The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 9 September, 2009

4 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:37h 19m 38s
  Time Working:34h 11m 32s
   Planned: 21h 52m 8s
    Projects/Tasks: 17h 41m 56s
    Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
    Reading/Research: 1h 50m 56s
    Communication: 1h 11m 19s
    House cleaning: 1h 7m 57s
   Unplanned: 11h 5m 16s
    Distraction: 0h 6m 46s
    Interruption: 4h 55m 48s
    Projects/Tasks: 6h 2m 42s
   Other Work: 1h 12m 8s
    Non-work Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Community Life: 1h 12m 8s
   Unspecified: 0h 2m 0s
  Personal/Break:3h 8m 6s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 19m 54s
  Average Daily Working Time:8h 32m 53s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:91.60%
   Planned: 63.96%
    Projects/Tasks: 80.93%
    Meetings: 0.00%
    Reading/Research: 8.45%
    Communication: 5.44%
    House cleaning: 5.18%
   Unplanned: 32.43%
    Distraction: 1.02%
    Interruption: 44.46%
    Projects/Tasks: 54.52%
   Other Work: 3.52%
    Non-work Work: 0.00%
    Community Life: 100.00%
   Unspecified: 0.10%


*** Raw Data ***
9/8/2009 7:43:42 AM,ar,"",0
9/8/2009 7:54:53 AM,em,"",671
9/8/2009 12:10:00 PM,tk,"opening days",15307
9/8/2009 12:47:39 PM,bk,"lunch",2259
9/8/2009 12:54:03 PM,ip,"notebook issues",384
9/8/2009 5:13:11 PM,tk,"orientation stuff",15548

9/9/2009 7:50:00 AM,ar,"",0
9/9/2009 7:57:31 AM,em,"",451
9/9/2009 8:03:35 AM,hr,"",364
9/9/2009 8:10:12 AM,ps,"library book",397
9/9/2009 9:25:10 AM,re,"and some hr",4498
9/9/2009 9:46:11 AM,hr,"install re",1261
9/9/2009 9:55:57 AM,iv,"asst",586
9/9/2009 9:58:35 AM,em,"",158
9/9/2009 10:26:46 AM,em,"",1691
9/9/2009 10:51:45 AM,hr,"sync",1499
9/9/2009 10:52:04 AM,ph,"",19
9/9/2009 11:01:08 AM,em,"and set up new accts",544
9/9/2009 11:38:27 AM,hc,"mail call",2239
9/9/2009 11:46:55 AM,tk,"shopping",508
9/9/2009 11:52:52 AM,up,"shopping",357
9/9/2009 1:05:00 PM,cl,"forum",4328
9/9/2009 1:14:17 PM,hr,"stud asst",557
9/9/2009 1:24:07 PM,iv,"asst orient",590
9/9/2009 1:48:58 PM,tk,"shopping",1491
9/9/2009 2:19:50 PM,hr,"outlook",1852
9/9/2009 3:10:23 PM,tk,"shopping",3033
9/9/2009 3:41:53 PM,tk,"shopping",1890
9/9/2009 5:02:25 PM,tk,"orienation stuff",4832
9/9/2009 5:14:43 PM,up,"wireless issues",738

9/10/2009 8:02:29 AM,ar,"",0
9/10/2009 8:02:36 AM,hc,"reboot",7
9/10/2009 8:10:02 AM,em,"",446
9/10/2009 8:17:41 AM,iv,"asst",459
9/10/2009 8:33:38 AM,re,"rss",957
9/10/2009 8:45:16 AM,hc,"mail call",698
9/10/2009 8:50:28 AM,re,"rss",312
9/10/2009 9:06:08 AM,iv,"asst",940
9/10/2009 9:13:53 AM,bk,"d",465
9/10/2009 10:15:23 AM,iv,"various",3690
9/10/2009 10:18:09 AM,iv,"dvd playback",166
9/10/2009 11:18:56 AM,tk,"aptnet agmt",3647
9/10/2009 11:26:48 AM,ps,"slate",472
9/10/2009 11:28:10 AM,iv,"spam",82
9/10/2009 11:32:39 AM,ps,"slate",269
9/10/2009 11:42:49 AM,tk,"classes for moodle",610
9/10/2009 12:43:49 PM,tk,"wireless notebook",3660
9/10/2009 1:13:52 PM,bk,"lunch",1803
9/10/2009 1:36:45 PM,up,"more memory",1373
9/10/2009 1:47:13 PM,hr,"various",628
9/10/2009 1:57:27 PM,tk,"notebook setup",614
9/10/2009 2:51:27 PM,hr,"setup wireless",3240
9/10/2009 3:11:41 PM,bk,"d",1214
9/10/2009 3:18:43 PM,hr,"lost cable",422
9/10/2009 4:52:47 PM,tk,"moodle enrollments",5644
9/10/2009 5:09:22 PM,tk,"accts",995
9/10/2009 5:18:59 PM,ip,"home user",577

9/11/2009 7:52:51 AM,ar,"",0
9/11/2009 7:54:51 AM,ar,"",120
9/11/2009 8:01:28 AM,ps,"espn",397
9/11/2009 8:02:08 AM,em,"",40
9/11/2009 8:16:57 AM,re,"rss",889
9/11/2009 8:43:53 AM,iv,"asst (network switch setup issues)",1616
9/11/2009 8:48:12 AM,em,"",259
9/11/2009 9:09:41 AM,iv,"asst",1289
9/11/2009 9:33:40 AM,iv,"moodle questions",1439
9/11/2009 10:04:52 AM,tk,"computer setup",1872
9/11/2009 10:23:45 AM,hc,"office",1133
9/11/2009 10:26:48 AM,tk,"computer reinstall",183
9/11/2009 10:35:41 AM,hr,"computer setup",533
9/11/2009 10:37:28 AM,ip,"computer consultation",107
9/11/2009 10:40:56 AM,ip,"moodle images",208
9/11/2009 10:48:34 AM,ps,"538",458
9/11/2009 10:51:24 AM,hr,"computer setup",170
9/11/2009 10:59:00 AM,ip,"moodle",456
9/11/2009 11:14:17 AM,tk,"zimbra stuff",917
9/11/2009 11:16:57 AM,ip,"webex",160
9/11/2009 11:27:48 AM,hr,"student computer",651
9/11/2009 11:32:40 AM,ip,"something or other",292
9/11/2009 11:39:26 AM,di,"misc",406
9/11/2009 11:48:11 AM,iv,"",525
9/11/2009 11:56:57 AM,ps,"espn",526
9/11/2009 12:20:14 PM,up,"setup new computer",1397
9/11/2009 12:24:32 PM,up,"student computer",258
9/11/2009 1:01:46 PM,bk,"lunch",2234
9/11/2009 1:48:13 PM,hr,"comps",2787
9/11/2009 2:32:51 PM,tk,"network setup",2678
9/11/2009 2:46:03 PM,ps,"tea",792
9/11/2009 2:50:50 PM,tk,"network things",287
9/11/2009 4:00:32 PM,iv,"software installation",4182
9/11/2009 5:01:47 PM,hr,"student computer",3675