issues",1045 10/8/2009 10:08:26 AM,iv,"",221 10/8/2009 10:33:08 AM,iv,"printer install",1482 10/8/2009 10:34:06 AM,hr,"admission office stuff",58 10/8/2009 10:44:10 AM,iv,"moodle and password troubles",604 10/8/2009 10:47:30 AM,hr,"bbsis stuff",200 10/8/2009 10:52:30 AM,em,"",300 10/8/2009 11:01:10 AM,vi,"acct issue report",520 10/8/2009 2:15:07 PM,nw,"forum presentation",11637 10/8/2009 2:24:58 PM,hc,"mail call",591 10/8/2009 2:31:04 PM,hc,"bills",366 10/8/2009 2:35:59 PM,hr,"spam issues",295 10/8/2009 2:38:57 PM,re,"rss",178 10/8/2009 3:09:01 PM,em,"",1804 10/8/2009 3:17:00 PM,bk,"paear",479 10/8/2009 3:49:03 PM,hr,"various",1923 10/8/2009 4:01:23 PM,ph,"av chapel stuff",740 10/8/2009 4:26:27 PM,ps,"rss",1504 10/8/2009 4:49:00 PM,hr,"spam stuff",1353 10/8/2009 5:03:52 PM,ps,"barcode",892 10/9/2009 7:30:37 AM,ar,"",0 10/9/2009 7:36:52 AM,em,"",375 10/9/2009 8:27:22 AM,tk,"untangle and other related rss/boot up tasks",3030 10/9/2009 8:37:52 AM,ps,"barcode",630 10/9/2009 8:38:39 AM,ph,"email stuff",47 10/9/2009 8:46:48 AM,hc,"help desk stuff",489 10/9/2009 9:01:20 AM,re,"ubiquity",872 10/9/2009 9:18:08 AM,em,"test",1008 10/9/2009 9:29:30 AM,tk,"email troubleshooting",682 10/9/2009 10:19:51 AM,hr,"quicken (?)",3021 10/9/2009 10:21:33 AM,em,"",102 10/9/2009 10:25:10 AM,em,"",217 10/9/2009 10:42:32 AM,em,"",1042 10/9/2009 11:06:06 AM,hr,"document conversion",1414 10/9/2009 11:15:30 AM,hr,"email issues",564 10/9/2009 11:24:15 AM,hr,"network in apt",525 10/9/2009 11:31:21 AM,hr,"aleph sending",426 10/9/2009 11:32:14 AM,ip,"web publishing",53 10/9/2009 11:41:27 AM,hr,"aleph notices e-mail trouble checking",553 10/9/2009 12:15:00 PM,cl,"chapel",2013 10/9/2009 1:17:58 PM,bk,"lunch",3778 10/9/2009 1:20:41 PM,em,"",163 10/9/2009 1:34:03 PM,hr,"various",802 10/9/2009 1:54:53 PM,hr,"various",1250 10/9/2009 2:53:48 PM,hr,"various little things",3535 10/9/2009 3:11:51 PM,hr,"various",1083 10/9/2009 3:42:38 PM,hr,"printing and files access",1847 10/9/2009 4:01:01 PM,em,"",1103 10/9/2009 4:05:34 PM,hr,"various ... mercy mercy me",273 10/9/2009 4:07:31 PM,hr,"dead hard drive",117 |