*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 48h 29m 24s | ||||||
Time Working: | 43h 39m 0s | ||||||
Planned: | 29h 4m 42s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 12h 13m 40s | ||||||
Meetings: | 7h 34m 14s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 1h 58m 42s | ||||||
Communication: | 5h 35m 11s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 1h 42m 55s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 13h 25m 33s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Interruption: | 9h 11m 38s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 4h 13m 55s | ||||||
Other Work: | 1h 8m 45s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 0h 6m 23s | ||||||
Community Life: | 1h 2m 22s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 4h 50m 24s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 9h 41m 52s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 8h 43m 48s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 90.02% | ||||||
Planned: | 66.62% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 42.05% | ||||||
Meetings: | 26.04% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 6.80% | ||||||
Communication: | 19.21% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 5.90% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 30.76% | ||||||
Distraction: | 0.00% | ||||||
Interruption: | 68.48% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 31.52% | ||||||
Other Work: | 2.63% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 9.28% | ||||||
Community Life: | 90.72% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0.00% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 9.98% |
*** Raw Data *** |
09/08/2008 7:36:14 AM,ar,"",0 09/08/2008 7:55:53 AM,em,"",1179 09/08/2008 10:16:44 AM,iv,"assts",8451 09/08/2008 10:18:05 AM,ip,"computereinstall",81 09/08/2008 11:08:07 AM,em,"",3002 09/08/2008 11:15:15 AM,ip,"copier questions",428 09/08/2008 12:19:47 PM,tk,"various (including a small break)",3872 09/08/2008 12:45:00 PM,bk,"lunch",1513 09/08/2008 3:20:00 PM,mt,"all faculty",9300 09/08/2008 4:00:00 PM,iv,"file recovery",2400 09/08/2008 4:16:33 PM,tk,"sophos fwall configuration",993 09/08/2008 4:34:03 PM,tk,"sophs fwall tweaking",1050 09/08/2008 5:14:15 PM,hr,"lost file (no go)",2412 09/08/2008 5:40:15 PM,re,"rss",1560 09/08/2008 5:46:38 PM,nw,"conference registration",383 09/09/2008 8:00:22 AM,ar,"",0 09/09/2008 8:02:59 AM,hr,"synk tool",157 09/09/2008 8:06:38 AM,tk,"sync",219 09/09/2008 8:18:34 AM,iv,"first day questions",716 09/09/2008 8:19:28 AM,tk,"synk",54 09/09/2008 8:24:47 AM,iv,"scanning",319 09/09/2008 8:28:40 AM,em,"",233 09/09/2008 8:32:22 AM,ip,"proj in chapel",222 09/09/2008 9:42:22 AM,mt,"bibl storytelling",4200 09/09/2008 9:52:55 AM,em,"",633 09/09/2008 9:55:59 AM,hr,"synk",184 09/09/2008 10:34:22 AM,tk,"moodle demo",2303 09/09/2008 10:34:50 AM,hr,"set up mac",28 09/09/2008 10:48:18 AM,tk,"mac jiggle",808 09/09/2008 10:53:16 AM,em,"",298 09/09/2008 10:59:24 AM,em,"",368 09/09/2008 11:06:15 AM,ip,"explore account",411 09/09/2008 11:10:39 AM,em,"",264 09/09/2008 11:13:27 AM,ip,"explore computer",168 09/09/2008 11:25:03 AM,em,"",696 09/09/2008 11:35:27 AM,tk,"sophos stuff",624 09/09/2008 11:45:17 AM,hc,"ccard bill",590 09/09/2008 12:08:10 PM,tk,"something of a goose chase",1373 09/09/2008 1:00:00 PM,bk,"lunch",3110 09/09/2008 1:23:42 PM,hr,"couple of little things",1422 09/09/2008 1:31:05 PM,tk,"sophos",443 09/09/2008 1:36:33 PM,up,"mac update",328 09/09/2008 1:47:49 PM,hc,"check tech in classrooms",676 09/09/2008 2:19:00 PM,re,"rss",1871 09/09/2008 2:19:28 PM,re,"rss",28 09/09/2008 2:23:23 PM,bk,"p",235 09/09/2008 2:32:10 PM,em,"to assts",527 09/09/2008 2:52:46 PM,iv,"printing",1236 09/09/2008 2:56:32 PM,ps,"tmq",226 09/09/2008 3:09:05 PM,iv,"printing and other things",753 09/09/2008 3:34:06 PM,ps,"tmq",1501 09/09/2008 3:46:06 PM,tk,"shopping",720 09/09/2008 3:52:07 PM,iv,"section break",361 09/09/2008 4:19:17 PM,tk,"shopping",1630 09/09/2008 4:58:56 PM,em,"",2379 09/09/2008 5:02:43 PM,ps,"slate",227 09/10/2008 7:56:21 AM,ar,"",0 09/10/2008 8:13:43 AM,hc,"boot up stuff",1042 09/10/2008 8:15:06 AM,iv,"email forwarding",83 09/10/2008 8:27:37 AM,tk,"spam training",751 09/10/2008 8:29:06 AM,hc,"email",89 09/10/2008 8:32:53 AM,em," a little more",227 09/10/2008 8:58:07 AM,tk,"print mgmt installation",1514 09/10/2008 8:59:18 AM,tk,"udpate status",71 09/10/2008 9:57:28 AM,ps,"cares",3490 09/10/2008 10:02:37 AM,em,"",309 09/10/2008 10:09:54 AM,up,"retrieve phone",437 09/10/2008 10:13:25 AM,up,"irritating arrangements for av stuff ... man i have av stuff",211 09/10/2008 10:23:23 AM,iv,"course prep questions",598 09/10/2008 10:24:44 AM,tk,"switch setup",81 09/10/2008 10:32:02 AM,iv,"ee",438 09/10/2008 10:36:21 AM,tk,"switches",259 09/10/2008 10:39:20 AM,iv,"rotated screen",179 09/10/2008 10:52:48 AM,hc,"some office pickup",808 09/10/2008 11:19:01 AM,iv,"various things",1573 09/10/2008 12:02:24 PM,iv,"mailking reg",2603 09/10/2008 12:44:15 PM,bk,"lunch",2511 09/10/2008 1:31:16 PM,tk,"switch setup attempt",2821 09/10/2008 2:03:27 PM,tk,"network switches and other things",1931 09/10/2008 2:31:48 PM,ip,"printering issues",1701 09/10/2008 3:11:26 PM,em," and other stuff",2378 09/10/2008 3:26:11 PM,hr,"a couple of little things",885 09/10/2008 3:40:37 PM,hr,"speakers",866 09/10/2008 3:44:47 PM,em,"",250 09/10/2008 3:51:33 PM,em,"",406 09/10/2008 3:59:02 PM,em,"",449 09/10/2008 4:01:55 PM,ip,"spouse",173 09/10/2008 4:39:01 PM,em,"eitu",2226 09/10/2008 4:47:43 PM,ip,"email at home",522 09/10/2008 5:20:17 PM,em,"trying to get the EITU to work",1954 09/10/2008 5:28:31 PM,ip,"bbbeta stuff",494 09/10/2008 5:32:07 PM,ip,"bbsis updating stuff",216 09/11/2008 7:32:42 AM,ar,"",0 09/11/2008 7:37:42 AM,hc,"bootup",300 09/11/2008 11:26:56 AM,mt,"crowe seminar",13754 09/11/2008 11:52:43 AM,up,"bbsis update and a little em",1547 09/11/2008 12:00:00 PM,iv,"room arrangements",437 09/11/2008 1:02:22 PM,cl,"forum",3742 09/11/2008 1:27:10 PM,up,"phone setup",1488 09/11/2008 1:28:34 PM,up,"more phone stuff",84 09/11/2008 1:43:07 PM,iv,"classroom setup",873 09/11/2008 2:22:29 PM,re,"rss",2362 09/11/2008 3:06:59 PM,hc,"office cleanse",2670 09/11/2008 3:52:12 PM,tk,"new av form and some e-mail request to deal with",2713 09/11/2008 4:02:50 PM,tk,"new computer discussion",638 09/11/2008 5:17:06 PM,tk,"list setup",4456 09/11/2008 5:21:23 PM,re,"rss",257 09/11/2008 5:25:36 PM,up,"patch tuesday reboot",253 09/12/2008 7:36:52 AM,ar,"",0 09/12/2008 7:42:19 AM,iv,"faweb roster printing",327 09/12/2008 8:21:12 AM,em,"also did some network testing and phone switching",2333 09/12/2008 8:50:00 AM,tk,"some network testing",1728 09/12/2008 9:02:36 AM,re,"rss",756 09/12/2008 9:13:34 AM,tk,"ezmlm",658 09/12/2008 9:13:51 AM,ip,"directory e-mail access info",17 09/12/2008 10:18:40 AM,tk,"ezmlm",3889 09/12/2008 10:40:52 AM,tk,"lam audio",1332 09/12/2008 10:44:30 AM,tk,"maint request",218 09/12/2008 11:47:32 AM,iv,"various",3782 09/12/2008 11:58:09 AM,tk,"ezmlm",637 09/12/2008 1:15:00 PM,bk,"lunch",4611 09/12/2008 2:13:56 PM,iv,"a few things",3536 09/12/2008 3:09:02 PM,up,"couple of tasks",3306 09/12/2008 3:13:50 PM,re,"rss",288 09/12/2008 3:27:32 PM,tk,"disable internet",822 09/12/2008 3:40:00 PM,up,"recaptcha",748 09/12/2008 3:54:39 PM,up,"order monitors",879 09/12/2008 4:04:44 PM,tk,"vendor list",605 09/12/2008 5:24:51 PM,tk,"untangle tshooting",4807 |