The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 11 November, 2009

5 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:46h 59m 9s
  Time Working:39h 49m 42s
   Planned: 21h 40m 51s
    Projects/Tasks: 10h 0m 32s
    Meetings: 3h 8m 49s
    Reading/Research: 5h 26m 19s
    Communication: 2h 8m 26s
    House cleaning: 0h 56m 45s
   Unplanned: 16h 31m 17s
    Distraction: 0h 0m 0s
    Interruption: 9h 44m 58s
    Projects/Tasks: 6h 46m 19s
   Other Work: 1h 37m 34s
    Non-work Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Community Life: 1h 37m 34s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:7h 9m 27s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 23m 49s
  Average Daily Working Time:7h 57m 56s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:84.77%
   Planned: 54.44%
    Projects/Tasks: 46.16%
    Meetings: 14.51%
    Reading/Research: 25.08%
    Communication: 9.87%
    House cleaning: 4.36%
   Unplanned: 41.48%
    Distraction: 0.00%
    Interruption: 59.01%
    Projects/Tasks: 40.99%
   Other Work: 4.08%
    Non-work Work: 0.00%
    Community Life: 100.00%
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
11/9/2009 7:53:43 AM,ar,"",0
11/9/2009 8:42:09 AM,em,"",2906
11/9/2009 8:44:24 AM,em,"",135
11/9/2009 8:56:00 AM,vi,"",696
11/9/2009 9:01:56 AM,iv,"issues with IE",356
11/9/2009 9:13:46 AM,bk,"",710
11/9/2009 9:14:44 AM,re,"c-right",58
11/9/2009 9:19:02 AM,iv,"dp",258
11/9/2009 9:22:32 AM,ip,"deleted e-mail",210
11/9/2009 9:53:19 AM,re,"c-right",1847
11/9/2009 10:15:00 AM,bk,"monday",1301
11/9/2009 10:19:04 AM,re,"c-right",244
11/9/2009 10:36:21 AM,iv,"paper troubles",1037
11/9/2009 11:10:57 AM,iv,"malware scan",2076
11/9/2009 11:18:28 AM,re,"c-right",451
11/9/2009 11:24:27 AM,iv,"skype issue",359
11/9/2009 11:45:14 AM,re,"c-right",1247
11/9/2009 11:46:46 AM,iv,"computer issue",92
11/9/2009 11:58:00 AM,iv,"printing",674
11/9/2009 12:04:01 PM,iv,"banner",361
11/9/2009 12:12:43 PM,re,"c-right",522
11/9/2009 12:15:22 PM,re,"rss",159
11/9/2009 12:16:34 PM,re,"rss",72
11/9/2009 1:00:53 PM,bk,"lunch",2659
11/9/2009 1:30:30 PM,tk,"webstats for reweb/faweb",1777
11/9/2009 1:59:22 PM,iv,"cleaning",1732
11/9/2009 2:10:43 PM,tk,"log file checking",681
11/9/2009 2:19:23 PM,hr,"file types",520
11/9/2009 3:57:20 PM,tk,"web stats setup",5877
11/9/2009 4:04:24 PM,iv,"",424
11/9/2009 4:09:20 PM,bk,"water",296
11/9/2009 4:39:27 PM,hr,"restarting myambs",1807
11/9/2009 4:41:31 PM,ps,"espn",124
11/9/2009 4:47:00 PM,bk,"",329
11/9/2009 4:52:17 PM,em,"",317
11/9/2009 4:58:33 PM,iv,"",376
11/9/2009 4:59:45 PM,hc,"backup change",72
11/9/2009 5:04:53 PM,re,"",308

11/10/2009 7:59:17 AM,ar,"",0
11/10/2009 8:08:18 AM,em,"",541
11/10/2009 8:29:32 AM,re,"rss",1274
11/10/2009 8:33:04 AM,iv,"sabb pastor",212
11/10/2009 8:39:31 AM,hc,"spiceworks",387
11/10/2009 8:48:00 AM,hc,"vacation chart",509
11/10/2009 8:52:51 AM,up,"why no power?",291
11/10/2009 8:55:22 AM,hc,"vacation chart",151
11/10/2009 8:59:18 AM,ps,"fantasy",236
11/10/2009 9:01:15 AM,em,"",117
11/10/2009 10:09:42 AM,iv,"tech",4107
11/10/2009 10:17:19 AM,up,"ac adapter",457
11/10/2009 10:33:34 AM,tk,"netclassroom stuff",975
11/10/2009 11:03:09 AM,vi,"stuff",1775
11/10/2009 11:41:12 AM,hr,"",2283
11/10/2009 12:03:55 PM,tk,"webstats",1363
11/10/2009 12:09:37 PM,ps,"espn",342
11/10/2009 12:12:32 PM,re,"rss",175
11/10/2009 1:17:06 PM,bk,"lunch",3874
11/10/2009 1:18:56 PM,ps,"tmq",110
11/10/2009 1:22:27 PM,iv,"student satisfaction",211
11/10/2009 1:26:00 PM,iv,"satisfaction",213
11/10/2009 1:35:57 PM,ps,"tmq",597
11/10/2009 1:48:19 PM,hr,"",742
11/10/2009 2:02:38 PM,hr,"",859
11/10/2009 2:27:07 PM,tk,"acct del script",1469
11/10/2009 2:34:57 PM,iv,"asst",470
11/10/2009 2:38:14 PM,hr,"deleted document?",197
11/10/2009 2:41:50 PM,tk,"acct delete",216
11/10/2009 2:50:57 PM,re,"rss",547
11/10/2009 3:18:01 PM,tk,"acct deletion script",1624
11/10/2009 3:19:17 PM,ip,"spouse",76
11/10/2009 3:22:17 PM,hr,"lost file",180
11/10/2009 4:13:26 PM,up,"impromptu training",3069
11/10/2009 4:31:24 PM,up,"printouts",1078
11/10/2009 4:51:15 PM,tk,"delete acct script",1191
11/10/2009 5:01:25 PM,tk,"handouts",610

11/11/2009 7:39:57 AM,ar,"",0
11/11/2009 7:42:32 AM,em,"",155
11/11/2009 7:51:15 AM,hc,"boot up tasks",523
11/11/2009 8:15:20 AM,re,"rss",1445
11/11/2009 8:17:25 AM,ps,"CARES cancellation (v-day parade)",125
11/11/2009 8:40:00 AM,re,"rss and some email regarding video of lessig educause presentation",1355
11/11/2009 8:44:10 AM,ip,"",250
11/11/2009 10:49:00 AM,iv,"new computer fixing",7490
11/11/2009 11:05:00 AM,mt,"speaker prep",960
11/11/2009 11:19:55 AM,iv,"new computer fixing",895
11/11/2009 11:21:42 AM,em,"",107
11/11/2009 11:24:54 AM,up,"myambs",192
11/11/2009 12:02:56 PM,up,"setup lambright",2282
11/11/2009 12:12:26 PM,re,"rss",570
11/11/2009 12:14:47 PM,ps,"espn",141
11/11/2009 1:26:24 PM,bk,"lunch",4297
11/11/2009 1:48:11 PM,iv,"asst prep",1307
11/11/2009 1:56:19 PM,ps,"treats",488
11/11/2009 2:41:37 PM,tk,"acct script",2718
11/11/2009 2:55:14 PM,ip,"lenovo bsod",817
11/11/2009 3:13:05 PM,tk,"acct deletion",1071
11/11/2009 3:30:31 PM,tk,"acct script",1046
11/11/2009 3:44:53 PM,tk,"acct delete script",862
11/11/2009 3:48:34 PM,bk,"water",221
11/11/2009 3:58:24 PM,re,"rss",590
11/11/2009 4:01:09 PM,hr,"board info stuff",165
11/11/2009 4:10:08 PM,re,"rss",539
11/11/2009 4:12:37 PM,tk,"notebook update",149
11/11/2009 4:38:44 PM,tk,"blackbaud",1567
11/11/2009 5:56:05 PM,ps,"phenom",4641

11/12/2009 7:52:00 AM,ar,"",0
11/12/2009 7:56:53 AM,hc,"boot up stuff",293
11/12/2009 8:00:22 AM,hc,"logs",209
11/12/2009 8:00:51 AM,re,"rss",29
11/12/2009 8:03:15 AM,ip,"quicken",144
11/12/2009 8:25:58 AM,re,"rss",1363
11/12/2009 9:07:04 AM,hr,"mail not received",2466
11/12/2009 9:40:24 AM,iv,"virus",2000
11/12/2009 9:42:16 AM,ip,"language bar",112
11/12/2009 9:45:10 AM,em,"",174
11/12/2009 9:59:24 AM,iv,"virus trouble",854
11/12/2009 10:02:30 AM,tk,"webstats",186
11/12/2009 10:19:24 AM,tk,"safari",1014
11/12/2009 11:43:36 AM,mt,"faweb training",5052
11/12/2009 11:51:36 AM,iv,"payment and re stuff",480
11/12/2009 1:07:23 PM,cl,"forum",4547
11/12/2009 1:12:59 PM,tk,"acct deletion",336
11/12/2009 1:19:37 PM,re,"rss",398
11/12/2009 1:19:42 PM,iv,"speakers in classroom",5
11/12/2009 1:26:37 PM,re,"rss",415
11/12/2009 1:31:44 PM,tk,"acct deletion script",307
11/12/2009 2:06:25 PM,tk,"webstats",2081
11/12/2009 2:13:30 PM,up,"export video",425
11/12/2009 2:51:37 PM,mt,"fac training",2287
11/12/2009 2:52:52 PM,em,"",75
11/12/2009 3:03:08 PM,ip,"printer issue in library",616
11/12/2009 3:19:16 PM,re,"rss",968
11/12/2009 3:28:00 PM,ip,"reinstall",524
11/12/2009 3:36:28 PM,ps,"espn",508
11/12/2009 4:02:37 PM,tk,"acct stuff",1569
11/12/2009 4:03:23 PM,ip,"spouse",46
11/12/2009 4:09:39 PM,bk,"water",376
11/12/2009 4:37:23 PM,tk,"acct deletion script",1664
11/12/2009 4:46:00 PM,ip,"uhoh",517
11/12/2009 5:00:19 PM,tk,"account scripting",859
11/12/2009 5:09:04 PM,up,"evernote testing",525

11/13/2009 8:00:37 AM,ar,"",0
11/13/2009 8:03:51 AM,hc,"",194
11/13/2009 8:09:02 AM,hr,"overhead",311
11/13/2009 8:18:53 AM,hc,"logs",591
11/13/2009 8:47:22 AM,re,"rss",1709
11/13/2009 8:55:00 AM,hr,"printer",458
11/13/2009 9:45:30 AM,mt,"",3030
11/13/2009 9:47:49 AM,em,"",139
11/13/2009 9:55:00 AM,ip,"faweb",431
11/13/2009 10:16:47 AM,cl,"seminario break",1307
11/13/2009 10:22:55 AM,em,"",368
11/13/2009 11:07:22 AM,up,"shopping",2667
11/13/2009 11:15:18 AM,hc,"bulletin board",476
11/13/2009 11:18:39 AM,em,"",201
11/13/2009 11:33:28 AM,up,"shopping and cable checking",889
11/13/2009 11:55:42 AM,iv,"fmr asst",1334
11/13/2009 12:11:26 PM,hr,"printer issues",944
11/13/2009 1:08:19 PM,bk,"lunch",3413
11/13/2009 1:34:57 PM,re,"free tools",1598
11/13/2009 1:44:08 PM,iv,"word diagram and e-mail addresses",551
11/13/2009 1:49:14 PM,re,"free soft",306
11/13/2009 2:42:22 PM,iv,"notebook consultation",3188
11/13/2009 2:48:10 PM,tk,"ppt",348
11/13/2009 2:53:03 PM,iv,"word to powerpoint",293
11/13/2009 3:09:22 PM,bk,"ping pong",979
11/13/2009 3:28:32 PM,tk,"password management",1150
11/13/2009 3:51:42 PM,re,"rss",1390
11/13/2009 4:47:04 PM,tk,"lambright myster pipe",3322
11/13/2009 4:53:50 PM,up,"backup drive size",406
11/13/2009 5:03:06 PM,up,"google wave invite seeking",556
11/13/2009 5:13:16 PM,up,"backup issues",610