The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Work Summary for the Week ending Friday, 4 November, 2009

5 days summarized below

*** Summary in Hours *** 
  Time at AMBS:44h 38m 0s
  Time Working:38h 12m 47s
   Planned: 17h 24m 30s
    Projects/Tasks: 4h 38m 14s
    Meetings: 3h 22m 37s
    Reading/Research: 5h 20m 42s
    Communication: 3h 12m 47s
    House cleaning: 0h 50m 10s
   Unplanned: 18h 52m 59s
    Distraction: 0h 0m 0s
    Interruption: 5h 12m 24s
    Projects/Tasks: 13h 40m 35s
   Other Work: 1h 55m 18s
    Non-work Work: 0h 0m 0s
    Community Life: 1h 55m 18s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Personal/Break:6h 25m 13s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:8h 55m 36s
  Average Daily Working Time:7h 38m 33s

*** Summary in Percent *** 
  Time Working:85.62%
   Planned: 45.56%
    Projects/Tasks: 26.64%
    Meetings: 19.40%
    Reading/Research: 30.70%
    Communication: 18.46%
    House cleaning: 4.80%
   Unplanned: 49.42%
    Distraction: 0.00%
    Interruption: 27.57%
    Projects/Tasks: 72.43%
   Other Work: 5.03%
    Non-work Work: 0.00%
    Community Life: 100.00%
   Unspecified: 0.00%


*** Raw Data ***
11/2/2009 7:52:42 AM,ar,"",0
11/2/2009 7:59:00 AM,em,"",378
11/2/2009 8:02:46 AM,hc,"dst repair",226
11/2/2009 8:21:42 AM,re,"rss",1136
11/2/2009 8:45:32 AM,iv,"fmrasst",1430
11/2/2009 9:13:04 AM,tk,"lambright projector hanging",1652
11/2/2009 10:00:00 AM,hr,"fix audio",2816
11/2/2009 10:22:14 AM,bk,"monday",1334
11/2/2009 10:28:45 AM,re,"rss",391
11/2/2009 10:38:10 AM,hc,"paycheck time",565
11/2/2009 10:41:16 AM,re,"rss",186
11/2/2009 10:45:06 AM,iv,"fmr asst",230
11/2/2009 10:55:22 AM,re,"rss",616
11/2/2009 11:07:01 AM,hr,"rescued documents",699
11/2/2009 11:19:26 AM,re,"rss",745
11/2/2009 12:00:35 PM,up,"survey reprogramming",2469
11/2/2009 12:14:39 PM,ps,"espn",844
11/2/2009 12:57:01 PM,bk,"lunch",2542
11/2/2009 1:35:42 PM,up,"projector in lambright",2321
11/2/2009 1:44:47 PM,up,"us signal update phone number",545
11/2/2009 2:10:55 PM,hr,"kyocera printer",1568
11/2/2009 2:20:16 PM,cl,"fountain repair",561
11/2/2009 2:24:39 PM,hc,"mail call",263
11/2/2009 2:33:59 PM,tk,"new power strip",560
11/2/2009 2:43:11 PM,up,"itunes u",552
11/2/2009 2:50:35 PM,em,"",444
11/2/2009 3:32:53 PM,tk,"acct deletion script tweaking",2538
11/2/2009 3:46:12 PM,hr,"variuos",799
11/2/2009 3:50:18 PM,re,"rss",246
11/2/2009 4:02:31 PM,hc,"",733
11/2/2009 4:14:18 PM,tk,"acct delete script",707
11/2/2009 4:39:22 PM,ip,"export and report",1504
11/2/2009 4:52:51 PM,ip,"projection in Lambright",809
11/2/2009 5:00:20 PM,ip,"lambright projection",449
11/2/2009 5:03:15 PM,em,"",175

11/3/2009 7:56:18 AM,ar,"",0
11/3/2009 8:32:45 AM,em,"",2187
11/3/2009 8:44:00 AM,re,"rss",675
11/3/2009 8:48:18 AM,ip,"calendar access",258
11/3/2009 8:59:56 AM,re,"rss",698
11/3/2009 9:00:57 AM,hr,"myambs",61
11/3/2009 9:13:38 AM,re,"rss",761
11/3/2009 9:16:44 AM,ip,"lam projection",186
11/3/2009 9:27:59 AM,re,"rss",675
11/3/2009 9:55:48 AM,hr,"slow login exploration",1669
11/3/2009 10:21:08 AM,up,"shopping",1520
11/3/2009 10:26:33 AM,iv,"printing",325
11/3/2009 10:32:39 AM,up,"shopping",366
11/3/2009 10:33:25 AM,ip,"moodle",46
11/3/2009 10:35:50 AM,hr,"various",145
11/3/2009 10:36:23 AM,ip,"outlook report",33
11/3/2009 11:02:18 AM,re,"wave",1555
11/3/2009 11:19:54 AM,hc,"mailcall",1056
11/3/2009 11:31:44 AM,em,"",710
11/3/2009 11:35:56 AM,iv,"speakers",252
11/3/2009 11:44:24 AM,vi,"",508
11/3/2009 11:50:59 AM,re,"rss",395
11/3/2009 11:51:46 AM,ip,"moodle-less panic",47
11/3/2009 11:54:41 AM,re,"rss",175
11/3/2009 12:48:50 PM,bk,"lunch",3249
11/3/2009 12:52:22 PM,ps,"espn",212
11/3/2009 1:10:58 PM,hr,"myambs instruction manual",1116
11/3/2009 1:11:05 PM,iv,"distance ed thingie",7
11/3/2009 1:16:27 PM,hr,"myambs",322
11/3/2009 1:18:40 PM,iv,"asst",133
11/3/2009 1:53:06 PM,hr,"computer repair call",2066
11/3/2009 1:58:02 PM,re,"rss",296
11/3/2009 2:11:23 PM,bk,"d",801
11/3/2009 2:39:37 PM,hr,"cloning",1694
11/3/2009 2:52:12 PM,tk,"acct del scripting",755
11/3/2009 3:07:46 PM,iv,"remote assistance",934
11/3/2009 3:11:45 PM,up,"cloning",239
11/3/2009 3:33:34 PM,ip,"survey",1309
11/3/2009 3:50:08 PM,hr,"em",994
11/3/2009 3:52:37 PM,iv,"fmrasst",149
11/3/2009 3:59:59 PM,re,"moodle",442
11/3/2009 4:06:08 PM,re,"moodle",369
11/3/2009 4:09:00 PM,hr,"zoom",172
11/3/2009 4:11:53 PM,bk,"",173
11/3/2009 4:16:47 PM,tk,"acct routine",294
11/3/2009 4:21:52 PM,ps,"rss",305
11/3/2009 4:24:05 PM,ip,"java",133
11/3/2009 4:44:44 PM,ps,"tmq",1239
11/3/2009 4:56:39 PM,tk,"account mgmt routine",715
11/3/2009 5:07:15 PM,ps,"rss",636

11/4/2009 7:40:00 AM,ar,"",0
11/4/2009 8:00:50 AM,em,"",1250
11/4/2009 8:13:29 AM,em,"",759
11/4/2009 8:27:54 AM,tk,"course planning time",865
11/4/2009 8:35:57 AM,ps,"phenom",483
11/4/2009 8:48:43 AM,hr,"internet down follow up",766
11/4/2009 9:08:54 AM,ip,"scanning assignment",1211
11/4/2009 10:05:00 AM,ps,"CARES",3366
11/4/2009 10:36:03 AM,cl,"tgiving break",1863
11/4/2009 10:41:55 AM,em,"",352
11/4/2009 11:13:32 AM,mt,"monthly",1897
11/4/2009 11:26:24 AM,hr,"warranty return",772
11/4/2009 11:32:00 AM,re,"rss",336
11/4/2009 11:35:52 AM,ip,"lam outfitting",232
11/4/2009 11:40:48 AM,iv,"asst",296
11/4/2009 11:59:31 AM,re,"rss",1123
11/4/2009 12:15:16 PM,re,"rss and some statistics checking",945
11/4/2009 12:54:05 PM,bk,"lunch",2329
11/4/2009 12:55:36 PM,ps,"fb",91
11/4/2009 1:15:55 PM,re,"rss",1219
11/4/2009 1:24:05 PM,ip,"satisfaction survey",490
11/4/2009 1:59:35 PM,tk,"acct deleting routine (messages not sending ... probably formatting)",2130
11/4/2009 4:50:35 PM,mt,"faweb",10260
11/4/2009 4:54:22 PM,em,"",227
11/4/2009 4:56:38 PM,em,"",136
11/4/2009 5:01:00 PM,em,"",262
11/4/2009 5:10:06 PM,re,"rss",546

11/5/2009 7:45:59 AM,ar,"",0
11/5/2009 7:53:47 AM,iv,"asst",468
11/5/2009 8:51:55 AM,hr,"setup for clc event",3488
11/5/2009 8:54:42 AM,hc,"boot up",167
11/5/2009 9:20:32 AM,re,"rss",1550
11/5/2009 9:34:04 AM,tk,"",812
11/5/2009 10:14:34 AM,iv,"email troubles",2430
11/5/2009 10:33:19 AM,iv,"",1125
11/5/2009 11:21:06 AM,hr,"various",2867
11/5/2009 11:25:58 AM,ip,"spouse",292
11/5/2009 11:33:16 AM,tk,"projector lambright stuf",438
11/5/2009 11:41:34 AM,hr,"",498
11/5/2009 11:51:39 AM,ip,"room scheduling",605
11/5/2009 11:58:01 AM,hr,"calendar",382
11/5/2009 1:12:55 PM,cl,"forum",4494
11/5/2009 1:16:42 PM,iv,"notebook shutdown",227
11/5/2009 1:26:00 PM,em,"",558
11/5/2009 2:00:56 PM,vi,"",2096
11/5/2009 2:08:39 PM,hr,"webstats",463
11/5/2009 2:18:23 PM,ip,"schweitzer",584
11/5/2009 2:19:43 PM,ip,"calendaring",80
11/5/2009 2:33:18 PM,ip,"netclassroom",815
11/5/2009 2:35:21 PM,iv,"surveyizmo",123
11/5/2009 2:41:42 PM,up,"webstats",381
11/5/2009 2:52:00 PM,tk,"vocabulary and wireless",618
11/5/2009 3:02:14 PM,tk,"blackbaud",614
11/5/2009 3:04:16 PM,iv,"various",122
11/5/2009 3:18:27 PM,tk,"seek cat6",851
11/5/2009 3:30:59 PM,re,"rss",752
11/5/2009 3:42:07 PM,re,"rss",668
11/5/2009 3:57:18 PM,tk,"spending approval",911
11/5/2009 4:09:07 PM,ps,"",709
11/5/2009 4:19:50 PM,up,"analytics investigation",643
11/5/2009 4:25:37 PM,tk,"log file searching (cursory)",347

11/6/2009 7:58:10 AM,ar,"",0
11/6/2009 8:00:33 AM,em,"",143
11/6/2009 8:23:35 AM,em,"",1382
11/6/2009 9:25:00 AM,hr,"",3685
11/6/2009 10:45:00 AM,ps,"phenom",4800
11/6/2009 1:31:41 PM,up,"clc webinar",10001
11/6/2009 1:41:15 PM,ip,"printing something",574
11/6/2009 1:57:53 PM,tk,"computer setup",998
11/6/2009 2:09:47 PM,tk,"lambright outfitting",714
11/6/2009 2:23:06 PM,hr,"faweb",799
11/6/2009 2:26:01 PM,tk,"evals",175
11/6/2009 3:05:18 PM,hr,"various",2357
11/6/2009 3:19:14 PM,ip,"",836
11/6/2009 4:04:56 PM,re,"",2742