The Job Log of Blood on the Lintels, or, Things I Couldn't Pass Over.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Weekly Work Summary for the week ending Friday, 2007 October 8

An imprecise, but accurate on the whole, job accounting.



*** Summary *** 
  Time at AMBS:27h 47m 36s
  Time Working:23h 33m 21s
   Communication: 2h 25m 19s
   Meetings: 5h 21m 32s
   Research: 2h 37m 51s
   Interruptions: 2h 12m 48s
    Phone: 1h 50m 6s
    Visit: 0h 22m 42s
    E-mail: 0h 0m 0s
    Chat: 0h 0m 0s
   Planned: 10h 55m 51s
    Tasks/Projects: 7h 20m 50s
    House cleaning: 3h 35m 1s
   Unspecified: 0h 0m 0s
  Break:4h 4m 2s
  Personal:0h 10m 13s
  Average Daily Time at AMBS:9h 15m 52s
  Averagy Daily Working Time:7h 51m 7s
*** Raw Data ***
10/01/2007 7:46:49 AM,ar,"",0
10/01/2007 7:56:45 AM,hc,"email",596
10/01/2007 8:02:30 AM,hc,"boot up and clean up some cable remnants",345
10/01/2007 8:14:40 AM,tk,"print policies",730
10/01/2007 8:19:25 AM,tk,"print policies",285
10/01/2007 8:22:35 AM,ip,"logon troubles",190
10/01/2007 8:32:13 AM,tk,"seek out policies and evaluate when modified",578
10/01/2007 8:38:58 AM,ip,"printer misbehaving",405
10/01/2007 8:44:29 AM,re,"print satisfaction survey results",331
10/01/2007 8:48:21 AM,hc,"email",232
10/01/2007 9:00:50 AM,vi,"mail",749
10/01/2007 9:24:56 AM,mt,"notebook checkup",1446
10/01/2007 9:27:49 AM,hc,"email",173
10/01/2007 9:46:21 AM,re,"1997 self-study docs",1112
10/01/2007 10:10:00 AM,bk,"monday",1419
10/01/2007 11:18:19 AM,mt,"self-study",4099
10/01/2007 11:20:39 AM,tk,"enroll user in blackboard",140
10/01/2007 11:22:27 AM,ip,"file for student",108
10/01/2007 11:26:15 AM,tk,"colloquy removal",228
10/01/2007 11:29:28 AM,iv,"asst",193
10/01/2007 12:08:05 PM,re,"teaching rsrch seminar",2317
10/01/2007 12:12:00 PM,tk,"remove ep bb users",235
10/01/2007 1:00:00 PM,bk,"lunch",2880
10/01/2007 3:32:42 PM,mt,"teaching research seminar",9162
10/01/2007 3:49:19 PM,hc,"email",997
10/01/2007 4:33:03 PM,ip,"notebook software transfer",2624
10/01/2007 4:42:05 PM,hc,"email",542

10/02/2007 7:40:00 AM,ar,"",0
10/02/2007 7:43:01 AM,hc,"empty mailbox",181
10/02/2007 7:48:38 AM,hc,"boot up after unexpected overnight shutdown",337
10/02/2007 8:14:20 AM,hc,"email -- ulcer-inducing",1542
10/02/2007 8:19:08 AM,bk,"d",288
10/02/2007 8:40:28 AM,re,"educause proposal thinking",1280
10/02/2007 8:53:21 AM,re,"rss",773
10/02/2007 10:04:26 AM,tk,"pull cable",4265
10/02/2007 10:12:07 AM,hc,"email",461
10/02/2007 10:23:45 AM,hc,"email",698
10/02/2007 10:41:43 AM,re,"rss",1078
10/02/2007 10:45:07 AM,iv,"blackboard posting rtf",204
10/02/2007 10:47:30 AM,iv,"chat",143
10/02/2007 11:00:40 AM,re,"rss",790
10/02/2007 11:24:01 AM,tk,"search for network card",1401
10/02/2007 11:45:31 AM,tk,"asst tasks",1290
10/02/2007 11:49:09 AM,ps,"crop donation",218
10/02/2007 12:15:00 PM,bk,"worship",1551
10/02/2007 12:55:41 PM,bk,"lunch",2441
10/02/2007 2:33:05 PM,vi," and iv I can't really keep it all straight anymore",5844
10/02/2007 2:35:30 PM,hc,"phone",145
10/02/2007 3:02:57 PM,vi,"various",1647
10/02/2007 3:09:37 PM,ip,"MVS project",400
10/02/2007 3:12:59 PM,tk,"asst instructs",202
10/02/2007 3:26:41 PM,iv,"video questions",822
10/02/2007 4:01:39 PM,tk,"doc for asst",2098
10/02/2007 4:21:26 PM,tk,"deliver instructions",1187
10/02/2007 4:33:16 PM,hc,"boxes",710
10/02/2007 4:51:59 PM,bk,"tmq",1123
10/02/2007 4:59:11 PM,tk,"return stuff to library",432
10/02/2007 5:07:10 PM,em,"scheduled tasks on mac",479
10/02/2007 5:15:22 PM,re,"mac apps",492

10/03/2007 7:51:56 AM,ar,"",0
10/03/2007 8:30:10 AM,hc,"email",2294
10/03/2007 8:53:57 AM,tk,"library wiring",1427
10/03/2007 8:58:20 AM,hc,"phone and e-mail",263
10/03/2007 9:14:49 AM,mt,"firefox tutorial",989
10/03/2007 9:17:27 AM,re,"journal asynchronous learning",158
10/03/2007 10:06:08 AM,tk,"library wiring",2921
10/03/2007 10:25:08 AM,re,"tech news",1140
10/03/2007 10:43:29 AM,mt,"phone it consultation",1101
10/03/2007 11:48:33 AM,tk,"library wiring",3904
10/03/2007 11:52:40 AM,ps,"print rsv",247
10/03/2007 1:15:00 PM,bk,"lunch",4940
10/03/2007 1:26:07 PM,mt,"e-mail questions",667
10/03/2007 1:56:35 PM,mt,"audio at a distance",1828
10/03/2007 2:31:51 PM,hc,"phone and e-mail",2116
10/03/2007 3:03:41 PM,ip,"e-mail setup stuff",1910
10/03/2007 3:09:40 PM,hc,"email",359
10/03/2007 3:25:49 PM,ip,"ipod lockup",969
10/03/2007 3:32:58 PM,hc,"phone",429
10/03/2007 3:40:30 PM,hc,"email",452
10/03/2007 3:58:58 PM,tk,"library wiring",1108
10/03/2007 4:12:31 PM,tk,"new mac setup",813
10/03/2007 4:14:59 PM,ps,"church heating",148
10/03/2007 4:44:51 PM,tk,"network wiring",1792
10/03/2007 5:08:25 PM,tk,"finish wiring in library area (almost)",1414
10/03/2007 5:08:54 PM,hc,"email",29