An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.
*** Summary *** | ||||
Time at AMBS: | 52h 41m 33s | |||
Time Working: | 42h 16m 24s | |||
Communication: | 2h 22m 27s | |||
Meetings: | 0h 12m 56s | |||
Research: | 2h 58m 32s | |||
Interruptions: | 5h 48m 18s | |||
Phone: | 2h 46m 30s | |||
Visit: | 1h 58m 26s | |||
E-mail: | 1h 3m 22s | |||
Chat: | 0h 0m 0s | |||
Planned: | 30h 54m 11s | |||
Tasks/Projects: | 26h 7m 7s | |||
House cleaning: | 4h 47m 4s | |||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | |||
Break: | 10h 6m 43s | |||
Personal: | 0h 18m 26s | |||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 8h 46m 55s | |||
Averagy Daily Working Time: | 7h 2m 44s |
*** Raw Data *** |
07/23/2007 7:44:32 AM,ar,"",0 07/23/2007 7:50:17 AM,hc,"backup stuff",345 07/23/2007 7:51:25 AM,iv,"dvd burning cleanup",68 07/23/2007 8:10:16 AM,hc,"email",1131 07/23/2007 8:14:49 AM,ip,"stupid phone",273 07/23/2007 8:27:52 AM,hc,"email -- backup up drupal db",783 07/23/2007 9:31:39 AM,iv,"phone setup",3827 07/23/2007 9:54:47 AM,ie,"re/ee integration questions",1388 07/23/2007 10:20:00 AM,bk,"monday",1513 07/23/2007 10:40:07 AM,vi,"various",1207 07/23/2007 10:49:04 AM,ps,"anniv planning",537 07/23/2007 10:55:00 AM,iv,"projector",356 07/23/2007 11:29:16 AM,ip,"ee/re stuff",2056 07/23/2007 12:01:27 PM,vi,"eere stuff",1931 07/23/2007 12:10:26 PM,hc,"email",539 07/23/2007 12:11:30 PM,tk,"remote conx attempt\",64 07/23/2007 1:08:05 PM,bk,"lunch",3395 07/23/2007 1:08:48 PM,hc,"email",43 07/23/2007 1:20:30 PM,tk,"cd burning",702 07/23/2007 1:36:52 PM,tk,"check computer short on space",982 07/23/2007 2:12:50 PM,tk,"update web backend",2158 07/23/2007 2:33:40 PM,tk,"firewall troubles (?)",1250 07/23/2007 2:46:34 PM,tk,"hook up new bkstore net ports",774 07/23/2007 2:54:12 PM,tk,"student handbook",458 07/23/2007 3:13:56 PM,ip,"web login fixing",1184 07/23/2007 3:30:45 PM,tk,"student handbook",1009 07/23/2007 3:35:16 PM,iv,"hp",271 07/23/2007 3:48:21 PM,tk,"student handbook",785 07/23/2007 4:06:42 PM,iv,"docx",1101 07/23/2007 4:20:55 PM,tk,"stud handbook",853 07/23/2007 5:05:00 PM,vi,"stud handbook",2645 ,,"|0", 07/23/2007 5:13:41 PM,ps,"class reunion",0 07/23/2007 5:16:46 PM,em,"policy updates",185 07/23/2007 5:19:18 PM,tk,"ff addons",152 07/24/2007 7:57:24 AM,ar,"",0 07/24/2007 9:43:49 AM,hc,"email",6385 07/24/2007 10:12:29 AM,re,"snmp",1720 07/24/2007 10:14:52 AM,hc,"email",143 07/24/2007 10:15:28 AM,ip,"computer move",36 07/24/2007 10:25:53 AM,re,"techrss",625 07/24/2007 10:28:20 AM,ip,"spouse",147 07/24/2007 10:37:15 AM,re,"techrss",535 07/24/2007 10:40:03 AM,bk,"water",168 07/24/2007 10:44:12 AM,re,"techrss",249 07/24/2007 11:15:18 AM,tk,"move office",1866 07/24/2007 11:48:58 AM,re,"techrss",2020 07/24/2007 11:52:09 AM,tk,"retrieve print",191 07/24/2007 12:00:11 PM,em,"backup options",482 07/24/2007 1:03:11 PM,bk,"lunch",3780 07/24/2007 1:24:38 PM,hc,"window dressing",1287 07/24/2007 2:15:40 PM,tk,"set up library basement",3062 07/24/2007 2:19:37 PM,hc,"phone",237 07/24/2007 4:21:50 PM,tk,"library switch patch",7333 07/24/2007 4:33:38 PM,tk,"purchases for library",708 07/24/2007 4:53:56 PM,tk,"seek wireless",1218 07/24/2007 5:06:52 PM,mt,"bridgefolk",776 07/25/2007 7:54:30 AM,ar,"",0 07/25/2007 8:17:19 AM,hc,"email",1369 07/25/2007 8:19:16 AM,ph,"bridgefolk",117 07/25/2007 8:27:47 AM,tk,"ambs central",511 07/25/2007 8:42:36 AM,ip,"drupal",889 07/25/2007 8:49:26 AM,tk,"ambscentral",410 07/25/2007 9:20:28 AM,tk,"update address list ownership",1862 07/25/2007 9:28:36 AM,ip,"spouse",488 07/25/2007 9:30:49 AM,iv,"student registration",133 07/25/2007 9:37:53 AM,ie,"library website update",424 07/25/2007 9:38:47 AM,iv,"ethernet cable",54 07/25/2007 9:54:09 AM,ie,"",922 07/25/2007 10:19:20 AM,ip,"printer jam",1511 07/25/2007 10:22:34 AM,iv,"website",194 07/25/2007 10:24:22 AM,hc,"phone",108 07/25/2007 10:42:10 AM,ie,"giving form",1068 07/25/2007 10:54:58 AM,ip,"attachment troubles",768 07/25/2007 11:01:49 AM,re,"social networking",411 07/25/2007 11:06:22 AM,ip,"spouse",273 07/25/2007 11:11:27 AM,tk,"address books",305 07/25/2007 11:44:27 AM,vi,"various",1980 07/25/2007 11:46:38 AM,tk,"symphonyos looking",131 07/25/2007 12:52:39 PM,bk,"lunch",3961 07/25/2007 12:57:02 PM,hc,"email",263 07/25/2007 1:17:02 PM,tk,"ambscentral",1200 07/25/2007 1:25:59 PM,ip,"spouse",537 07/25/2007 1:56:42 PM,tk,"ambscentral",1843 07/25/2007 2:02:50 PM,re,"techrss",368 07/25/2007 2:09:23 PM,ip,"bridgefolk",393 07/25/2007 2:33:56 PM,tk,"check wireless strength",1473 07/25/2007 2:49:07 PM,tk,"cacti",911 07/25/2007 2:56:03 PM,ip,"bridgefolk",416 07/25/2007 3:35:37 PM,tk,"cacti",2374 07/25/2007 3:36:11 PM,ip,"spouse",34 07/25/2007 4:32:22 PM,tk,"cacti",3371 07/26/2007 9:03:02 AM,ar,"",0 07/26/2007 9:19:06 AM,hc,"email",964 07/26/2007 10:44:11 AM,tk,"netstat graphing",5105 07/26/2007 10:59:29 AM,ip,"job query",918 07/26/2007 11:05:45 AM,bk,"d",376 07/26/2007 11:11:08 AM,tk,"cacti",323 07/26/2007 11:36:03 AM,tk,"cacti",1495 07/26/2007 11:43:41 AM,tk,"more cacti",458 07/26/2007 11:52:05 AM,hc,"pay bill",504 07/26/2007 12:43:49 PM,tk,"set up kiosks",3104 07/26/2007 1:09:13 PM,re,"techrss",1524 07/26/2007 1:27:10 PM,tk,"setup printer",1077 07/26/2007 1:27:40 PM,ip,"email problem",30 07/26/2007 1:44:24 PM,tk,"printer setup complete",1004 07/26/2007 2:41:24 PM,bk,"lunch",3420 07/26/2007 3:38:44 PM,tk,"set up for bridgefolk",3440 07/26/2007 3:50:17 PM,hc,"phone",693 07/26/2007 4:06:15 PM,iv,"copier jam",958 07/26/2007 4:08:39 PM,iv,"",144 07/26/2007 4:34:08 PM,hc,"phone (fix bookstore wiring)",1529 07/26/2007 6:50:00 PM,bk,"home",8152 07/26/2007 9:15:04 PM,tk,"bridgefolk (av)",8704 07/27/2007 8:14:09 AM,ar,"",0 07/27/2007 8:45:20 AM,tk,"bookstore phone hookup",1871 07/27/2007 8:50:16 AM,hc,"email",296 07/27/2007 12:15:00 PM,tk,"bridgefolk (av)",12284 07/27/2007 12:53:57 PM,bk,"lunch",2337 07/27/2007 1:01:46 PM,hc,"email",469 07/27/2007 1:43:24 PM,re,"techrss",2498 07/27/2007 1:45:58 PM,bk,"water",154 07/27/2007 1:48:14 PM,hc,"phone",136 07/27/2007 2:15:00 PM,tk,"dvd playing in 116 intro",1606 07/27/2007 3:16:27 PM,tk,"ambs central",3687 07/27/2007 3:50:15 PM,tk,"dvd and some vi's in there",2028 07/27/2007 3:53:51 PM,tk,"pricing stuff",216 07/27/2007 3:54:28 PM,ip,"spouse",37 07/27/2007 4:07:10 PM,re,"social networking",762 07/27/2007 4:16:39 PM,ps,"chat",569 07/27/2007 6:49:06 PM,bk,"home",9147 07/27/2007 9:30:15 PM,tk,"bridgefolk (av)",9669 |