The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 21 July, 2010

4 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:35h 23m 58s
  Time Working:30h 10m 28s
   Planned: 17h 37m 9s
    Projects/Tasks: 5h 29m 8s
    Meetings: 4h 8m 34s
    Reading/Research: 5h 30m 8s
    Communication: 1h 58m 45s
    House cleaning: 0h 30m 34s
   Unplanned: 12h 9m 12s
    Distraction: 0h 0m 0s
    Interruption: 1h 8m 48s
    Projects/Tasks: 11h 0m 24s
   Other Work: 0h 24m 7s
    Non-work Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Community Life: 0h 24m 7s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:5h 13m 30s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:8h 50m 59s
  Average Daily Working Time:7h 32m 37s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:85.24%
   Planned: 58.39%
    Projects/Tasks: 31.13%
    Meetings: 23.51%
    Reading/Research: 31.23%
    Communication: 11.23%
    House cleaning: 2.89%
   Unplanned: 40.28%
    Distraction: 0.00%
    Interruption: 9.43%
    Projects/Tasks: 90.57%
   Other Work: 1.33%
    Non-work Work: 0.00%
    Community Life: 100.00%
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
7/19/2010 8:10:42 AM,ar,"",0
7/19/2010 8:21:32 AM,em,"",650
7/19/2010 9:35:43 AM,re,"",4451
7/19/2010 9:58:00 AM,up,"calendar sync",1337
7/19/2010 10:22:07 AM,cl,"monday",1447
7/19/2010 10:37:41 AM,up,"calendar",934
7/19/2010 11:58:14 AM,up,"",4833
7/19/2010 12:05:45 PM,iv,"",451
7/19/2010 12:26:31 PM,re,"",1246
7/19/2010 12:58:00 PM,bk,"lunch",1889
7/19/2010 12:58:31 PM,bk,"lunch",31
7/19/2010 1:42:48 PM,ps,"tt",2657
7/19/2010 3:05:06 PM,up,"remote calendars",4938
7/19/2010 3:56:48 PM,up,"remote calendar",3102
7/19/2010 4:46:56 PM,up,"calendar",3008
7/19/2010 4:57:29 PM,hr,"",633

7/20/2010 8:03:26 AM,ar,"",0
7/20/2010 8:29:32 AM,hc,"bootup stuff",1566
7/20/2010 9:39:41 AM,re,"",4209
7/20/2010 10:05:00 AM,hr,"scanner",1519
7/20/2010 10:24:14 AM,ps,"tt",1154
7/20/2010 11:32:35 AM,hr,"scanner",4101
7/20/2010 1:51:02 PM,mt,"itunes u",8307
7/20/2010 2:13:04 PM,iv,"",1322
7/20/2010 2:16:47 PM,up,"",223
7/20/2010 3:08:01 PM,up,"calendar stuff",3074
7/20/2010 3:09:29 PM,up,"calendar stuff",88
7/20/2010 3:44:20 PM,ps,"tt",2091
7/20/2010 3:59:40 PM,re,"rss",920
7/20/2010 5:05:53 PM,re,"rss",3973

7/21/2010 8:14:54 AM,ar,"",0
7/21/2010 8:16:01 AM,hc,"",67
7/21/2010 8:28:15 AM,hr,"",734
7/21/2010 8:34:52 AM,em,"",397
7/21/2010 8:35:33 AM,em,"",41
7/21/2010 10:25:40 AM,mt,"peace peoples conf",6607
7/21/2010 10:29:01 AM,hc,"",201
7/21/2010 12:14:56 PM,tk,"shopping",6355
7/21/2010 1:20:00 PM,bk,"lunch",3904
7/21/2010 1:25:04 PM,em,"",304
7/21/2010 1:42:44 PM,re,"",1060
7/21/2010 1:53:13 PM,ip,"",629
7/21/2010 2:05:00 PM,em,"",707
7/21/2010 2:11:13 PM,bk,"",373
7/21/2010 2:37:56 PM,tk,"itunes U followup",1603
7/21/2010 2:37:58 PM,ip,"",2
7/21/2010 3:14:40 PM,tk,"itunes u rep",2202
7/21/2010 3:15:50 PM,tk,"itunes u followup",70
7/21/2010 3:38:15 PM,ps,"tt",1345
7/21/2010 4:00:38 PM,tk,"itunes u reporting",1343
7/21/2010 4:05:28 PM,re,"rss",290
7/21/2010 4:58:45 PM,hr,"skype",3197
7/21/2010 5:02:46 PM,re,"rss",241

7/22/2010 8:22:26 AM,ar,"",0
7/22/2010 9:12:57 AM,em,"",3031
7/22/2010 9:24:45 AM,up,"calendar mess",708
7/22/2010 9:29:52 AM,tk,"itunes",307
7/22/2010 9:38:09 AM,up,"scanner fixing",497
7/22/2010 10:02:27 AM,tk,"",1458
7/22/2010 10:44:38 AM,re,"",2531
7/22/2010 11:08:42 AM,up,"account renaming script",1444
7/22/2010 11:08:52 AM,up,"account renaming script",10
7/22/2010 11:27:54 AM,iv,"",1142
7/22/2010 12:01:09 PM,vi,"",1995
7/22/2010 12:19:17 PM,tk,"shopping",1088
7/22/2010 1:11:27 PM,bk,"lunch",3130
7/22/2010 1:31:47 PM,tk,"shopping",1220
7/22/2010 2:22:50 PM,tk,"order",3063
7/22/2010 2:32:57 PM,tk,"order",607
7/22/2010 2:35:43 PM,re,"rss",166
7/22/2010 3:12:59 PM,ps,"tt",2236
7/22/2010 3:25:00 PM,re,"rss",721
7/22/2010 3:34:42 PM,iv,"",582
7/22/2010 5:02:06 PM,up,"account renaming",5244
7/22/2010 5:09:18 PM,tk,"acct renaming script (non-trivial, it turns out)",432