The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 20 June, 2008

4 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:36h 13m 1s
  Time Working:33h 22m 10s
   Planned: 10h 46m 0s
    Projects/Tasks: 5h 13m 33s
    Meetings: 0h 49m 57s
    Reading/Research: 1h 22m 46s
    Communication: 3h 16m 3s
    House cleaning: 0h 3m 41s
   Unplanned: 22h 17m 10s
    Distraction: 0h 0m 0s
    Interruption: 4h 42m 36s
    Projects/Tasks: 17h 34m 34s
   Other Work: 0h 19m 0s
    Non-work Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Community Life: 0h 19m 0s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:2h 50m 51s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 3m 15s
  Average Daily Working Time:8h 20m 32s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:92.14%
   Planned: 32.27%
    Projects/Tasks: 48.54%
    Meetings: 7.73%
    Reading/Research: 12.81%
    Communication: 30.35%
    House cleaning: 0.57%
   Unplanned: 66.79%
    Distraction: 0.00%
    Interruption: 21.13%
    Projects/Tasks: 78.87%
   Other Work: 0.95%
    Non-work Work: 0.00%
    Community Life: 100.00%
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
06/16/2008 8:05:02 AM,ar,"",0
06/16/2008 8:08:49 AM,tk,"backup check (worked!)",227
06/16/2008 8:20:08 AM,em,"weekend cleanup",679
06/16/2008 8:23:41 AM,ip,"bbsis",213
06/16/2008 8:34:59 AM,tk,"enroll summer users",678
06/16/2008 8:37:16 AM,em,"",137
06/16/2008 8:38:59 AM,iv,"problem report",103
06/16/2008 8:49:30 AM,ip,"email",631
06/16/2008 9:08:38 AM,vi,"check 116",1148
06/16/2008 9:12:24 AM,bk,"d",226
06/16/2008 9:13:10 AM,em,"",46
06/16/2008 9:15:42 AM,up,"download bbsis",152
06/16/2008 9:18:57 AM,re,"rss",195
06/16/2008 9:19:54 AM,ip,"word problem",57
06/16/2008 9:21:43 AM,ph,"clear messages",109
06/16/2008 9:39:33 AM,re,"rss",1070
06/16/2008 9:55:00 AM,up,"network tshoot",927
06/16/2008 10:14:00 AM,cl,"break",1140
06/16/2008 10:24:19 AM,up,"network tshoot",619
06/16/2008 10:29:49 AM,up,"warranty service questions",330
06/16/2008 10:42:25 AM,ip,"crowe-chizek",756
06/16/2008 10:54:29 AM,up,"notebook warranty service investigation",724
06/16/2008 11:42:50 AM,hr,"more network outages",2901
06/16/2008 12:10:37 PM,ph,"lenovo support",1667
06/16/2008 12:17:11 PM,ps,"slate",394
06/16/2008 1:02:43 PM,bk,"lunch",2732
06/16/2008 1:36:41 PM,up,"troubleshoot notebook",2038
06/16/2008 1:40:32 PM,em,"",231
06/16/2008 2:06:11 PM,up,"new notebook install",1539
06/16/2008 3:07:00 PM,up,"BBSIS update",3649
06/16/2008 3:21:13 PM,hr,"zotero import",853
06/16/2008 3:53:56 PM,tk,"BBSIS",1963
06/16/2008 4:27:34 PM,iv,"various",2018
06/16/2008 4:57:13 PM,up,"audit",1779
06/16/2008 4:59:26 PM,ps,"espn",133

06/17/2008 8:22:04 AM,ar,"",0
06/17/2008 8:28:46 AM,tk,"check backup",402
06/17/2008 8:57:28 AM,hr,"notebook for new user",1722
06/17/2008 9:16:47 AM,iv,"analog phone troubles",1159
06/17/2008 9:19:13 AM,up,"notebook for new user",146
06/17/2008 9:36:51 AM,up,"new printer delivery",1058
06/17/2008 9:59:24 AM,hr,"printers and other things including some analog phone line troubleshooting",1353
06/17/2008 10:11:12 AM,hr,"service call phones",708
06/17/2008 10:12:50 AM,up,"new computer setup",98
06/17/2008 10:32:38 AM,hr,"dns tshoot",1188
06/17/2008 10:35:12 AM,up,"new notebook",154
06/17/2008 10:54:00 AM,up,"order",1128
06/17/2008 11:09:50 AM,re,"rss",950
06/17/2008 11:22:42 AM,up,"place new printers",772
06/17/2008 11:58:09 AM,hr,"hpcolor printer troubles",2127
06/17/2008 12:11:15 PM,up,"new notebook installation",786
06/17/2008 12:52:54 PM,bk,"lunch",2499
06/17/2008 1:13:57 PM,tk,"firefox 3 download attempts",1263
06/17/2008 2:04:27 PM,iv,"asst",3030
06/17/2008 2:08:11 PM,up,"backup script modification",224
06/17/2008 2:12:23 PM,ip,"asst explore computer question",252
06/17/2008 2:25:27 PM,up,"new notebook work",784
06/17/2008 2:35:43 PM,iv,"deutsch and other topics",616
06/17/2008 2:44:05 PM,up,"new notebook setup",502
06/17/2008 2:51:08 PM,up,"troubleshoot re:anywher",423
06/17/2008 3:07:55 PM,iv,"various",1007
06/17/2008 3:11:50 PM,iv,"assts of various kinds",235
06/17/2008 3:29:35 PM,vi,"various",1065
06/17/2008 4:12:47 PM,up,"new notebook for new user",2592
06/17/2008 4:32:31 PM,up,"backup script modification",1184
06/17/2008 4:34:46 PM,hr,"upload bbsis data",135
06/17/2008 5:15:13 PM,up,"projector repair",2427
06/17/2008 5:15:31 PM,ph,"",18
06/17/2008 5:40:54 PM,up,"zotero",1523

06/18/2008 8:02:51 AM,ar,"",0
06/18/2008 8:06:32 AM,hc,"backup",221
06/18/2008 8:13:20 AM,up,"modify backup scripts",408
06/18/2008 8:44:40 AM,re,"rss",1880
06/18/2008 9:07:20 AM,up,"zotero and citation",1360
06/18/2008 9:10:35 AM,ip,"av request form questions",195
06/18/2008 9:24:41 AM,up,"audit documentation",846
06/18/2008 10:09:26 AM,vi,"various",2685
06/18/2008 10:18:26 AM,up,"more backup scripting",540
06/18/2008 10:28:18 AM,ph,"auditor",592
06/18/2008 10:29:12 AM,ps,"blog",54
06/18/2008 12:07:06 PM,up,"phone service",5874
06/18/2008 12:20:19 PM,ip,"theology of the church",793
06/18/2008 12:29:31 PM,hr,"jesusradicals troubles (dns resolution)",552
06/18/2008 12:59:37 PM,bk,"lunch",1806
06/18/2008 1:00:48 PM,em,"",71
06/18/2008 1:21:37 PM,mt,"new computer consultation",1249
06/18/2008 1:33:23 PM,em,"",706
06/18/2008 1:38:52 PM,ps,"slate",329
06/18/2008 1:46:33 PM,tk,"projector repair box search",461
06/18/2008 3:04:40 PM,up,"audit prep",4687
06/18/2008 3:33:48 PM,mt,"notebook wireless",1748
06/18/2008 3:54:22 PM,up,"audit prep",1234
06/18/2008 4:28:55 PM,tk,"audit",2073
06/18/2008 4:34:11 PM,up,"reboot",316
06/18/2008 4:45:44 PM,tk,"new user on computer",693
06/18/2008 5:07:54 PM,tk,"untangle",1330
06/18/2008 5:13:16 PM,em,"",322

06/19/2008 8:16:37 AM,ar,"",0
06/19/2008 8:19:38 AM,em,"",181
06/19/2008 8:24:05 AM,up,"backup script tweaking",267
06/19/2008 8:31:11 AM,em,"",426
06/19/2008 8:39:24 AM,iv,"projection questions",493
06/19/2008 8:56:32 AM,em,"moodle questions and other things",1028
06/19/2008 10:15:03 AM,up,"schleit logs",4711
06/19/2008 11:43:30 AM,tk,"schleitlogs",5307
06/19/2008 11:45:23 AM,iv,"asst",113
06/19/2008 11:46:56 AM,ip,"new notebook",93
06/19/2008 11:54:00 AM,iv,"asst",424
06/19/2008 11:56:05 AM,ip,"blackbaud question",125
06/19/2008 12:05:15 PM,iv,"asst",550
06/19/2008 12:08:19 PM,tk,"schleit",184
06/19/2008 12:09:53 PM,ip,"spouse",94
06/19/2008 12:18:49 PM,tk,"logs",536
06/19/2008 12:53:27 PM,bk,"lunch",2078
06/19/2008 1:07:58 PM,re,"rss",871
06/19/2008 1:31:08 PM,tk,"untangle",1390
06/19/2008 1:32:18 PM,ip,"notebook troubles",70
06/19/2008 1:58:05 PM,up,"aleph install",1547
06/19/2008 2:22:55 PM,tk,"untangle",1490
06/19/2008 2:37:45 PM,ip,"wireless and notebook question",890
06/19/2008 2:44:36 PM,em,"suspicious traffic",411
06/19/2008 2:45:47 PM,em,"traffic",71
06/19/2008 3:58:54 PM,hr,"notebook and other issues",4387
06/19/2008 4:49:33 PM,iv,"lighting in CoW",3039
06/19/2008 5:03:09 PM,tk,"untangle",816
06/19/2008 5:05:59 PM,ph,"",170