*** Summary in Hours *** | |||||||
Time at AMBS: | 39h 24m 30s | ||||||
Time Working: | 36h 24m 34s | ||||||
Planned: | 23h 4m 15s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 9h 8m 39s | ||||||
Meetings: | 7h 50m 21s | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 0h 34m 39s | ||||||
Communication: | 5h 27m 48s | ||||||
House cleaning: | 0h 2m 48s | ||||||
Unplanned: | 11h 22m 30s | ||||||
Distraction: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Interruption: | 3h 26m 30s | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 7h 56m 0s | ||||||
Other Work: | 1h 57m 49s | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 0h 17m 36s | ||||||
Community Life: | 1h 40m 13s | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0h 0m 0s | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 2h 59m 56s | ||||||
Average Daily Time at AMBS: | 9h 51m 7s | ||||||
Average Daily Working Time: | 9h 6m 8s |
*** Summary in Percent *** | |||||||
Time Working: | 92.39% | ||||||
Planned: | 63.36% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 39.64% | ||||||
Meetings: | 33.98% | ||||||
Reading/Research: | 2.50% | ||||||
Communication: | 23.68% | ||||||
House cleaning: | 0.20% | ||||||
Unplanned: | 31.24% | ||||||
Distraction: | 0.00% | ||||||
Interruption: | 30.26% | ||||||
Projects/Tasks: | 69.74% | ||||||
Other Work: | 5.39% | ||||||
Non-work Work: | 14.94% | ||||||
Community Life: | 85.06% | ||||||
Unspecified: | 0.00% | ||||||
Personal/Break: | 7.61% |
*** Raw Data *** |
09/02/2008 7:37:09 AM,ar,"",0 09/02/2008 7:39:57 AM,hc,"backup check",168 09/02/2008 7:55:05 AM,em,"",908 09/02/2008 10:39:31 AM,em,"",9866 09/02/2008 11:54:42 AM,mt,"opening days",4511 09/02/2008 12:08:37 PM,em,"",835 09/02/2008 12:52:58 PM,bk,"lunch",2661 09/02/2008 12:58:44 PM,iv,"asst",346 09/02/2008 1:14:02 PM,tk,"blackboard stuff",918 09/02/2008 1:25:33 PM,tk,"course enroll",691 09/02/2008 1:33:14 PM,tk,"enroll bb",461 09/02/2008 2:01:38 PM,iv,"dead computer",1704 09/02/2008 2:05:24 PM,ip,"do i have a virus?",226 09/02/2008 2:12:00 PM,tk,"bb enroll",396 09/02/2008 2:51:03 PM,tk,"opening days stuff",2343 09/02/2008 2:55:56 PM,em,"",293 09/02/2008 4:56:09 PM,tk,"opening days orientation",7213 09/02/2008 5:27:49 PM,hr,"dead computer",1900 09/02/2008 5:37:00 PM,tk,"em and other downloads",551 09/03/2008 7:32:49 AM,ar,"",0 09/03/2008 8:01:33 AM,em,"",1724 09/03/2008 8:20:17 AM,up,"net classroom and other things",1124 09/03/2008 8:26:49 AM,ip,"home wireless",392 09/03/2008 9:32:42 AM,mt,"opening days aca succ workshop",3953 09/03/2008 9:54:16 AM,hr,"various little things",1294 09/03/2008 11:43:44 AM,mt,"aca succes",6568 09/03/2008 1:23:57 PM,cl,"community values discussion",6013 09/03/2008 1:31:56 PM,em,"",479 09/03/2008 1:54:38 PM,ip,"phone troubles (no outside line)",1362 09/03/2008 3:22:48 PM,up,"print release station",5290 09/03/2008 5:18:58 PM,mt,"new student orienatation stuff",6970 09/03/2008 5:33:58 PM,em,"",900 09/03/2008 5:47:23 PM,re,"rss",805 09/04/2008 7:38:47 AM,ar,"",0 09/04/2008 8:00:01 AM,re,"rss",1274 09/04/2008 8:24:32 AM,tk,"zotero handout",1471 09/04/2008 9:13:02 AM,tk,"zotero",2910 09/04/2008 9:14:09 AM,ip,"crowe breakfast",67 09/04/2008 9:37:04 AM,tk,"zotero stuff",1375 09/04/2008 11:41:50 AM,hr,"trouble with printing",7486 09/04/2008 11:58:12 AM,em,"",982 09/04/2008 12:10:48 PM,em,"",756 09/04/2008 1:10:55 PM,bk,"lunch",3607 09/04/2008 1:28:37 PM,em,"",1062 09/04/2008 1:48:01 PM,em,"asst schedules",1164 09/04/2008 1:55:46 PM,iv,"dead macbook quesetion",465 09/04/2008 2:02:28 PM,iv,"asst",402 09/04/2008 2:22:31 PM,tk,"untangle",1203 09/04/2008 2:36:13 PM,tk,"prep for supervisory meeting",822 09/04/2008 2:42:11 PM,em,"",358 09/04/2008 2:58:58 PM,hr,"vista wireless",1007 09/04/2008 3:55:05 PM,mt,"supervisory",3367 09/04/2008 4:03:04 PM,ip,"password for blackboard",479 09/04/2008 4:20:40 PM,nw,"bibl stelling",1056 09/04/2008 5:19:11 PM,tk,"untangle",3511 09/05/2008 7:41:45 AM,ar,"",0 09/05/2008 10:14:20 AM,up,"untangle stuff",9155 09/05/2008 10:17:31 AM,up,"net tshooting",191 09/05/2008 10:48:12 AM,iv,"supper",1841 09/05/2008 10:58:34 AM,tk,"upload users",622 09/05/2008 11:01:14 AM,iv,"reset password",160 09/05/2008 11:27:19 AM,tk,"upload users",1565 09/05/2008 11:32:27 AM,iv,"wireless",308 09/05/2008 12:27:47 PM,tk,"chapel",3320 09/05/2008 12:50:00 PM,ip,"email troubles",1333 09/05/2008 1:25:07 PM,bk,"lunch",2107 09/05/2008 1:35:07 PM,iv,"moodle down",600 09/05/2008 1:53:40 PM,up,"various things",1113 09/05/2008 2:41:12 PM,mt,"moodle and upgraded",2852 09/05/2008 2:46:53 PM,em,"",341 09/05/2008 3:00:50 PM,tk,"update uploading stuff",837 09/05/2008 3:06:05 PM,tk,"upload users",315 09/05/2008 3:26:43 PM,iv,"data recovery",1238 09/05/2008 3:46:18 PM,tk,"upload rosters",1175 09/05/2008 3:54:31 PM,tk,"enroll users",493 09/05/2008 4:11:40 PM,iv,"various username password things",1029 09/05/2008 4:23:47 PM,tk,"upload users into moodle",727 09/05/2008 4:31:05 PM,iv,"data recovery",438 09/05/2008 5:11:26 PM,ps,"google reader",2421 |