The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Daily Work Log for 2007 October 29

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.

*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:8h 27m 47s
  Time Working:7h 5m 11s
   Communication: 0h 21m 21s
   Meetings: 0h 0m 0s
   Research: 1h 8m 17s
   Interruptions: 1h 0m 28s
    Phone: 0h 23m 16s
    Visit: 0h 37m 12s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 4h 35m 5s
    Tasks/Projects: 3h 30m 25s
    House cleaning: 1h 4m 40s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:1h 22m 36s
  Personal:0h 0m 0s



*** Raw Data ***
10/29/2007 8:07:51 AM,ar,"",0
10/29/2007 8:34:43 AM,hc,"email",1612
10/29/2007 8:57:48 AM,tk,"pastor computer",1385
10/29/2007 9:02:58 AM,re,"dhcp",310
10/29/2007 9:05:28 AM,re,"survey",150
10/29/2007 9:06:24 AM,iv,"corrupt file",56
10/29/2007 9:06:50 AM,tk,"pastor notebook",26
10/29/2007 9:07:39 AM,re,"survey monkey",49
10/29/2007 9:18:14 AM,ip,"find a file",635
10/29/2007 9:19:44 AM,ip,"ellul",90
10/29/2007 9:24:09 AM,hc,"email",265
10/29/2007 9:35:40 AM,hc,"admin fac",691
10/29/2007 9:43:12 AM,ip,"s:\",452
10/29/2007 9:43:55 AM,em,"admins",43
10/29/2007 9:44:24 AM,ip,"lightbulb question",29
10/29/2007 9:47:34 AM,em,"admins",190
10/29/2007 9:50:20 AM,re,"self study",166
10/29/2007 10:15:00 AM,bk,"monday",1480
10/29/2007 10:34:17 AM,tk,"new employee",1157
10/29/2007 10:35:34 AM,iv,"phone number",77
10/29/2007 10:43:22 AM,re,"sbc",468
10/29/2007 10:56:00 AM,tk,"lost attachments",758
10/29/2007 10:57:30 AM,hc,"email",90
10/29/2007 11:05:24 AM,iv,"lightbulb change",474
10/29/2007 11:22:52 AM,em,"self-study stuff (IT questions)",1048
10/29/2007 11:24:36 AM,hc,"email",104
10/29/2007 11:27:56 AM,tk,"pastor computer",200
10/29/2007 12:01:48 PM,re,"first monday and open journal system",2032
10/29/2007 12:07:04 PM,iv,"reading layout",316
10/29/2007 1:05:00 PM,bk,"lunch",3476
10/29/2007 1:15:55 PM,hc,"email",655
10/29/2007 1:21:21 PM,hc,"email",326
10/29/2007 1:34:50 PM,re,"open journal systems",809
10/29/2007 1:37:07 PM,hc,"email (evals)",137
10/29/2007 1:39:00 PM,re,"repatch",113
10/29/2007 1:54:24 PM,tk,"new dhcp scope",924
10/29/2007 1:59:13 PM,tk,"retrieve printout",289
10/29/2007 2:19:39 PM,tk,"zotero and profile playing",1226
10/29/2007 2:28:18 PM,tk,"zotero install script",519
10/29/2007 3:16:41 PM,tk,"printer inventory",2903
10/29/2007 3:20:47 PM,tk,"printer inventory",246
10/29/2007 3:21:37 PM,tk,"network revisions",50
10/29/2007 3:30:46 PM,iv,"picture size in powerpoint",549
10/29/2007 3:33:56 PM,ip,"spouse",190
10/29/2007 3:36:09 PM,iv,"powerpoint image insertion",133
10/29/2007 3:37:16 PM,tk,"network revisioning",67
10/29/2007 4:00:44 PM,tk,"network revisioning",1408
10/29/2007 4:11:11 PM,iv,"powerpoint images",627
10/29/2007 4:13:03 PM,tk,"mr16mi ip address",112
10/29/2007 4:18:25 PM,tk,"mr16mi",322
10/29/2007 4:35:38 PM,tk,"vmware stuff",1033